
Losing The Light Of The Moon

kickass heroine
magical world

A Mother’s Return—A Witch’s Return From The Dead—Three Warriors With Vengeance On Their Mind—And The Past Coming Back To Haunt The Sisters Known As The Power Of Three—Jace was the Delta of the Crescent Moon Pack and just recently, designated as the guardian and protector of Raven—a witch who held three outlets of powers to keep peace across their land. Along with his mate, Constance, it gave Jace two deeply held connections that he loved and adored more than anything in the world, until he received news that he least expected—his real mother was a witch—Tatiana.

Tatiana, the youngest sister of the trio of witches known as The Power of Three, spent much of her life hiding in the shadows from her own kind, to protect her from the threat that came with her extraordinary powers—until she unexpectedly met her Crescent Moon mate, Julien. Working alongside the Crescent Moon wolves, she was able to fulfill the purpose she strived for--the greater good. After giving birth to her beloved son, Jace, Tatiana had a life that she cherished more than anything in the world. Until the cards of fate and revenge were played, relegating her whole life to a forgotten memory, much like the cards dealt to her in childhood by a witch that she wished was a forgotten memory.

Thanks to Raven, mother and son were reunited, but unexpected death had to be revisited just as a new threat came looking for the Crescent Moons and the governing body, The Council. After they destroyed the Alpha of Blood Horizon, their pack, and their homes, the surviving rogues seek vengeance, joining forces with Amelia, who helped tear their family apart—kidnapping a future Alpha and Beta from the Howling Winds with plans to tear their family—and their world—apart again.

