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After receiving a grave injury in battle, The dragon King has little time left to live. Having no male heir to succeed his throne, he compels his eldest daughter to perform the mating ritual in order to find a suitable male dragon to succeed the throne in his stead.

On the day of the Eldest dragon Princess' mating ritual, Astarot, an orphan common dragon and a thief who knows not of his origin was chosen by the princess as her mate. His previously 'normal' life suddenly becomes complicated as he is tossed into the political power tussle of the dragon kingdom of Farlok that he had no prior knowledge about.

Being called a weakling and unworthy by the one who is to be his mate, Astarot struggles to prove his worthiness and to escape the grasp of the greedy noble dragon house lords who sought to use him as a stepping stone to the throne in their cruel shenanigans.

Meanwhile, the Ancient one finds the marking on Astarot's body as a clue to one of the greatest mystery in the whole of Jundaq.

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The dark gloomy sky wept profusely in the form of a heavy downpour at the elemental chaos that ensued beneath on the bronze terrains of Farlok. The fissured ground seemed to have turned into a canvas where the beauty of the battle was painted with the colorful bloods of the warring parties. The wyverns took a side and the true dragons were on the other. The two sides clashed with an almost equal might and several magic flew in the air from both sides each passing second. Roar!! A being of humongous magnitude that easily covered the open space on the battlefield, cried out in a loud painful shrill with its spineless serpentine neck arched inwards. The obscure white clouds in the heavily dim sky was replaced by the steam that exhumed the snout on its scaly, horned, snake-like head that was thrown behind by the previous attack of its foe. Suddenly, its eyes glowed bright blue and the slight openings in its body scales similarly did the same. The downpour stagnated and began to rise around it. Swoosh! Swoosh! Upon its head's descent, the atmosphere churned in a loud stir as a torrent of water similar to a tornado, shot in a downward blast from the widened monstrous orifice of the Leviathan before King Choryrth, threatening to wipe everything from existence. The temperature of the surrounding rose tremendously as the huge waterspout shot forward towards its target. Everyone else on the battlefield sensed mortal danger at the elemental attack of the Leviathan. The roost of wyverns and brood of true dragons ceased their battle to observe the doom that approached rapidly. "My world!" Dragon Lord Reombarth exclaimed in shock with his claws lodged in a wyvern in his front. All the eyes on each of his nine balaur heads were fixated on the calamitous attack of the Leviathan. However, despite the disastrous phenomenon before him, King Choryrth expressed no fear nor signs of being terrified. On the contrary, he maintained his stance and did nothing to evade the incoming attack that simply overwhelmed his existence. His long scaly tails dangled in rhythm to the force of the air that blasted at him. Swoop! Swoop! King Choryrth unfurled his platinum-feathered wings behind him in a widespread for a while before he flapped them in a swift flutter. Whirr! Strange characters that seemed to be inscribed in a colorful translucent circle appeared mid-air behind King Choryrth's draconic figure and the temperature dropped considerably following the short outburst of cold wave. What happened afterwards was even more surprising... The torrential waterspout suddenly halted on its forceful blast. It froze into solid crystals from the whirling edges to the very source of its manipulation. The waterspout became solidly crystalized in an instant and the marvelous sight was beheld by all on the battlefield. Roar! Clang! Cling! Cling! The huge crystalline cone that spun for kilometers began to show snake-like cracks all around it and it didn't take long before it was shattered into ice shards following the leviathan's deafening roar. It seemed irritated by its unsuccessful attempt to deal damage to its opponent. It rained of ice shards in tiny bits on the battlefield along with tiny frozen ice droplets. The downpour weather suddenly became that of snowfall within an instant. Such was the severity of a clash between two powerful beings from different realms. King Choryrth seemed to not give a care about the complaints of the Leviathan as he quickly flapped his wings to escape the danger that lurked behind him. However, it seemed that he had reacted quite too late as he felt an alien prong thrusted through the scaly layer of his body from behind. Splursh! Golden blood splurged in a huge gush from the Dragon King's back and he couldn't help but look down towards his abdomen where a stinging pain surged through his body from. King Choryrth's golden eyes trembled setting sight on the dark thorny spikes that protruded through him. He looked behind to see who had managed to break through his defence and he was dumbfounded seeing who it was. "Tsk! Your Majesty's elemental manipulation is really troubling." The traitor's words echoed through. It was as though the words were spoken by the air itself. The smaller dragon whose talons struck through King Choryrth's body was suddenly covered in darkness and he reappeared in a farther distance. He had transformed into a human and now wore a broad grin on his face. He seemed unaffected by the crystalline stake stuck in his chest. "Luckily, I came prepared" Dragon lord Attor casually extended his palm forward and a satchel that held an ordinary pure liquid, materialized in his hands. He calmly consumed the content of the satchel as if he were exempted from the ongoing battle. "Phoenix tears" King Choryrth muttered with a deep frown. An expression that was shared by all on his side. "Attor, you