Chapter 160: The Yellow Envelope

1021 Words

Once the potatoes were boiled, Doris turned off the stove and took out the butter and milk from the fridge that she would need when she mashed them. Then, as she was reaching for the strainer, her phone rang. She answered it without checking the Caller ID and was shocked to hear Lucy's unusually anxious voice on the other end. Lucy was her parents' housekeeper. Lucy: "Doris, come to the hospital quickly! Your Father is dying!" When Doris heard that, it was as if all of her bones had turned to spaghetti, and she collapsed onto the floor. Upon hearing the noise, Wesley rushed into the kitchen and crouched down beside her. Then he wrapped his arms around her and asked her what was wrong. "My father is dying..." Doris replied lamely. Although she was not close to her Father, there was a b

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