Chapter 4 Introduced

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A thundering voice startled them. Yani immediately got up on her knees when she heard the familiar voice. She adjusted herself and remained calm. She didn't want to reveal what had happened to her earlier. Alejandro approached where they were. He immediately inquired if anything bad had happened to Yani. Yani, on the other hand she feels that Alejandro is worried about her. But she could not deny to herself that she felt fear. Fear from people she had never met. She turned to the man named Condrad who was sitting in a wheelchair. Alejandro has not yet told her who his companions here in the mansion. Because of the agreement Yani forgot to ask Alejandro about this matter. This is another puzzle for Yani, something that she needs to explore more. She remained standing in front of the two men. She saw Alejandro's jaw tighten as he faced Condrad. Yani is even more confused by the actions of the two. Who is Condrad in Alejandro's life? What do they have with each other?" Yani asked herself. "What did you do to her?" Alejandro asked loudly and he barely looked at Yani. Condrad faced Alejandro in shock. He did not expect that Alejandro got home without his notice. Not even one of them in the mansion knew of Alejandro's sudden return to the mansion from the America. "Whoa! Wait, I didn't do anything to her. I saw her rushing out of our room. Unexpectedly she collided in front of me," He explained in reply to Alejandro. He raised both hands to indicate to Alejandro that he had done nothing wrong. Yani just bowed and could hardly speak. She swallowed hardly and cannot tell to Alejandro what had happened to her earlier." Alejandro immediately approached to Yani who was quietly listening to them. She was confused by the things that she wanted to explore. "Sweetie are you okay?" Alejandro asked worriedly. Yani just nodded as she looked around at the two men in front of her. She tried to force into her mind the question of what was the relationship between the two. "Bro, who is she?" Condrad asked in astonishment. This is their first meeting and a big question for Condrad is who this woman in his brother’s life in front of him. He knew that his brother never had a girlfriend ever since. "Condrad, meet my wife Yani." Condrad recoiled at what he heard from his brother. He couldn’t quite imagine that his brother got married who was almost half their age gap. "What? What did you say?" Condrad asked in shock. Condrad laughed after he asked his brother. He thinks Alejandro is just kidding him. He still couldn't believe that someone beautiful and younger than him was going to marry, especially at Alejandro's age. "That's the truth. I won't force you to believe me. As long as I married this woman and I'll introduce her to all the staff here in the mansion," Alejandro said emphatically. Condrad was silent again at what he found out. He knew his brother seriously ever since. But a big questions again for him because of the decision of his brother. "Bro, you surprised me when you came home suddenly, and you didn't let us know about your marriage. What is your plan? Why did you marry someone younger than you?" "Nothing. It's not bad if I marry someone younger than me. There is no law that prohibits except minors," Alejandro said proudly. "I know, but why you keep it secret to us? We won't stop you if that's what you want. But you have been secretive to us. Why?" Condrad just sighed. But he has done nothing even if he opposes the decision of his older brother. It was all over and that he could no longer resist. "I am sorry! I just wanted to be simple and solemnly. I'm over old enough to stay in my life alone. We both know that we have a big difference from our age but our heart beat as one." "It's not fair what you did Bro. We're your family but you kept everything a secret from us," Condrad said. "You're out whatever my reason. It's my own life and I'm the only one who can decide the things I want," Alejandro replied. Condrad frowned. He glanced at Yani from head to toe. He was against his brother's marriage. He know that most of the younger woman wants money. He became even more suspicious that Yani was only chasing money from his brother. "So, what's your plan?" Condrad asked. "I said recently that I will introduce her to the entire staff here at the mansion. Everyone should know that Yani is a new member of our family," Alejandro replied. Alejandro told Condrad that this evening he would talk to all the staff throughout the mansion. He has an important announcement. Condrad just nodded in what Alejandro had said. Yani felt Alejandro's grip on her arm and she stared into his eyes. Alejandro stare had something to indicate. He smiled slightly and invited her into their room. Yani briefly glanced at Condrad who was staring at them. Condrad not convinced at Alejandro's decision. Yani is full of questions about the things she was discovered. But not everything was clear to her. When they entered their room, Yani immediately sat on the bed. She knew had something to say but she remained silent. Alejandro immediately sat down next to her. He caressed Yani's back to make her