
mona's test story-2022/5/25


This is mona's test story.

This is mona's test story.

This is mona's test story.

This is mona's test story.

This is mona's test story.

This is mona's test story.

This is mona's test story.

This is mona's test story.

This is mona's test story.

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reorder Star Reading settings exit_to_app face CP arrow_under face CP arrow_under Home Resource management Resource details forward serialize Pending review $0 writerEdit book information 1111 Resource ID: 10915 Source data ID: 0 Creator: 111 Original Author: Supervisor: Charge type: free Category name: Romance Content rating: 4+ Creation time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Published time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Update time: 2023-06-29 19:04:56 Language: ab Tag: 1111 expand_more 111 add sort AllCheck pendingRecheck pendingPassFailedDeleted CHAPTER IDChapter numberChapter nameNarrator nameDurationIs VipAuditing statusPublishing statusCreation timeUpdate timePublished timeLengthOperate No content available. Total 0 10/page arrow_under arrow_left arrow_right Go toPage edit delete_outline add reorder Star Reading settings exit_to_app face CP arrow_under face CP arrow_under Home Resource management Resource details forward serialize Pending review $0 writerEdit book information 1111 Resource ID: 10915 Source data ID: 0 Creator: 111 Original Author: Supervisor: Charge type: free Category name: Romance Content rating: 4+ Creation time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Published time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Update time: 2023-06-29 19:04:56 Language: ab Tag: 1111 expand_more 111 add sort AllCheck pendingRecheck pendingPassFailedDeleted CHAPTER IDChapter numberChapter nameNarrator nameDurationIs VipAuditing statusPublishing statusCreation timeUpdate timePublished timeLengthOperate No content available. Total 0 10/page arrow_under arrow_left arrow_right Go toPage edit delete_outline add reorder Star Reading settings exit_to_app face CP arrow_under face CP arrow_under Home Resource management Resource details forward serialize Pending review $0 writerEdit book information 1111 Resource ID: 10915 Source data ID: 0 Creator: 111 Original Author: Supervisor: Charge type: free Category name: Romance Content rating: 4+ Creation time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Published time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Update time: 2023-06-29 19:04:56 Language: ab Tag: 1111 expand_more 111 add sort AllCheck pendingRecheck pendingPassFailedDeleted CHAPTER IDChapter numberChapter nameNarrator nameDurationIs VipAuditing statusPublishing statusCreation timeUpdate timePublished timeLengthOperate No content available. Total 0 10/page arrow_under arrow_left arrow_right Go toPage edit delete_outline add reorder Star Reading settings exit_to_app face CP arrow_under face CP arrow_under Home Resource management Resource details forward serialize Pending review $0 writerEdit book information 1111 Resource ID: 10915 Source data ID: 0 Creator: 111 Original Author: Supervisor: Charge type: free Category name: Romance Content rating: 4+ Creation time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Published time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Update time: 2023-06-29 19:04:56 Language: ab Tag: 1111 expand_more 111 add sort AllCheck pendingRecheck pendingPassFailedDeleted CHAPTER IDChapter numberChapter nameNarrator nameDurationIs VipAuditing statusPublishing statusCreation timeUpdate timePublished timeLengthOperate No content available. Total 0 10/page arrow_under arrow_left arrow_right Go toPage edit delete_outline add reorder Star Reading settings exit_to_app face CP arrow_under face CP arrow_under Home Resource management Resource details forward serialize Pending review $0 writerEdit book information 1111 Resource ID: 10915 Source data ID: 0 Creator: 111 Original Author: Supervisor: Charge type: free Category name: Romance Content rating: 4+ Creation time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Published