


When humanity started to turn their backs from each other, chaos filled even the depths of hell.

Lotus, as they call her, flipped the coin in a single flick with his silver blade.

Thrusting into the eyes of the storm, she conquered the darkness.

"Ahhh. How lucky could I get tonight." Quickly, he snapped my sword back to its place, startling me bit.

Damn! And I lost my g*n somewhere, tsk.

"What the f**k do you want?" Trying so hard to think, I spoke calmly.

"Take a guess? Uhm, you really smell heaven. Reminds me of your jasmine perfumed bra." s**t!

"f**k you."

The asshole even has the audacityto laugh in such a situation, damn it!

"Patience, gattina. Patience."

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In which SHE is
Clutching the head of her red katana, she watched the colorful city lights under the tranquility of the moonlight illuminating the earth. Watching, observing every human being come and go through the shops. Eyes like hawk, conning every move of the suit-cladded bodyguards lurking in the corners of the building. 'Useless lapdogs.' She tsked, the corner of her b****y-colored heart shaped lips lifted a bit forming a smirk. They didn't even notice one of their guards jammed up at the back, swimming in his own pool of red liquid. The distinct sound of the men groaning on the round table with cards splattered on top  can be heard on where she is, on the uppermost part of the highest building in town. Crouching down stealthily, carefully bringing out his handgun hidden on his side, preparing to bring down her preys. 'BANG'  The loud explosion startled the men in black including the people gambling inside the alcove. They started hiding and scramming, desperately trying to get out of the room, looking out the glass, floor to ceiling window . "What the f**k is that?" Giannis Gomez yelled at his men, huddled and walking hastily out of the room away from the shards of broken glass tables and the wall. "Boss, a bomb attached to the wall of this room exploded and five of our men died instantly. Three of them are badly injured." one of them reported, covering their boss. "s**t! Go find the f*****g culprit and bring him to me! Dead or alive." Gomez shouted once more, hiding the nervousness that started blooming in his chest. Though he has a hint, his mind still denies it until there's no confirmation. 'BANG'  "Two down" she whispered to herself while running drastically towards Gomez's direction.  She took out her g*n and pointed on her right then fired without looking. The man dropped on the floor, fresh blood oozing from his heart. A man holding a dagger attacked her from behind which she avoided smoothly moving to the side. She spun around her attacker then shot the back of his head without blinking. 'BANG' The sound resonated through the walls on the hallways on her back but she continued to walk untroubled. 'Three down' she thought. Her eyes locked on her target at the end of the corridor with his guards around him. They started firing at her with their high end guns and firearms while she dodged hot bullets on her way, tumbling around the hallway and also started to shoot them down. She can't deny the fact that she's a virtuoso in all aspects. She grew and was shaped like this and for this.  She's not going to fail. Not today, not ever. Grasping her other g*n on her left, she started firing too. All the people around them started to come out from their rooms scramming away from that floor, yelling and crying for help. When she ran out of ammos, she grab a dead man on the floor and used it to cover herself while she quickly reloaded her guns, placing one back to her waistline. She's almost near her target when the two assholes who were left assaulted her, leaving their boss behind. They continued firing and she skillfully avoided them all. Giannis' jaw literally dropped on the floor with his eyes like saucers gaping at the sight of the person with a red cloak draped around her shoulders. The head of her katana is peeking on her left side while her golden  handgun glinted when light struck it. He started to feel extreme nervousness to the point that he started palpitating. He dropped the g*n he was holding with his shaky hands when the cape clad being snapped one of his men's neck. The other was shot on his mouth and the blood was dripping endlessly on the floor.  His heart was beating rapidly that it can beat a horse on a race, his eyes fixated her red lips which is the only thing he can see. Her steps too quiet, her demeanor so calm and calculated and even though her eyes are covered with the hood, he can still feel them burning holes through his thick skull which gave him goosebumps. "I- I - " he can't finish his sentence because he felt like his throat is blocked with something and he felt like he was choking. The silhouette stopped exactly one step in front of him and his back on the cold exit door. "Wh- what the f**k d- do you w-want from me?" eyes on the ground and voice trembling, he managed to speak. She remained unspoken, not even moving a bit. "I swear I- I did not d- do a- anything! Please spare me!" but the person did not even twitch a bit. He started crying and even knelt on the floor, continued to beg  for mercy. Suddenly, she crouch down to his level then hold his shoulder lightly. "I'm not God I can't give you mercy." her ice cold voice sent chills down the man's spine rendering him to stiffen unconsciously.  What she said registered very slowly on his mind until he felt something long and cold thrusted into his chest. Red and thick fluid started to flow from his chest unto the floor.  He started to feel the searing pain brought by her sharp sword. He slowly looked up to his murderer, his eyesight getting hazy and enabled him to look at her clearly but only one thing is on his mind. "L- lotus" She detached her sword from the corpse and wiped the blood on his shirt then stood up. She grabbed something precious and delicate on the pocket of her cloak then dropped it beside Gomez.  It was a blue petal and it glows in the dark. It was her Lotus' visit portent. Three years and more than half of the European countries fawned at her footsteps. A satisfied smirk and a hiss of the wind, she's gone. 

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