Chapter 3: Pretty Idiotic

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"f*****g hell, a sixty two. Shit." I sighed staring down at the paper. Ryan leaned over and grinned, "Told you this isn't for everyone. Just quit." He said in a snarky pain in the ass type of way. I flipped him off and folded the paper placing it down. How the hell am I going to pass this class? I cursed and headed out the classroom crumpling the test and tossing it to the ground. The siren of a police motorbike came and I turned my head staring at the officer who picked up the paper and scowled at me, "You just littered." He said holding up my proof of failure. Staring from him to the paper I sighed, "Sorry, bad day." I muttered going to grab it. But he held it and moved it away, "License." He said holding a hand out. What? Seriously? I cursed and reached into my book bag grabbing my wallet out and handing my license to him, "Fine." I said watching him write me up a ticket for littering. f*****g asshole. He handed me back my test, and license with a ticket to go with both. Then he said I should be more courteous of the planet. Yeah. I gave a nod and headed to the bus stop getting on and getting off on my stop. Walking down the street, I stopped when I noticed the fire truck. Followed by the firefighters and the entire fifth floor of the hotel charred from the outside. Oh my god...that's-"Faith!" Amelia shouted and I stared over at her watching her sob as she looked to me, "I'm so sorry Faith! I wasn't thinking!" She sobbed throwing herself over my shoulder while I looked to our window. The hotel manager watched us with such anger and disappointment. I moved Amelia off me and walked over to the hotel manager, "Why's my room on fire?" I asked softly. He gave me a sorrowed look, clearly understanding it wasn't me. He sighed and looked to Amelia who was holding her head crying. "She apparently tried to cook something with oil, the pan caught fire so she dumped water on it and the fire grew. Then she tossed the pan in the sink and pored sink water and the fire kept growing." He said stupidly. Yeah, it's pretty idiotic. Everyone knows that if you add water to fire and oil it'll only make the fire grow. Well, I guess not everyone. I sighed and rubbed my temples before looking to Amelia, "I don't want to see you for a good two days. Please. Let me cool off." I said watching her cry and nod. She has other friends she can go to, or her brothers. He's in a good standing, he stayed and got adopted by some rich people. I watched her go and take a taxi. The hotel manager stared at the building, "After they've finished, you can go collect what's still salvageable. Amelia is paying for all the damage. You have a place to stay?" He asked. He was the only place that let us pay cash. I won't find anywhere except a motel and even some motels are credit card only. I lied and nodded, "I guess that means I can't stay here?" I asked while he gave me a soft sigh, "One night. Be out tomorrow evening. Alright?" He asked. I gave a nod and he led me inside giving me a key to a room on the same floor. An hour later, I bought a suitcase from the store across the street and headed into our room. I felt so much anger toward Amelia as I saw all the black and smoke on the walls and everything we owned. We've lived here for two and a half years. All of it gone now." I ran my hand over the charred couch and remembered the first day we bought it. It was at a garage sale, it was a great deal. Going to my room, I shut my eyes tight at everything burnt. Openeing the closet door, I noticed all my gowns and clothes covered in black and some burnt entirely. Don't freak out. Pulling the safe open, I opened my suitcase and began putting all the cash inside. I placed the photo of my parents inside the suitcase along with important documents and my mothers green sweater. A few other things like my dad's baseball hat and my jewelry box also went into my suitcase. But all I had from my parents lives was that sweater and that hat. That's all the prices of them I had and it was so valuable, worth more than money to me. I went around the hotel room taking a last look at it before I shut the suitcase, zipping it up and walking out the room. I went to the new room and showered, eyeing the suitcase filled with money. I had no clothes besides these, and nowhere to sleep. Drying my hair with the towel, I eyed my book bag and pulled it open grabbing my wallet and eyeing the white card. I bit my lip before grabbing my phone and going to dial. The text message from Amelia came and I stared at the "Please!" Before opening her message. 'I agreed to this one but I can't make it. I'm already two hours from the city. Please make it.' 'Please!' With it was a photo of a screenshot. I guess I shouldn't f**k this guys day up. Mine was hell and it doesn't mean his has to be too. Calling the front desk, I rented a red gown in my size and heels before blow drying my hair straight and doing my makeup with what was in my book bag. After an hour, I was dolled up for a fancy date and the gown fit nice. I headed out the room with a small rented clutch locked the hotel room door keeping the suitcase under the bed. I headed down the stairs and to the front entering the red Mercedes. The guy grinned at me, "You're not ginger." He said a bit amused. Right, "Sorry, my friend won't be joining you. I'll be taking her place for tonight, is that okay?" I asked watching him give me a nod, "You're a lot hotter, Absolutely." He laughed. We drove about twenty minutes before he pulled up to a home, he parked and got out pulling my door open. I got out and followed him to the front door as he opened it and I headed inside. It was a lavish party, I drank champagne and stayed on his arm. He would say things that kept me on edge, and his buddies kept giving me a grin of nothing good. I went to the restroom and dialed Christian, it didn't feel right here. "Hello?" Christian answered. I felt the heavy guilt in my chest, "Christian? I know you told me not to, but I went on another date." I said quietly. Christian was silent for a minute, "Share your location. I'll have someone follow you home. What's the car like?" He asked sounding disappointed. I pursed my lips to stop from crying, "Red Mercedes. Thank you." I said quietly. He didn't say anything, "Stay safe. I'll take this call as your acceptance for my offer." He said before hanging up. Fuck. I felt my fear grow but put my phone away and went out the door finding the asshole and sticking by his said. When the discussions ended, I was taken back to the hotel. Only he passed the hotel and gave me a smirk, like it was a secret message or a gift. "You passed my stop, since the hours clocked up, I'll begin a new one." I said watching the road. He scoffed, "Clock all you want babe." He grinned before driving us further from the city. f**k, f**k, f**k. I looked back to see a black car following and then his lights went off. I left the knife at the hotel! God dammit! Don't stress, don't stress, just breathe. Breathe, Faith. Believe that Christian sent someone good.  My heart raced quicker as he unbuttoned his pants, I buckled my seatbelt and he gave me a weird look. We reached a road with dirt fields on both sides, no casualties. I watched him push his pants down and grab my hair in his fist, I grabbed the wheel and shoved it to the left hard and quick. The car spun three times before he braked and let go of me. I grabbed seat and the car flipped four times, an airbag shot out and knocked into my face. I was out.
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