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The Return Of The Power Of Three
Chapter One: The Return Of The Power Of Three JACE   It had been fourteen years since my mother, Tatiana, and I had been this close to one-another, and she was just as breathtaking now as she was then. Her glittering platinum blonde curls that hit just above her shoulders cascading all around her beautiful, rounded face as she beamed at me with the warmest brightest smile across her face.    Mother’s large brown eyes with beautiful hazel flakes interwoven within them creating such an exquisite gaze as she curiously stared at me, her head tilted sideways continuing an attempt to decipher our connection as we stood several feet apart in momentary awkward silence.    In an upbeat, loving, and comforting tone, my mother sweetly greeted, “Hello, Jace. Thank you for allowing us a few moments to speak. I’ve waited for this moment for longer than you could imagine.”     Clearing my throat, my voice was a bit shaky as I longingly replied, “Hello, Tatiana. You have no idea how grateful I am that you reached out. It feels like I’ve been waiting most of my life to see you.”      Her wide smile unwavering, Mother laughed out softly, “Well, that is quite intriguing, especially as I wasn’t sure you would even accept my odd request. I was incredibly hopeful, of course. Yet, you say that you feel like you have been waiting to see me most of your life. I have felt this unusual connection with you for quite some time, Jace, in my dreams—for many years, in fact.”       Her tone softening dramatically, she warmly added, “Although admittedly, you are even more handsome in person, which is saying something as I have always found you to be quite a charming and good-looking young man in my visions. But your curious statement leads me to ask—have you have felt a connection to me as well in some way?”     My mother had been feeling a connection with me after she was taken away from us? Why had it taken so long for her to find a way to reach out?  My mouth was beginning to run dry as I cleared my throat and brokenly admitted, “Recently, I have had dreams about you and have felt a deep connection between us as well. I wish you had found me sooner, quite honestly, although as I understand from your message, it has been difficult for you to locate me.”     “Mmmmm,” Mother hummed out before thoughtfully stating, “It has left both myself and my sisters quite perplexed, truth be told. We are vastly powerful individually—extraordinarily so when we combine. In fact, we refer to ourselves as the Power of Three. Yet, you have remained both unobtainable and a mystery to us. It wasn’t until just recently that I knew your name, which enabled me to finally find you.”       Looking over at Constance, she nodded towards her, pleasantly stating, “In fact, it was your beautiful mate there beside you that I have to thank for saying your name in my vision.”     I slowly turned my stunned gaze to look at Constance who was standing next to me smiling brightly in return, excitement radiating from her bright blue eyes.      “I can see your two souls are beautifully intertwined together,” Mother graciously said in a soft tone, “There is nothing better on this earth than a soul you can connect with on every level. I hope that you cherish and treasure her always, Jace. She is quite the vision...it is rare to see someone who is the spitting image of the Moon Goddess herself.”  Turning to look at Charlotte and Carson, she added, “Much less two identical beautiful young ladies who favor her so. I hope you too follow my advice, young man.”     Constance’s mouth dropped open slightly, as did mine, both of us a bit flabbergasted that my mother reflected my exact same thoughts when it came to my beautiful mate.      As we were attempting to recover from our shock, Mother’s eyes moved over to Tink, who was staring at her with deep admiration and awe as Mother extended her warm bright smile towards her, “And the third sister is quite beautiful in her own right, as well as formidable I see. I can tell your strength is not just physical, but in an unyielding strong spirit as well, my dear. A stunning combination, indeed, and while we are not born on the same day as you all are, my sisters and I can vouch, there is nothing better than the power to be had in three!”   Tink’s mouth spread into a wide grin, her tone full of both surprise and delight as she asked, “How did you know that we were all sisters? I look so different from them.”   “By your matching auras, my darling,” Mother sweetly grinned in return, “My sisters and I are quite the experts at reading people.”     Aunt Persephone kindly added through a heartwarming grin, “It’s one of our many talents, my dear. And you three give off quite the bright aura of familial connection, not to mention you have the same exquisite blue eyes.”     Aunt Reina looked over at Gavin and Remi who were standing close together behind me, “Just as this handsome young man and beautiful young lady give off a similar aura filled with deep adoration and love for one another in their familial connection— they are brother and sister.”     Mother pointed to Madeline and Lorelei, pleasantly adding, “And the two lovely brown-haired beauties here are sisters as well. I have to say, it is good to see so many youthful faces here today, as well as your supportive elders. The deep connection held between all of you is very inspiring.”      Her gaze turning back towards me, she laughed out softly, “It makes my heart both relieved and incredibly happy to see you so well supported and cared for, Jace, but I suppose you and I should now explore this connection we seem to have as that is the purpose for our gathering today.”     I nervously looked over at Raven for a little assistance, who cautiously told her, “I’m afraid the explanation is a bit delicate, Tatiana.”     Mother paused for a moment, looking between Raven and I with an expression of intense contemplation before glancing back towards my aunts, who were staring at us with the same interest. Turning back to me, her tone filled with curiosity and intrigue, “It seems you and this incredibly powerful witch have quite the interesting connection as well, Jace. There is an intricacy to your bond that is very different to anything I have ever seen before.”     “It is a very special bond, Tatiana. We are very connected and care for one another deeply. My name is Raven,” Raven warmly smiled, “I hope you know that you can trust everyone here before you now—especially me, as I have a request to make. Something to help you understand the connection you have with Jace.”     “I get the feeling you and Jace understand the connection between us quite well, Raven,” Mother cautiously replied, yet her tone remaining amiable, “What is this request you would like to make?”     Raven paused for a moment before carefully replying, “To allow me to extend my power over you to enable a return of forgotten memories that were stolen from you the night of a battle where you were attempting to help a fellow witch, making everything perfectly clear to you and your sisters.”      “Forgotten memories?” Mother incredulously asked, glancing again at my aunts who returned her shocked gaze before she returned to Raven, “And how are you aware of that battle? You would have been a mere child then.”     “You are correct, I was,” Raven pleasantly nodded, “As it turns out, all of us here today had our memories taken from us that very night fourteen years ago. Only recently has the knowledge been returned to us. You and your sisters are the final piece of the puzzle to be revealed.”     I anxiously watched my mother’s expression for her reaction to Raven’s admission and request. While it remained kind and pleasant, there was a hint of hesitation. My aunts’ reactions, however, were both incredibly protective and extremely hesitant.     “While I can appreciate that all has been pleasant between us thus far, Raven,” Persephone amicably stated, “I’m afraid that your request is a bit much to ask as we have only just met. Perhaps there needs to be a little further discussion about this recent revelation and the details behind your request.”     “Agreed,” Reina affably grinned, before looking at my mother, who had her back to her, “Tati, I think—”     “I will allow it, but for now, only me please,” Mother benevolently agreed, nodding towards Raven before bringing her intrigued sparkling brown and hazel eyes back to me, “This will instantly explain our long-standing connection—what you and I share?”      “That is the hope,” I apprehensively replied, “You have my word, there is no harm intended towards you from any of us.”     “TATI!” Reina worriedly called out, her happy expression falling slightly, “You cannot be serious! We will not allow you—”     Mother held her hand up without looking at my aunt, continuing to remain within our locked gazes instead as she lightly interrupted, “Your primary reason for agreeing to this, sister, was the hope to obtain the answers we have sought since that night. I feel with every ounce of my being that I can trust Jace and Raven. Let us just see what happens, shall we? Both you and Persephone can be on the ready in case I am wrong.”     I felt the need to assure my Mother again in some way, quickly murmuring out in my building anxiousness and desperation for her to know just how deep our connection was, “I promise you, Tatiana—you’re are not wrong—you can trust me.”     Mother’s smile widened even further as she nodded back, “Do not worry yourself in such a way, Jace. I know I’m not wrong—as I stated just now, I can feel it deep inside. My sisters are simply incredibly protective over their littlest sister. I’m honestly looking forward to what is about to happen—there is an interesting aura that is flowing between you and I, something quite unique and different than anything I anticipated. Yet, it appears so hazy, almost like it is being suffocated in some way. I am in hopes that Raven can clear the path for a better understanding.”   “Tati, I fear that I agree with Reina, dear sister. Do not do this, not just yet, not until—” Persephone tried to argue, only to find herself cut off by my determined Mother again.   Her eyes slowly moving to Raven, Mother obligingly encouraged her through a confident grin, “You may proceed, Raven.”     Raven slowly brought her bright pink aura up through her hands before extending them out as Mother tilted her head straight up into the air and took in a deep breath, allowing it to envelope all around her. I peered over at my aunts, who stared at their sister with pensive eyes and tight grins across their face, obviously fretful as they watched Raven’s magic wrap itself all around her.      I held my breath as the magic dissipated and Mother brought her beautiful round face back down to look at me thoughtfully, reluctantly stating, “I’m afraid Raven’s attempt had no effect on me, Jace. No new recollections have been returned to my mind. I worried that might be the case—I’m so sorry.”     I heavily let out my breath, feeling completely defeated as I looked over at Raven, who held a rare frustration in her eyes, but also held deep admiration for my mother as it was obvious the immense powers she held within her. My mind was in a frenzy as I wondered what our next step might be to bring back the memories I so desperately needed to return to The Power of Three’s minds. Apparently, our only option now was to tell them the truth and part of me was worried about what it would do to them and their reaction to the news...most of all, what it would do to my mother learning she had not only forgotten her mate—my father—but that he was gone as well...     Breaking into my raging thoughts, Mother sweetly soothed as she slowly walked up to me, “Again, Jace, please do not worry yourself so. Let’s just talk about whatever these truths and memories are, my darling. I feel assured that you and I can work all of this out in the end!”    Reaching out, Mother gently took my hands in hers, squeezing them lightly as I let out another sharp breath, my eyes on the ground before looking back up into her kind gaze, smiling affectionately at her in return.      Everything next happened so fast, I could only react in response—all at once, her hands within mine, my mother’s eyes instantly filled with shock and fear. A burst of bright emerald green light pierced out of them sending her flying backwards as she gasped out loudly in response. Instinctively, I lunged forward, catching her fortunately as she fell unconscious within my arms, unintentionally screaming out in my panic, “MOTHER!”     All my family and friends behind me let out several different sounds of fright and alarm in response to the sudden unexpected turn of events, as Constance instantly had her hand on my shoulder, her eyes looking down worriedly at my mother before all our eyes darted over to Persephone and Reina.      “WHY DID YOU JUST CALL HER MOTHER?” Aunt Reina’s shocked voice bellowed out as my aunts started running towards us. Their palms were beginning to emit a powerful glow, seemingly ready to go on the defense after what happened. But just as suddenly, they stopped in their tracks as the green aura purposefully blew across their faces, sending their glittery white hair straight up in the air for a moment, their eyes shading over in a green hue before returning to their previous selves—only now they stood staring at me in utter shock and awe...     “Wait! I know why...” Aunt Persephone breathed out unevenly, her dark brown eyes wide as realization set in, “J-Jace, my sweet boy? Is—Is that really you? All grown up?”     “Oh Sister! The—the witch, Miranda!” Aunt Reina breathed out as she stared at me in both horror and stunned stupor, “She—She took our memories—she took us away from our family! That witch hit us with a spell that took us from our home! Away from everyone—away from our Jace!” A rare glimpse of anger flowed over her face as she immediately spat, “It’s a good thing Tati killed her or I would—”       Her blue eyes zeroing in on Mother, who was still motionless in my arms, Aunt Reina instantly stopped her rant, her hands flying up to her mouth as she shouted out through her fingers, running over towards me, “OH MY STARS, SISTER! TATI!”     “Oh, my word! Tati! She must have taken the brunt of the spell!” Aunt Persephone gasped out, hurriedly following behind as I laid mother gently on the ground. Everyone converged forward in deep concern as Raven and Talon crouched down on the other side of Mother while Constance knelt down behind me, her comforting hand never leaving my shoulder knowing I was panicking inside. My mother lay unconscious on the ground—and I had no idea what was going to happen when she came to and all her memories returned...

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