
You're On!

second chance
female lead
game player

Amelia, a freshman in high school. She has not much to say about her background. But one thing about her that stands out, are her skills in VIDEO GAMES. She had become a shut-in for years. Then suddenly she aims to create a group of gamers?! Just what obstacles and challenges awaits her?..

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First Day Of School
*Snore *Clang! *Clang! (Downstairs) "HUH?!" [Looks at alarm clock] "I'M LATE!!!! Gotta go! Gotta go! Gotta go!" Amelia. A first year of high school, B grader during exams, not good at sports AND currently doesn't have friends in real life. But the one thing that she excels in is... VIDEO GAMES. She is famous for winning small state competitions while presenting hers, Maryland. Though now, she "retired". "Ugh! WHY?! On my first day of high school and I'm late! GREAT job Amelia!" *Mumbles (Mom already told you NOT to sleep after 10 and WHAT did you do? You slept at midnight!) Amelia runs down the stairs while tying up her hair. Unexpectedly, she slipped on the third step and hit a wall. Amelia looked in a mirror and saw a bruise next to her eye. But her misfortune kept coming at her, she bumped into her big brother, Ayden, then was half laid down on the floor after falling. She grabbed 2 pieces of toast and ran straight to the door then left. "Wait where are you-?" Amelia's mom didn't get to finish her question and told Ayden to send Amelia a text. [Running] *Pant *Pant *Pant Ouh... I can't be late! How can I make even ONE real life friend if I have to stand outside of class in embarrassment on THE first day of FRESHMAN in HIGH SCHOOL?!?! Amelia had been awaiting for this very day to start her "hunt" for members. Amelia had been dreaming to have a a group of video gamers. She is determined to make sure that she would not gain victory by herself anymore ever since the incident of her last international tournament. Twas' 7 years ago... It was a big day of her life, when she entered the semi finals. The tournament was the biggest competition that every devoted gamer would aim to at least be able to enter the first round. But on her way to the stage, she collapsed... The reason was, Amelia practiced day and night for 4 months straight to prepare for the tournament. She was warded and not allowed to strain herself like that EVER again. It was because her brain would stop being able to function normally. Now, Amelia is a 14 year old who is possibly running late on her first day of high school and is most likely going to have to stand outside of class. After 10 minutes of "swimming in an ocean", she reached her new school. But, something wasn't right. The students who already arrived were still standing outside the gates. She was trying to process the situation that she's currently in, and surprisingly her phone tweeted notifying her that there's a text. ————————————————— Ayden: Hey, Ellie. It's currently 7.48 am. Amelia: What are you talking about? Ayden: Uhh... Hello? There's still 12 minutes before school starts. Amelia: Not following. Ayden: See for yourself ? ————————————————— Amelia left the chat and looked at the time in her phone. She was really devastated that she "beat herself up" over nothing. She got back to Ayden. ————————————————— Amelia: Ugh... I always hate it when you're right. Ayden: HAHAHAHA!!! You made a huge fool out of yourself! I even took pictures. Amelia: I'll kill you if you show that to anyone. Ayden: Let's put that aside. Ellie, could you please make at least A friend this time? Amelia: Well? What do you think I've been doing locked up in my room for the past week? Ayden: Well it's at least good to know that you aren't aiming to be a ghost in high school either. Then, see ya at dinner! ————————————————— "Hehe... It's good to know he cares... BUT! That doesn't mean that I'd forgive him for calling me ELLIE after- After... Gaah! Whatever!" Amelia and Ayden, their relationship always either blows hot or cold. When it "Blows Hot", the atmosphere surrounding them would be VERY TENSE. When it "Blows Cold", they would be VERY COOL with each other. But each time they fought, their mom always made sure that they would make up after every one of it. Without their mom stopping them from between, things could escalate into a "WORLD WAR". "Just wait until I get home and get him good! Hehehe... He totally deserves it for messing with my whip cream pancakes for weeks." When Amelia started to drift off thinking of a plan to do a payback, the school bell rang calling her to come back to the present time. Students started swarming in towards the opened gates. Amelia went along with the crowd. As soon as Amelia entered, she looked for the registration counters. She walked for a while and found it. It didn't take a minute for the process to be done. She was instructed to go to the school gym for the freshmen welcoming ceremony. But... *Pant Where in the world am I?! She was lost. She walked for half an hour and still haven't found the school gym. She WAS with the freshmen crowd but took a detour to the bathroom. She regrets her decision so much since it wasn't even an emergency. Suddenly, a girl bumped into her. "GYAAAH!!!" "AAGH! Oh gosh! I am SO, so sorry..!" The girl's voice sounded so timid. Amelia took a while to open her eyes. In her sight, she saw a girl with tawny skin, coffee coloured eyes and blonde hair. When Amelia realized that she was staring, she immediately stood up completely uninjured. She helped the girl to stand and tries to assure her that it was fine. But the girl still insists on apologizing. Amelia was starting to get annoyed and to make the girl stop apologizing, she strikes up a conversation. *Sigh "What's your name?" "It- It's Mazzie. Mazzie Viola." "Well, my name's Amelia. Nice to meet you." "Pleasures mine too." They stopped talking for awhile. Amelia didn't want to miss the chance to make a new real life friend, so she attempted to start a conversation by bringing up random subjects. One thing led after another, they kept talking about several topics and learned a lot about each other in such a short time. Before they knew it, they became good friends. The two kept on chatting until they reached the gym. They got a seat beside each other. Fortunately, they arrived halfway of the entire speech and didn't get scolded. The principal's speech bored the students. Amelia was super excited, but she wasn't listening to the principal either. Instead she was busy whispering to Mazzie. It finally ended 40 minutes later. Their day just kept getting better, they didn't just have the same homeroom, they also got a seat next to each other. A teacher entered after them. The teacher introduced herself as their homeroom teacher, Miss Juniper. Introductions went on and Miss Juniper repeated a few main school rules for students to be mindful of. Now, it's recess time, Amelia and Mazzie went to the cafeteria together. Then again, Amelia bumped her shoulder against someone and not only made him fell, but also made him drop his lunch. He growls in anger. When he tilted his head up towards Amelia, they both exchanged stares... To be continued...

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