bastard!" Lord Nithe bellowed at the sight of the dark spikes that stayed protruding through the lower abdomen of the platinum dragon King. He was beyond furious at the House dragon lord who seemed to have switched sides to the enemy's. The delightful grin on Lord Attor 's face was so irritating that it made Lord Nithe trembled in spot. Roar! A huge ripple blasted from Lord Nithes belly as he exhibited his prowess as an Echo- sound manipulation dragon lord. Several wyverns in the path of the sound wave had their fleshes strained and torn into chunks. Only their shrill of pain remained to prove that they were previously alive. However, the frown on Lord Nithes face still remained. He was apparently unsatisfied of the outcome of his attack. "Tsk! Retreat!!" Dragon lord Attor clicked his tongue in annoyance and yelled out loud after reappearing. If he hadn't dodged that soundwave he might as well have had his life taken just as the unfortunate wyverns now. Roar! The leviathan though not capable of speech was an intelligent creature. Being the ruler of all the wyverns on the battleground, it called out to them. The red eyes of the wyverns present flashed and the existent rage that had prior shone in their eyes suddenly dimmed. They all turned their backs and fled southward. "Kill them al-" "Haaalt!" King Choryrth cut off lord Dracul who was about to propose that they chase after the wyverns and the leviathan. "It might be a trap..." He warned shortly with his gaze fixated on the fleeting back of Lord Attor "The fact that we made them run with their tails between their limbs is enough. Besides, the leviathan is wounded..." He recounted as he switched into his human form and joined his dragons, addressing them in the process. 'And so am I...' he reckoned on the slight stinging prick he felt inside of him. He could feel how it slowly corroded his internal organs. "Let us return!" ... Light reflected from outside through the glass windows and showered the silver dragon pillars that aligned the corridor to the throne hall. King Choryrth sat on his throne with a melancholic expression worn over his face. If one looked closely, the huge green disc on the crest of the throne glowed softly. ' I am dying...' Swoosh! However, he was unable to finish his thoughts as a figure suddenly appeared in the hall following a bright golden flash of light. King Choryrth stared at the white-haired figure that had just appeared in the room for a long while before opening his mouth to speak. "Alindragel Choryrth Oirsoid, It isn't the time that you bring to me an heir to this throne, is it?" King Choryrth stated in a gentle but cold tone. Male Dragons were beings that commanded authority. They were only caring and loving when it came to their mates. As for their kin, they were brought up in a strict manner so as to maintain authority over them, most especially when the dragonlings were extremely powerful and gifted. This is only done to prevent situations where greedy natured dragonlings attempts to usurp their father and take control of all in his possession. A common dragon would do anything to prevent this from happening, much less a Dragon King. The slight tremble in his eldest daughter's golden eyes didn't go unnoticed and he realized that she was still hesitant. "I've given you more than enough time, don't you think?" He asked gently once again, the corners of his lips lifted to form a small smile. It was as though he was totally fine with Alindra being the eldest princess and not having a mate yet. "Father, I appease you to give me some more-" "Have I not? Answer me!" His tone suddenly turned a hundred and eighty degree. Crack! The armrest of the throne broke under the pressure applied by King Choryrth's clasp on it. The eldest dragon princess was silent afterwards. She knew not to annoy her father. He had been lenient on her ever since on this matter and his patience could only take this long. Even the younger princess was mated already. "Do you not understand your role as the eldest princess, Alindragel?" King Choryrth's voice became soft and low once again, however, the anger within could still be noticed. At times, King Choryrth wished that Alindra was male as it would have been even better for her to be his heir with her talent. However, the problem now wasn't about power, capability nor gender, it was about the Oirsoid family's legacy as the royals of Farlok. He was dying, and none could guarantee that the house lords wouldn't do anything to take the throne from him, seeing that he had no male heir to ascend the throne after him. Attor could only betray him and think of ruling Farlok because of this and he could sense that the other dragon lords were only waiting for an opportunity to provide itself. He could barely protect his family if the time came and his only hope right now was Alindra. She was extremely powerful, and there was a slight chance that she summon an ancient dragon as her mate. In this regard, he would be more glad to place the throne in the hands of such powerful dragon than let it lay waste in the hands of the mischievous dragon lords. Moreover, when Alindra gives birth to an heir, his family's name would carry on as the ruler of Farlok and more so, it'll be the child of an ancient. Sensing the succumbing silence of his daughter, King Choryrth stated his wish in an order "You shall perform the mating ritual without further prolonging." "And you dare not disobey..." King Choryrth's eyes creased as he stated, seeing the incredulous gaze that his daughter gave him. "V-very well, father" Alindra nodded solemnly. She left in a dazing bright golden light at the dismissive wave of her father's hands. 'I think I shall call unto the ancient one for assistance in this situation. I can handle the consequence of Alindra's actions but certainly not another ancient. Not in this state as well...' He thought with a hand placed on his abdomen.

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