time: 2023-06-29 19:03:34 Update time: 2023-06-29 19:04:56 Language: ab Tag: 1111 expand_more 111 add sort AllCheck pendingRecheck pendingPassFailedDeleted CHAPTER IDChapter numberChapter nameNarrator nameDurationIs VipAuditing statusPublishing statusCreation timeUpdate timePublished timeLengthOperate No content available. Total 0 10/page arrow_under arrow_left arrow_right Go toPage edit delete_outline add "if FATHER =0" { MC I can't believe daddy is still angry with me because of the trip with Aaron. MOTHER You were rude to him, MC. We've taught you better. MC I know, and I'm sorry. I felt provoked. MOTHER Don't worry, he'll come round. } MOTHER Oh, come on, hurry up, or you'll miss your flight to Mexico. CHANTAL How many swimsuits have you packed? MC Enough, I hope. CHANTAL Oh, I am so jealous. I've heard Cancun is marvelous in March. CHANTAL Take a lot of photos and don't forget to buy me a souvenir! MC Will do, Chantal. I will get you the first thing I see when I get there. CHANTAL Oh my, I hope it's not a sea urchin. NARRATOR You and your mom laugh at Chantal's joke when your father appears at the doorway. FATHER Here, MC, this is for you. MC Dad, it's a lot of money! FATHER I know your boyfriend is rich, but I don't want you to feel obliged to do anything because he is paying for your trip. +Choice MC (Dad means well. What should I do?) "Refuse the money." { MC I already know that, dad. I'm not a gold-digger. MC I appreciate the thought, but I don't need extra money. Remember that I have a job. FATHER It's your call, MC. We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You hug your family and your friend goodbye and leave for the airport. @FATHER +0 } "Accept the money." { MC I already know that, dad, but thank you. MC I appreciate it. FATHER We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You take the money, hug your family and your friend goodbye, and leave for the airport. @FATHER +1 } EXT. SUNNY BEACH -DAY NARRATOR It's a bright and sunny day on Playa Maroma, one of Cancun's most beautiful beaches. The stunning beauty of the white, velvety sand and the azure blue water create an atmosphere of a perfect tropical paradise. NARRATOR You are lying on a comfy sunbed, reveling in the familiar pleasant smell of the sea mixed with pungent aromas of delicious Mexican food spreading from the beach taverns. AARON Come over here to the shade, honey. AARON You'll get sunburned. MC What's wrong with a little bit of tan? AARON Hey, I love the tan. It's the sunstroke I don't like. NARRATOR You laugh dismissively before his puppy eyes convince you to join him in the scarce mid-day shade under the thatched umbrella. MC I am hungry. Let's get something to eat. AARON I admire your appetite! You've had two donuts and an ice cream an hour ago. MC It's because of all the swimming. MC Come on, on your feet! Chop-chop! NARRATOR As you rise, you feel an intense head rush and are about to collapse when Aaron grabs you in his arms. AARON I told you spending too much time in the sun is not healthy. Now you've got sunstroke. MC I'm fine. It was just a tiny head rush. MC Let's go and get our lunch now. NARRATOR The two of you head to the restaurant, but after just a few steps, a terrible wave of nausea sweeps over you, and despite your best effort, you can no longer contain your food. AARON MC! You're sick! AARON We need to see a doctor! Now! MC No, we don't! I've spent a bit too much time in the sun, it's not a big deal. AARON You almost fainted, and now you vomited everything you've eaten since this morning. This is not a request! +Choice MC (I know he's worried, but his tone...) "You can't tell me what to do!" { MC Mind your tone, Aaron! MC You can't tell me what to do! AARON You're right. I'm so sorry for yelling at you. AARON But can we please see a doctor? I'm worried sick about you. MC Alright... if it will make you feel better, let's go. } "You're right. I should see a doctor." { MC Ugh... I hate it when you are right. MC I am not feeling well. Let's go and find a doctor... } INT. DOCTOR OFFICE -DAY DR TORRES Miss Hamilton, as I've suspected, you have nothing