feel better that there is someone ready to listen her. "Why are you running out from their room?" Alejandro asked. She could do nothing but recount what happened when she left their room. But she did not say the full details. She did not want to be the source of the conflict between the siblings. But she needed extra careful because there was a bit of tension between them. Yani just heard her husband's loud sigh. She knew that Alejandro would not break his promise to her father. She also needsl to investigate the mysterious secret of the family. Yani confronted Alejandro to find out who else was with him in the mansion, so that Yani would not be surprised. Before she asked this, Yani stared at Alejandro's face. She just wondered when she remembered Condrad's face. There is a big difference between the two. Alejandro is handsome even his age and obviously a foreign descent while Condrad is a pure Filipino. "Who is Condrad and the woman I met earlier? What is their relationship with you?" Yani asked seriously. Even though Yani had already heard Condrad calling Alejandro but she still wanted to confirm the truth. It is not clear for her that the two are siblings. "Sweetie, Condrad is my brother and the woman you saw earlier is Lalaine his wife," he replied. "B-Brother? How did you become a brother when you were a big different from each other?" She asked in shock. She became even more curious about the things she could discover. The Vergara family has so many secrets and she wanted to investigate this. "Yes, Condrad and I are brothers on paper only. We are just Don Ernesto's adopted children," he explained. When Yani heard from Alejandro she was shocked by the truth. What she thought was Alejandro is a real Vergara. Her parent not mention to her about this matter. Perhaps this is her mission as a lawyer. "Do I still need to know who else will be with me here?" Yani asked. The mansion is big and she wants to know if there is another family members or relatives living with them. "No one else. Later at dinner I will introduce you to everyone here in the mansion," Alejandro replied. Dinner time came. All staff were invited to the dinning table for Alejandro announcements. Yani and Alejandro are already at the table. Rhea and Mandy, also arrived. On the other corner, all their staff in the mansion were waiting for Alejandro's announcement. The couple Victor and Lilia with their daughter Lisa is standing in front of two drivers, two gardeners and two guards. They are waiting for the couple Condrad and Lalaine. A few moments later, the two arrived. Alejandro immediately stood up. He greeted everyone on his return. Their staff was very happy, but for the couple Condrad and Lalaine, they obviously did not like Alejandro's return. "I'm glad to be with you again at the mansion. I just want to introduce you all this woman. She is Yani my wife and from now on she is part of this family. I hope you respect her as much as you respect me and the late Don Ernesto." Alejandro went on to explain about his coming back. But a surprised to everyone was Alejandro's introduction to all that Yani is his wife. Lalaine was even more surprised to hear what Alejandro said. "What? Brother, why did you make a sudden decision? We are your family but you didn't let us know," said Lalaine in shock. "Whatever I want I will still be the one to follow. It's my life and you're out there," Alejandro replied to his sister in-law. Lalaine was dumbfounded by Alejandro's answer. She did not expect that the woman she thought was her new housemaid was the wife of his brother in-law. Lalaine turned her gaze to Yani's friends. She wonders who they are with them at the dinning table. Yani's friends hasn't been introduced yet to them, so Lalaine frowned at Rhea and Mandy while staring at the two "You two, who are you? And why are you eating us together?" Lalaine asked sharply. Alejandro turned his gaze to Lalaine. He did not like the voice tone of his sister in-law. Lalaine became irritated and unrespectable to Yani's friends. "They are friends of my wife. And they were temporarily stay here at the mansion," Alejandro replied. Lalaine's reaction suddenly changed. She didn’t like the extra person living together with them in the mansion. Rhea and Mandy greeted Lalaine when Alejandro warmly introduced them. But they received no good response from Lalaine. Instead, Lalaine just raised an eyebrow at them. While Condrad quietly eating his food. He already knew the announcement of his brother. Even he oppose what Alejandro's decision he will not win. Rhea and Mandy were not unaware of Lalaine's treatment. They noticed in her gesture, her displeasure when they arrived at the mansion. Probably all the staff of this mansion were aware of the couple’s behavior. Their dinner continued even though Yani was felt nervous about the life she had led. But just like when her mother said. She had to face her own life. She knew, she was going through a lot of trials but as a lawyer she had to be brave. In her profession she need to be brave to rescue those in need. Even if her own life being investigated, she will blindly accept everything.
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