
My Luna is a Witch

lucky dog
enimies to lovers

*Not a typical mate bond story*

When the Crimson Moon and Silverstone pack found themselves in crisis, their Alphas decided to make a coalition between the two packs by fixing the marriage of their newborns. Xavier Monroe, the future Alpha of the Crimson Moon pack, and Scarlet Whitlock, Silverstone Alpha’s daughter. Both families were delighted by this decision and the deal was sealed.

(5 years later)

Xavier Monroe, at the mere age of five, was more powerful than any pup around his age. He was faster, and stronger with promising cognition and sharp senses. He was the star of the pack. The parents wanted their kids to be like him and the kids around his age envy him but there was this one person in the pack he loathed the most, his chosen mate and future Luna of the pack Scarlet Whitlock. Plot twist she loathes him too.

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Prologue When the Crimson Moon and Silverstone packs find themselves in a crisis, their Alphas decide to make a coalition between the two packs by fixing the marriage of their newborns. Xavier Monroe, the future Alpha of the Crimson Moon pack, and Scarlet Whitlock, Silverstone Alpha’s daughter. Both families were delighted by this decision, and the deal was sealed. (5 years later) At the mere age of five, Xavier Monroe was more powerful than any pup around his age. He was faster and more robust, with good cognition and sharp senses. He was the star of the pack. The parents wanted their kids to be like him, and the kids around his age envied him, but there was this one person in the pack he loathed the most, his chosen mate and future Luna of the pack, Scarlet Whitlock. Chapter 1 The Crimson Moon and Silverstone packs merged their land and made one powerful pack. There were two teams in the pack, the crimson team and the Silverstone team. The Alpha and Luna of each pack command the members of their respective packs, and the pack is called the Crimson Stone pack. The plan was simple: get the heirs of both packs married so it could officially be one, and the parents could withdraw from their position by handing over the pack to their children. The only obstacle? The idea of their marriage was no secret to them, and they strongly opposed their parents' decision. Xavier ran to his room after another fight with his parents about not marrying Scarlet. This was the fifth time he smashed his room door in a row and sulked while lying on the bed, “Why can’t they understand? I don’t want to marry that stupid redhead!” “Xavier Monroe, open the door and come downstairs to eat your dinner!” Xavier’s mother, Luna of Crimson, yelled at her son outside his bedroom. “I don’t want to, Mom. That stupid redhead is downstairs. I don’t want to see her stupid face.” He sulked and plopped on the bed. “Xavier! We discussed this before. You can’t say such words about her. We have guests downstairs, and I need your presence, so come down in five minutes or forget about going to the lake with your school buddies.” Luna Regina whispered, yelled, and left. Xavier was stunned by listening to his mother. He opened the door at lightning speed and looked outside. “She can’t threaten me like that! Ugh!” He stomped his foot on the floor and hurriedly ran downstairs to fulfill his mother’s order. In the dining hall, he listened to people chattering and laughing. He was starving and wanted to have dinner, but his ego stopped him from joining his nemesis at the dinner table, Scarlet Whitlock, sitting on her chair, eating her dinner like the good girl she is. Xavier scoffed and rolled his eyes as he sat on the seat opposite hers, and even if he didn’t want that, he ended up facing her. “The Star boy is here! Why did you dash upstairs, glimpsing us?” The Alpha of Silverstone pack addressed him with a proud smile playing on his lips. Xavier was a smart kid; he knew how to get people on his side, and it pleased him when he saw his enemy getting jealous of him. “I had planned something special for Scarlett after dinner.” He smirked, and Scarlet's smile dropped. She stabbed the fork in the meat when she saw her father ruffling his nemesis' hair with affection in his eyes. “That’s such a nice gesture, Xavier. Mike, I have to say you’re raising a fine gentleman here.” The Alpha laughed, and the Luna joined them. “I heard Scarlet once again topped the class. She is a beauty with brains. Everyone in the pack is mesmerized by her intellect. She is participating in going to