to worry about. MC I don't have a sunstroke? DR TORRES No, you don't. MC That's great news! In your opinion, doctor, why did I have those symptoms then? DR TORRES Well, Miss Hamilton, those symptoms are perfectly typical for your condition. MC My condition? DR TORRES"if FATHER =0" { MC I can't believe daddy is still angry with me because of the trip with Aaron. MOTHER You were rude to him, MC. We've taught you better. MC I know, and I'm sorry. I felt provoked. MOTHER Don't worry, he'll come round. } MOTHER Oh, come on, hurry up, or you'll miss your flight to Mexico. CHANTAL How many swimsuits have you packed? MC Enough, I hope. CHANTAL Oh, I am so jealous. I've heard Cancun is marvelous in March. CHANTAL Take a lot of photos and don't forget to buy me a souvenir! MC Will do, Chantal. I will get you the first thing I see when I get there. CHANTAL Oh my, I hope it's not a sea urchin. NARRATOR You and your mom laugh at Chantal's joke when your father appears at the doorway. FATHER Here, MC, this is for you. MC Dad, it's a lot of money! FATHER I know your boyfriend is rich, but I don't want you to feel obliged to do anything because he is paying for your trip. +Choice MC (Dad means well. What should I do?) "Refuse the money." { MC I already know that, dad. I'm not a gold-digger. MC I appreciate the thought, but I don't need extra money. Remember that I have a job. FATHER It's your call, MC. We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You hug your family and your friend goodbye and leave for the airport. @FATHER +0 } "Accept the money." { MC I already know that, dad, but thank you. MC I appreciate it. FATHER We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You take the money, hug your family and your friend goodbye, and leave for the airport. @FATHER +1 } EXT. SUNNY BEACH -DAY NARRATOR It's a bright and sunny day on Playa Maroma, one of Cancun's most beautiful beaches. The stunning beauty of the white, velvety sand and the azure blue water create an atmosphere of a perfect tropical paradise. NARRATOR You are lying on a comfy sunbed, reveling in the familiar pleasant smell of the sea mixed with pungent aromas of delicious Mexican food spreading from the beach taverns. AARON Come over here to the shade, honey. AARON You'll get sunburned. MC What's wrong with a little bit of tan? AARON Hey, I love the tan. It's the sunstroke I don't like. NARRATOR You laugh dismissively before his puppy eyes convince you to join him in the scarce mid-day shade under the thatched umbrella. MC I am hungry. Let's get something to eat. AARON I admire your appetite! You've had two donuts and an ice cream an hour ago. MC It's because of all the swimming. MC Come on, on your feet! Chop-chop! NARRATOR As you rise, you feel an intense head rush and are about to collapse when Aaron grabs you in his arms. AARON I told you spending too much time in the sun is not healthy. Now you've got sunstroke. MC I'm fine. It was just a tiny head rush. MC Let's go and get our lunch now. NARRATOR The two of you head to the restaurant, but after just a few steps, a terrible wave of nausea sweeps over you, and despite your best effort, you can no longer contain your food. AARON MC! You're sick! AARON We need to see a doctor! Now! MC No, we don't! I've spent a bit too much time in the sun, it's not a big deal. AARON You almost fainted, and now you vomited everything you've eaten since this morning. This is not a request! +Choice MC (I know he's worried, but his tone...) "You can't tell me what to do!" { MC Mind your tone, Aaron! MC You can't tell me what to do! AARON You're right. I'm so sorry for yelling at you. AARON But can we please see a doctor? I'm worried sick about you. MC Alright... if it will make you feel better, let's go. } "You're right. I should see a doctor." { MC Ugh... I hate it when you are right. MC I am not feeling well. Let's go and find a doctor... } INT. DOCTOR OFFICE -DAY DR TORRES Miss Hamilton, as I've suspected, you have nothing to worry about. MC I don't have a sunstroke? DR TORRES No, you don't. MC That's great news! In your opinion, doctor, why did I have those