
Ada's Mate


I smile softly when I notice Dad in front and Simon next to him, followed by four extremely gorgeous men. Dear goddess, it is like I am at an expo for male perfection. Muscles, tattoos and smouldering looks. A girl can completely lose herself and all her morals surrounded by that amount of testosterone.

“Do you smell that?” I whisper and look at Tyler.

“Smell what?” He frowns at me.

“Sandalwood and vanilla,” I answer quickly. “It’s overwhelming, how can you miss it?”

“Nice,” he grins as he looks down at me. “You’re smelling your mate, sis.”

“My what?” I gape at him.

“Yup,” he folds his arms in front of him. “One of those men is your mate.”

Cautiously I look back at the men that are still approaching us.

“Do you hear that, Taima?” I ask my wolf excitedly. “We found our mate.”

“About time,” she purrs. “I cannot wait to meet him. Which one do you think he is?”

“Are you kidding me?” I smirk. “They’re all mouth-watering, I don’t care. As long as he treats us right, all is good.”

“I want the blond one,” Taima sighs. “I like his curly hair.”

“It’s not like we can pick,” I giggle.

“Fine,” she rolls her eyes playfully. “The three brunettes will do as well.”

“Taima …”

A deafening reverberation explodes as the floors and walls shatter around us. The force of it brings me to my knees. A cloud of dust is all around me, and I start coughing uncontrollably. It is dead silent for only a second before hysterical screams fill the air.

“Tyler,” I cough and look towards him.

“Tyler,” I say desperately as I shake his lifeless body.

“Ada!” Dad calls me and I squint my eyes to see through the cloud of dust.

“Daddy!” I shout back and struggle upright.

The earth shudders once more and I stumble forward before I fall once again. The rattling sound above me catches my attention and I look up – just in time to see the chandelier coming tumbling down towards me.

All the surrounding packs and ranks are invited on Ada's 25th birthday. Four guests walk up to Ada and she realizes one of them is her mate. But before she could connect with him, a chemical bomb explodes. Everybody that has been in the range of the bomb's chemicals is now temporarily wolfless.

Ada is adamant to find her mate and get out of her arranged marriage with the Alpha next door. While searching for the bomber, she starts dating the men in hopes to find her mate.

