
Rogue Ana

childhood crush
special ability

Ana is a rogue who left her home town and her family in the pursuit of having a great career. She left for France after high school graduation. There she studied hard and became a world renowned chef and a successful artist. Ana opened an art gallery with her paintings. She also opened her own restaurant in her home town. Ana was born a rogue and had no idea of her family history. She had searched for her mate but never found him. She wonders if she will ever be able to find him.

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Ana's Return Home
Ana had left after high school to pursue a career that put her artistic side to good use. She was always a shy werewolf growing up around humans. Ana always felt disappointed that she could never tell her human friends about her secret. However, Ana was grateful that she had friends. She had a boy as her best friend. He was always so nice to her. They hung out as much as they could, which was easy since their families were friends. Ana felt like she was destined for something great. She walked into her grandma’s house, “grandma?” Mrs. Matthews popped her head from the kitchen. “I’m in here Ana, come help me.” Ana smiled and ran into the kitchen. Ana was only 5 years old when she fell in love with cooking and baking. Mrs. Matthews had taught her a lot about cooking and how to measure out ingredients. Ana could cook twenty different meals by the time she was 7 years old. Ana ran into the kitchen to see that Mrs. Matthews was going to bake something new. “Oh grandma, what are we making today?” Mrs. Matthews laughed, “I thought maybe we would bake homemade cinnamon crumple muffins. How does that sound?” Ana jumped up and down, “that sounds so good grandma. Do you think mommy and daddy would like them?” Mrs. Matthews nodded, “I think they love anything you make my dear.” Ana giggled, “there are never any leftovers for the next day.” Mrs. Matthews laughed and started teaching her the ingredients she would need. Stacey walked into the kitchen as Ana was pulling the muffins out of the oven. “Oh those smell delicious sweetie.” Mrs Matthews smiled with pride for her granddaughter. “Thank you mommy. They smell so good. It was so much fun learning this recipe. Do you want to try one with me and grandma?” Stacey looked at her mom and nodded, “of course dear. We need to talk as well.” Mrs. Matthews frowned, “Ana, can you give us a moment to talk? Go ahead and set a muffin on three small plates. We will be back in here in a moment.” Ana smiled, “ok grandma. I’ll start some coffee too.” Mrs. Matthews smiled, “thank you Ana.” Stacey and Mrs. Matthews walked into the other room to talk. Mrs. Matthews looked at her daughter waiting for her to talk. “Mom, he left me. He found someone else and wouldn’t even bother to say goodbye to his daughter. She is going to be devastated. She’s daddy’s little girl after all. I don’t know what to do. My heart hurts so bad.” Mrs. Matthews wrapped her arms around her daughter. “It’ll all be ok. I would like to send Ana abroad to finish her schooling. I am planning on her taking culinary classes and painting classes if she wishes to do that as well. She has true talent and something like this might make her not want to pursue her dreams.” Stacey nodded, “that might be best for her. I am barely able to coop with this.” Mrs. Matthews nodded, “let’s go speak to her.” Stacey and Mrs. Matthews walked into the kitchen to see Ana looking sad. They looked at each other then back at Ana. Stacey walked over to her daughter, “Ana baby, why do you look so sad?” Ana sighed, “I already know daddy left. He sent me a mind link, telling me he left and wasn’t coming back. He’s selfish mommy and you deserve better than that.” Stacey wrapped her arms around Ana and cried. “How did I get such a sweet caring daughter. You know she happens to be an amazing cook.” Ana giggled as she hugged her mom. Mrs. Matthews smiled, “let’s sit down and eat our muffins. I’ll pour us some coffee and Ana some milk.” Ana pulled herself up to the island and sat down next to her mom. Mrs. Matthews handed everyone their drinks and sat down next to Ana. “Ana my dear, I’ve been thinking. What do you think about going to France to finish studying there. Once you graduate, you will go to culinary school and painting. You always enjoy both, so I thought maybe you’d enjoy that. What do you think?” Ana gave her grandma a big smile, “oh that would be so much fun grandma. Will it be all of us going?” Mrs. Matthews shook her head, “it’ll be you and your mom. I must stay here.” Stacey looked at her mom shocked. “Mom, this is your idea, why don’t you go with her?” Mrs. Matthews shook her head, “I must stay here. It will do you good to move forward with your life. We will get the bond severed completely before you leave. That way you are not hurting when you both head to France.” Ana was so excited about going to France. She could not wait. Ana worried about her mom though. She looked so sad. Ana was mad at her dad for leaving. She had caught her dad with another woman before. It tore Ana apart keeping it from her mom. Stacey walked into Ana’s room, “how are you doing sweetie?” Ana gave her a weak smile. “I’m ok mom. I am just mad at daddy. I caught him with another woman before mommy. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. He told me not to tell you.” Stacey sat on her bed, “it’s ok Ana. I knew he did. When you are mated to someone and they cheat on you, you know. It is an awful pain that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I had thought things were better between him and I, but looks like I was wrong.” Ana hugged her mom, “it’s ok mommy.” Stacey looked at Ana, “hey here in a few weeks we will be in France. Your grandma is getting everything arranged there. You will be able to learn culinary and finish schooling there as well as painting. I’ll be there working and enjoying the new meals you learn.” Ana giggled, “I love to cook mommy. I know it makes you happy.” Stacey laughed and hugged her daughter, “your food has always been out of this world.” Ana smiled at her mom’s praise. A few weeks had passed. Stacey had gotten the bond severed with her ex-mate. Ana and Stacey finished packing their belongings and grabbed their passports. Mrs. Matthews stood there waiting for them to finish up. Stacey walked out first, “hey mom.” Mrs. Matthews smiled, “fear not, your house isn’t going anywhere. Once she is finished with schooling, you are welcome to come home. She will be an adult and she will be very busy.” Stacey smiled, “that was the plan. Thank you for this mom. I know it means so much to Ana. It means a lot to me as well.” Mrs. Matthews hugged her daughter, “you both are my world, including your brother. You make sure you both keep safe.” Stacey nodded, “we will mom no worries.” Ana walked out with her stuff and they put their luggage in the back of the car. Ana and Stacey thrived in France. Ana absolutely loved going to school there and learning so many different recipes. A couple more years and she would be completely graduated from high school and in culinary school full time. She had already started studying painting after school as well. She had such a great time doing that. Her instructors taught her so much. Stacey was so proud of her daughter. They flew home on Christmas and Thanksgiving where Ana of course cooked her new recipes for her family. Mrs. Matthews was so happy at how well her daughter and granddaughter were doing. The next couple of years flew by very quickly. Stacey said goodbye to her daughter and then headed back home. Ana was so nervous about being there by herself, but she knew she would be ok. Ana had excelled in her Culinary classes that she graduated early. Her paintings were selling so quickly she barely had enough time to keep up. Ana used her money to open her own restaurant in her town and to open an art gallery as well. Ana faired everyone goodbye and headed home to surprise her family early. Once she landed, Ana headed over to where her new restaurant would be and walked inside. She looked around and smiled, “this is going to be amazing.” Within a couple weeks, Ana’s restaurant was opened and so was her art gallery. Ana went and visited her grandma and mom to surprise them with her early return. Mrs. Matthews opened the door and grinned ear to ear. Ana handed her grandma an invitation, “wear your best grandma,” Ana said with a mischievous grin. “I will see what I can do. Have you visited your mom yet?” Ana laughed, “that’s my next stop. I will be picking you up around 6 grandma.” She hugged her grandma and headed to give her mom the invitation as well as her uncle Travis. Ana went back to her apartment and started getting ready. Ana was nervous but knew it would turn out great. Everyone was so proud of Ana and her opening night at both places. Ana had spent some time showing her chefs how to cook the food. They were surprisingly quick learners and did the dishes just like Ana told them to. Mrs. Matthews and Stacey looked at all her beautiful paintings and smiled. They were done so beautifully. Ana walked up to them, “there’s one more stop we have to make.” They all went to the car and saw a restaurant as they parked. Ana smiled, “come on you two.” An lead them both to the restaurant. Mrs. Matthews smiled, “is this your restaurant my dear?” Ana smiled and nodded, “yes. This is my very own restaurant.” Stacey smiled, “that is so wonderful baby. You are doing amazing.” Ana couldn’t help but smile some more. Mrs. Matthews smirked, “Ana, I need you to come over in two days. We need to compare recipes.” Ana laughed, “ok, I will be over in two days.”

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