symptoms then? DR TORRES Well, Miss Hamilton, those symptoms are perfectly typical for your condition. MC My condition? DR TORRES"if FATHER =0" { MC I can't believe daddy is still angry with me because of the trip with Aaron. MOTHER You were rude to him, MC. We've taught you better. MC I know, and I'm sorry. I felt provoked. MOTHER Don't worry, he'll come round. } MOTHER Oh, come on, hurry up, or you'll miss your flight to Mexico. CHANTAL How many swimsuits have you packed? MC Enough, I hope. CHANTAL Oh, I am so jealous. I've heard Cancun is marvelous in March. CHANTAL Take a lot of photos and don't forget to buy me a souvenir! MC Will do, Chantal. I will get you the first thing I see when I get there. CHANTAL Oh my, I hope it's not a sea urchin. NARRATOR You and your mom laugh at Chantal's joke when your father appears at the doorway. FATHER Here, MC, this is for you. MC Dad, it's a lot of money! FATHER I know your boyfriend is rich, but I don't want you to feel obliged to do anything because he is paying for your trip. +Choice MC (Dad means well. What should I do?) "Refuse the money." { MC I already know that, dad. I'm not a gold-digger. MC I appreciate the thought, but I don't need extra money. Remember that I have a job. FATHER It's your call, MC. We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You hug your family and your friend goodbye and leave for the airport. @FATHER +0 } "Accept the money." { MC I already know that, dad, but thank you. MC I appreciate it. FATHER We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You take the money, hug your family and your friend goodbye, and leave for the airport. @FATHER +1 } EXT. SUNNY BEACH -DAY NARRATOR It's a bright and sunny day on Playa Maroma, one of Cancun's most beautiful beaches. The stunning beauty of the white, velvety sand and the azure blue water create an atmosphere of a perfect tropical paradise. NARRATOR You are lying on a comfy sunbed, reveling in the familiar pleasant smell of the sea mixed with pungent aromas of delicious Mexican food spreading from the beach taverns. AARON Come over here to the shade, honey. AARON You'll get sunburned. MC What's wrong with a little bit of tan? AARON Hey, I love the tan. It's the sunstroke I don't like. NARRATOR You laugh dismissively before his puppy eyes convince you to join him in the scarce mid-day shade under the thatched umbrella. MC I am hungry. Let's get something to eat. AARON I admire your appetite! You've had two donuts and an ice cream an hour ago. MC It's because of all the swimming. MC Come on, on your feet! Chop-chop! NARRATOR As you rise, you feel an intense head rush and are about to collapse when Aaron grabs you in his arms. AARON I told you spending too much time in the sun is not healthy. Now you've got sunstroke. MC I'm fine. It was just a tiny head rush. MC Let's go and get our lunch now. NARRATOR The two of you head to the restaurant, but after just a few steps, a terrible wave of nausea sweeps over you, and despite your best effort, you can no longer contain your food. AARON MC! You're sick! AARON We need to see a doctor! Now! MC No, we don't! I've spent a bit too much time in the sun, it's not a big deal. AARON You almost fainted, and now you vomited everything you've eaten since this morning. This is not a request! +Choice MC (I know he's worried, but his tone...) "You can't tell me what to do!" { MC Mind your tone, Aaron! MC You can't tell me what to do! AARON You're right. I'm so sorry for yelling at you. AARON But can we please see a doctor? I'm worried sick about you. MC Alright... if it will make you feel better, let's go. } "You're right. I should see a doctor." { MC Ugh... I hate it when you are right. MC I am not feeling well. Let's go and find a doctor... } INT. DOCTOR OFFICE -DAY DR TORRES Miss Hamilton, as I've suspected, you have nothing to worry about. MC I don't have a sunstroke? DR TORRES No, you don't. MC That's great news! In your opinion, doctor, why did I have those symptoms then? DR TORRES Well, Miss Hamilton, those symptoms are perfectly typical for your condition. MC My condition? DR TORRES"if FATHER =0" { MC