the lake with the class. I have heard no girl volunteered to go there other than her. I’m so proud of you, kid.” Alpha Michael, Xavier’s dad, praised Scarlet, to which Xavier grunted his teeth. Scarlet smiled politely at the Alpha, showing Xavier her smug smile. “Thank you, Uncle.” “The kids are doing so well for their age. Our pack will be in safe hands. I’m so relieved.” Luna Regina said, and Luna Ava smiled. Both the kids' moods got sour, and they excused themselves from the elder’s talk after having dinner as fast as they could. “Scarlet, don’t roam around in the garden; it’s dark. Go to Xavier’s room and play with him.” Luna Ava ordered her daughter, to whom she frowned, and Xavier’s mouth opened wide. Luna Regina showed her eyes to her son, threatening him with just one look. He sighed and told Scarlet to follow him into his room. Both the kids entered the room, and Scarlet plopped on his bed. All the shyness and manners from before left her body as she lay on Xavier’s bed like a boss, sneering at him. “Get off my bed, redhead,” Xavier said in a warning tone. “What if I don’t, dumbhead?” Scarlett challenged him with a raised eye. “You ask for it!” Xavier yelled and pounced on her. Scarlet's eyes widened as she rolled to the other side of the bed. “Why are you here today? Don’t you have your own home?” He asked. “Do you think I’m dying to come here and spend time with you? My parents dragged me here.” She said and got off the bed immediately when Xavier pounced on her again. “I don’t understand. . . how can my father like you? What does he even see in you?” She mumbled her thoughts, but Xavier heard her. Xavier ran his hand through his hair and sneered. “The whole pack loves me; I’m the star boy.” He pointed at himself with a smug smile, to which Scarlet rolled her ocean-blue eyes at him. “Still, you’re behind me in every subject at school. Guess who’s going to be the topper next year, too? It’s going to be me, Scarlet Whitlock. They call me a beauty with brains”. She flipped her red hair with an attitude. “Beauty?” Xavier scoffed, “I’ve never seen a creature as ugly as you.” He retorted. Scarlet's jaw clenched as she readied herself to pounce on him. “You’re dead, dumbhead!” Scarlet threw herself at him, and Xavier caught her swiftly by grabbing her waist. The door to the room opened, and came in Luna Ava and Luna Regina. “Ava, look at them. They look so sweet and cute. Oh, my little Xavier!” Luna Regina fangirled at the moment, and both Xavier and Scarlet were stunned when looking at them. Realizing their position, Xavier left his grip on Scarlet, letting her fall to the ground with a thud. “I think the kids are too young for this, even if they are fated for each other.” Luna Ava cleared her throat and helped her daughter get up from the floor. “Scarlet, it’s time to go back home. Say goodbye to Xavier.” Scarlet rubbed her back and glared at Xavier. Her eyes were burning for revenge, “Bye.” She said and turned to leave when her mother grabbed her arm and turned her to face Xavier. “Say goodbye to Xavier nicely, dear.” Luna Ava showed her eyes to her daughter and stressed her words with a polite smile on her face. She knew her mother and what she wanted her to do. Having no choice, she walked to Xavier and kissed his cheek, “Goodbye, Xavier. I’ll see you at the lake tomorrow.” She said in a polite, sweet tone to deceive her mother. Xavier made a puking face and wiped his cheek instantly. He hated this, but the fact that Scarlet loathed this made him feel better, as nothing could please him more than watching Scarlet get annoyed because of him. Luna Regina squeezed her son's shoulders and said, “Xavier, it’s your turn to say goodbye to Scarlet.” Xavier sighed loudly, knowing that nothing could get him out of this, no matter how many tantrums he showed, so he gave in and kissed Scarlet's cheek. “Goodbye, Scarlet.” He said and mouthed ‘redhead,’ to which she rolled her eyes and mouthed back, “Dumbhead,” “My well-behaved Angels!” Luna Regina clapped her hands. She and Luna Ava left the room with Scarlet. “Thank you for joining us for dinner,” She said in a cheerful tone. “Thank you for inviting us, the dinner was lovely, and Scarlet loves to come here.” Luna Ava said, their voices muffled to Xavier as they walked downstairs. “For the flowers, mother! For the flowers in the garden!” Scarlet yelled in an embarrassed tone, hoping the dumbhead upstairs wouldn't hear her mother’s loud words.

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