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1_Happy Birthday
Ada “May I have this dance?” “It will be my pleasure, Daddy,” I smile softly as I turn around to face him. His salt-and-pepper beard is neatly trimmed as always. His warm dark brown eyes are smiling lovingly at me when I take his hand and he leads me to the dancefloor. “Are you enjoying your birthday so far?” He asks as he steers me over the floor. I am more than aware of all the envious looks I am getting from every female guest. At fifty, my dad is still one of the most attractive men in the country. Add his status as a widower alpha and you have the perfect catch. “You outdid yourself, Father,” I laugh happily as he twirls me twice before I am in his arms again. “I wish your mother were here today,” he says nostalgia, and I detect his sadness. “She would’ve been so proud of the lady you’ve become.” “I’m certain she would’ve been more impressed with what you’ve accomplished today,” I flatter him. “It’s not every man that can throw his daughter a surprise party and provide the perfect dress successfully.” “Well,” he grins and nods his head sideways. “I had help and cannot take all the credit. Your aunt Margo did most of it.” My aunt’s name sends shivers down my spine. I hate that woman, but I will never admit it to Father. She is my mother’s sister and she dropped everything to come and help him when Mother died ten years ago. I know I am supposed to be grateful to her but I am not. She is a cold-hearted b*tch and I loathe her and her dud for a son. Besides, I am certain Aunt Margo only did it to get in bed with Father. She always had a crush on him. Mother told me so and I have seen it with my own eyes. But Dad either does not notice or ignores it because he has never looked at another woman – including Margo the Maggot. That is what my brothers and I call her. Margo the maggot. Because she came here to munch on Mother’s corpse. Trying to get rid of Mom’s memory and wiggle herself into our pack as Luna. “I will make a note to thank her,” I reply politely. Aunt Margo might have done this to impress Father, but I must admit that she did a great job. The ballroom is a fairyland fit for a princess. One could easily be transported back to a time of princes, knights and princesses – if you ignore all the cell phones and other technology. “But I picked out the dress,” he grins complacent. “And it’s perfect,” I laugh heartedly and twirl for him when the song comes to an end. The soft golden fabric flows around me in a cloud of sparkle. “Thank you, Father,” I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. “You are the best.” “Excuse the interruption, Alpha,” Simon, Dad’s Beta, comes closer. “Silver Moon’s party arrived.” “They’re late,” Dad frowns. “They encountered rouges on their way here and got delayed,” Simon explains, and Dad’s mouth pulls into a thin white line. “The rouges are becoming an embarrassment,” Dad mumbles and sighs before he turns my way. “Excuse me, Ada,” he smiles. “Duty calls.” “Don’t worry, Dad,” Tyler, my oldest brother, joins us. “It’s my turn to dance with the birthday girl.” “Do I have to?” I tease him and he scoffs at me before he takes my hand. “You look great, sis,” he compliments me as he steers me on the dancefloor. “And by the looks, the men cast your way, I’m not the only one that thinks so.” “Aww, you look pretty too,” I pout, and he deliberately steps on my toe. “Ouch, dammit,” I complain as I concentrate not to lose my footing and make a fool of myself. “Serves you right,” he grins nonchalantly. “I know,” I roll my eyes at him. “Ada, are you serious about marrying the alpha from Opal Moon?” Tyler asks sincerely. “He is not a kind man.” “I heard,” I say softly. My stomach is instantly full of knots. “But I’m twenty-five and still haven’t found my mate. Chances are that I’m not going to either. You know that. The longer it takes you to find your mate, the greater chances are you’re not going to. At least this way I will help our pack. You heard Father, the rogues are getting out of control and Opal Moon is a strong pack. Having them as allies is a good thing.” “Is that truly what you want?” He looks at me frowning. “A loveless marriage for the sake of the pack? We want you to be happy, Ada.” “I love you for that,” I smile emotionally at him. “I haven’t made up my mind, but it feels like the sensible thing to do.” Tyler growls softly and drags me off the dancefloor towards the hallway. “Listen to me,” he says urgently as he rests his hands on my shoulders. “Don’t do it. Things are happening that I cannot talk about right now. Just, don’t do it, Ada. The rest of your life can become a very long time when you’re unhappy.” “I haven’t made up my mind yet, Tyler,” I say confused by his demeanour. What is going on with him? He has never been this invested in my decisions. The door down the hallway opens and we turn towards the men that are walking our way. I smile softly when I notice Dad in front and Simon next to him, followed by four extremely gorgeous men. Dear goddess, it is like I am at an expo for male perfection. Muscles, tattoos and smouldering looks. A girl can completely lose herself and all her morals surrounded by that amount of testosterone. “Do you smell that?” I whisper and look at Tyler. “Smell what?” He frowns at me. “Sandalwood and vanilla,” I answer quickly. “It’s overwhelming, how can you miss it?” “Nice,” he grins as he looks down at me. “You’re smelling your mate, sis.” “My what?” I gape at him. “Yup,” he folds his arms in front of him. “One of those men is your mate.” Cautiously I look back at the men that are still approaching us. “Do you hear that, Taima?” I ask my wolf excitedly. “We found our mate.” “About time,” she purrs. “I cannot wait to meet him. Which one do you think he is?” “Are you kidding me?” I smirk. “They’re all mouth-watering, I don’t care. As long as he treats us right, all is good.” “I want the blond one,” Taima sighs. “I like his curly hair.” “It’s not like we can pick,” I giggle. “Fine,” she rolls her eyes playfully. “The three brunettes will do as well.” “Taima …” A deafening reverberation explodes as the floors and walls shatter around us. The force of it brings me to my knees. A cloud of dust is all around me, and I start coughing uncontrollably. It is dead silent for only a second before hysterical screams fill the air. “Tyler,” I cough and look towards him. “Tyler,” I say desperately as I shake his lifeless body. “Ada!” Dad calls me and I squint my eyes to see through the cloud of dust. “Daddy!” I shout back and struggle upright. The earth shudders once more and I stumble forward before I fall once again. The rattling sound above me catches my attention and I look up – just in time to see the chandelier coming tumbling down towards me.

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