I can't believe daddy is still angry with me because of the trip with Aaron. MOTHER You were rude to him, MC. We've taught you better. MC I know, and I'm sorry. I felt provoked. MOTHER Don't worry, he'll come round. } MOTHER Oh, come on, hurry up, or you'll miss your flight to Mexico. CHANTAL How many swimsuits have you packed? MC Enough, I hope. CHANTAL Oh, I am so jealous. I've heard Cancun is marvelous in March. CHANTAL Take a lot of photos and don't forget to buy me a souvenir! MC Will do, Chantal. I will get you the first thing I see when I get there. CHANTAL Oh my, I hope it's not a sea urchin. NARRATOR You and your mom laugh at Chantal's joke when your father appears at the doorway. FATHER Here, MC, this is for you. MC Dad, it's a lot of money! FATHER I know your boyfriend is rich, but I don't want you to feel obliged to do anything because he is paying for your trip. +Choice MC (Dad means well. What should I do?) "Refuse the money." { MC I already know that, dad. I'm not a gold-digger. MC I appreciate the thought, but I don't need extra money. Remember that I have a job. FATHER It's your call, MC. We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You hug your family and your friend goodbye and leave for the airport. @FATHER +0 } "Accept the money." { MC I already know that, dad, but thank you. MC I appreciate it. FATHER We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You take the money, hug your family and your friend goodbye, and leave for the airport. @FATHER +1 } EXT. SUNNY BEACH -DAY NARRATOR It's a bright and sunny day on Playa Maroma, one of Cancun's most beautiful beaches. The stunning beauty of the white, velvety sand and the azure blue water create an atmosphere of a perfect tropical paradise. NARRATOR You are lying on a comfy sunbed, reveling in the familiar pleasant smell of the sea mixed with pungent aromas of delicious Mexican food spreading from the beach taverns. AARON Come over here to the shade, honey. AARON You'll get sunburned. MC What's wrong with a little bit of tan? AARON Hey, I love the tan. It's the sunstroke I don't like. NARRATOR You laugh dismissively before his puppy eyes convince you to join him in the scarce mid-day shade under the thatched umbrella. MC I am hungry. Let's get something to eat. AARON I admire your appetite! You've had two donuts and an ice cream an hour ago. MC It's because of all the swimming. MC Come on, on your feet! Chop-chop! NARRATOR As you rise, you feel an intense head rush and are about to collapse when Aaron grabs you in his arms. AARON I told you spending too much time in the sun is not healthy. Now you've got sunstroke. MC I'm fine. It was just a tiny head rush. MC Let's go and get our lunch now. NARRATOR The two of you head to the restaurant, but after just a few steps, a terrible wave of nausea sweeps over you, and despite your best effort, you can no longer contain your food. AARON MC! You're sick! AARON We need to see a doctor! Now! MC No, we don't! I've spent a bit too much time in the sun, it's not a big deal. AARON You almost fainted, and now you vomited everything you've eaten since this morning. This is not a request! +Choice MC (I know he's worried, but his tone...) "You can't tell me what to do!" { MC Mind your tone, Aaron! MC You can't tell me what to do! AARON You're right. I'm so sorry for yelling at you. AARON But can we please see a doctor? I'm worried sick about you. MC Alright... if it will make you feel better, let's go. } "You're right. I should see a doctor." { MC Ugh... I hate it when you are right. MC I am not feeling well. Let's go and find a doctor... } INT. DOCTOR OFFICE -DAY DR TORRES Miss Hamilton, as I've suspected, you have nothing to worry about. MC I don't have a sunstroke? DR TORRES No, you don't. MC That's great news! In your opinion, doctor, why did I have those symptoms then? DR TORRES Well, Miss Hamilton, those symptoms are perfectly typical for your condition. MC My condition? DR TORRES You're pregnant, Miss Hamilton. Congratulations!"if FATHER =0" { MC I can't believe daddy is still angry with me because of the trip with Aaron. MOTHER You were rude to him, MC. We've taught you better. MC I know, and I'm sorry. I felt provoked. MOTHER Don't worry, he'll come round. } MOTHER Oh, come on, hurry up, or you'll miss your flight to Mexico. CHANTAL How many swimsuits have you packed? MC Enough, I hope. CHANTAL Oh, I am so jealous. I've heard Cancun is marvelous in March. CHANTAL Take a lot of photos and don't forget to buy me a souvenir! MC Will do, Chantal. I will get you the first thing I see when I get there. CHANTAL Oh my, I hope it's not a sea urchin. NARRATOR You and your mom laugh at Chantal's joke when your father appears at the doorway. FATHER Here, MC, this is for you. MC Dad, it's a lot of money! FATHER I know your boyfriend is rich, but I don't want you to feel obliged to do anything because he is paying for your trip. +Choice MC (Dad means well. What should I do?) "Refuse the money." { MC I already know that, dad. I'm not a gold-digger. MC I appreciate the thought, but I don't need extra money. Remember that I have a job. FATHER It's your call, MC. We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You hug your family and your friend goodbye and leave for the airport. @FATHER +0 } "Accept the money." { MC I already know that, dad, but thank you. MC I appreciate it. FATHER We are your family; we will always be here for you. NARRATOR You take the money, hug your family and your friend goodbye, and leave for the airport. @FATHER +1 } EXT. SUNNY BEACH -DAY NARRATOR It's a bright and sunny day on Playa Maroma, one of Cancun's most beautiful beaches. The stunning beauty of the white, velvety sand and the azure blue water create an atmosphere of a perfect tropical paradise. NARRATOR You are lying on a comfy sunbed, reveling in the familiar pleasant smell of the sea mixed with pungent aromas of delicious Mexican food spreading from the beach taverns. AARON Come over here to the shade, honey. AARON You'll get sunburned. MC What's wrong with a little bit of tan? AARON Hey, I love the tan. It's the sunstroke I don't like. NARRATOR You laugh dismissively before his puppy eyes convince you to join him in the scarce mid-day shade under the thatched umbrella. MC I am hungry. Let's get something to eat. AARON I admire your appetite! You've had two donuts and an ice cream an hour ago. MC It's because of all the swimming. MC Come on, on your feet! Chop-chop! NARRATOR As you rise, you feel an intense head rush and are about to collapse when Aaron grabs you in his arms. AARON I told you spending too much time in the sun is not healthy. Now you've got sunstroke. MC I'm fine. It was just a tiny head rush. MC Let's go and get our lunch now. NARRATOR The two of you head to the restaurant, but after just a few steps, a terrible wave of nausea sweeps over you, and despite your best effort, you can no longer contain your food. AARON MC! You're sick! AARON We need to see a doctor! Now! MC No, we don't! I've spent a bit too much time in the sun, it's not a big deal. AARON You almost fainted, and now you vomited everything you've eaten since this morning. This is not a request! +Choice MC (I know he's worried, but his tone...) "You can't tell me what to do!" { MC Mind your tone, Aaron! MC You can't tell me what to do! AARON You're right. I'm so sorry for yelling at you. AARON But can we please see a doctor? I'm worried sick about you. MC Alright... if it will make you feel better, let's go. } "You're right. I should see a doctor." { MC Ugh... I hate it when you are right. MC I am not feeling well. Let's go and find a doctor... } INT. DOCTOR OFFICE -DAY DR TORRES Miss Hamilton, as I've suspected, you have nothing to worry about. MC I don't have a sunstroke? DR TORRES No, you don't. MC That's great news! In your opinion, doctor, why did I have those symptoms then? DR TORRES Well, Miss Hamilton, those symptoms are perfectly typical for your condition. MC My condition? DR TORRES You're pregnant, Miss Hamilton. Congratulations! You're pregnant, Miss Hamilton. Congratulations! You're pregnant, Miss Hamilton. Congratulations! You're pregnant, Miss Hamilton. Congratulations!

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