CHAPTER 3 – Change of chief guest

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CHAPTER 3 – Change of chief guest Hazel’s POV “Hazel, sweetheart. Wake up. You will be late for school.” A mom alarm is the best in the world. It didn’t matter that I was all the way in a dream world, I would immediately touch the floor of the real world. I groaned with a yawn. My arms stretched out as I wiggled my body on the bed before getting up. It was 5.30 in the morning and I needed to go for a run. My morning jog always made my mood better and gave me the energy to carry out my day. I shuffled my legs to the bathroom and freshened up. I dressed up in my jogging set and grabbed my water bottle. “Morning, Mom!” I quickly headed downstairs to the kitchen and kissed her cheeks. “Good morning, Hazel!” she wished, serving me her beautiful smile. “I’m going for my jog now, Mom. See you later.” I waved my hand goodbye before getting into the car and driving to the park. When I arrived, people were doing yoga and jogging in the park. I wore my headphones and started to run. I ran two kilometers and then walked for a kilometer. I would love to do some exercises but I was in a fight with the time. I enjoyed looking at people that visited the park. Some old couples, as well as younger couples, were around. I monitored their behavior closely since my entire subject is social studies. Trust me I can guess if they are a real couple or just flirting with each other. It was my daily routine and on weekends I slept the entire day. “Hi, Hazel. Good morning, sweetheart,” an old lady greeted me and I turned to see who it was. “Hi, good morning, Mrs. Grace!” I wished her. She often came to the park with her husband. I got to know them during these jogging sessions. They were such a sweet and lovable couple. “How are you doing, Hazel?” she asked with a bright smile on her face. “I am very good, Mrs. Grace. I didn’t see you for the past few days? Did you come for your usual jog?” I inquired while stretching my arms. “No, we didn’t come. We were not well for the last few days, my blood sugar increased a bit and the doctor advised me to take some bed rest,” she explained, taking a seat on a nearby bench. “Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Are you all right now? Actually, with the bed rest, you need to reduce sugar consumption, Mrs. Grace,” I replied, finishing my exercises and sitting beside her. “That’s the hard part, sweetheart!” We both broke out in laughter. “I need to leave now, Mrs. Grace. My time is up, otherwise, I’ll be late for school,” I informed her and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Bye, Hazel. God bless you, child. Oh, and we want to see you soon become single to a couple.” Mrs. Graced winked and waved at me. Oh, gosh. This lady is too sweet for her age. I smiled and got into the car, driving towards home. “I’m home, Mom!” I entered my house and immediately the aroma of my mom’s food awakened my taste buds. “It smells so good, Mom. What did you prepare for breakfast?” I asked, peeping into the kitchen. “I prepared your favorite pancakes with strawberry and chocolate syrup. There’s also watermelon juice,” she replied with a smile. “Then, I’ll be right back, ma’am!” I rushed up to take a shower and get dressed. The feeling of a shower after a jog was incomparable. Eventually, I got ready and headed back down for breakfast. “Yummy…” my tummy growled. “Hmm…looks like this tummy of my Hazel needs to eat a lot today.” Mom squeezed my tummy. “Oh, Mom. I have to go soon otherwise I’ll be late for school.” I quickly had my breakfast and licked the chocolate syrup off my fingers too. “Mom, your hands are magic. How did you prepare such a sweet meal?” I quickly washed my hands. “One day you will be a good mom, Hazel and you will also cook like me. But, to do that, you need to find a partner first,” she advised, squinting her eyes at me. “Not again, Mom. This life is way better for me. Plus you know, I can become a mom without having a husband.” I winked at her. “Oh, god! This girl is too much now! Please God, send a partner for her,” mom prayed to god, forwarding her hands towards the roof and I laughed at her action. I placed my handbag and books into the car before driving towards school through the traffic. “Good morning, Ms. Hazel,” students greet me as I walked to the staff room and I greeted them all with a smile. “You look pretty today, Ms. Forbes,” some students complimented and I humbly thanked them. “Hazel! Good morning, my cutey!” Elena greeted me. She was my best friend from school. She had good qualities like me and she is a pretty a** too. “Morning, El. Here, mom gave me some pancakes for you.” I passed her the box of pancakes. “Wow! Looks like we have a party today so early in the morning.” Another teacher peeped into the lunch box and dragged out a pancake. “Looks like you need to have a one immediately El, or else I’m sure that you will have to wait and just look at them,” I reminded. The school bell rang and we all scattered to our relevant class. The school was busier than usual since everyone was so excited about the upcoming prize-giving ceremony. “Ms. Forbes, we heard that the chief guest is way more handsome than any man in the world and he is the popular businessman, Mr. Xavier Duncan,” Lucy voiced out during the lesson. “Looks like you are more interested in the chief guest more than the prizes,” I teased, closing the textbook. “I will be a prize for him if he is willing to pay for me,” she replied and the class responded, “ooooh…” “Okay, that’s enough. Concentrate on the lesson now,” I instructed. It’s hard to control kids these days. Soon, an office assistant peeped his head into the class and called out to me,“ excuse me, Ms. Forbes? The Principal would like to see you after class.” “Sure, I’ll be there.” I nodded my head at him and offered him a small smile.       “You always smile for anyone, Ms. Forbes. I’m afraid that the chief guest will fall for you instead of the chicks in the class,” Hunter joked, making me roll my eyes at him in response.   I finished the lesson and headed directly to the principal ma’am’s office. I stopped and knocked on the door. “Yes, come in,” she invited from inside. “Good morning, ma’am. Did you want to see me?” I stood in front of her. “Yes, Ms. Forbes, please take a seat.” She pointed out to the seat in front of her. “Thank you, Mrs. Horthone. Why did you call me here all of a sudden?” I asked worriedly. “Hazel, I have just received a phone call from Mr. Xavier’s office saying that he won’t be able to come for the school prize-giving ceremony. Instead, he will be represented by his manager, Mr. Kendrick, on his behalf,” she informed somberly. “But, it’s not ethical to reject a school invitation, Mrs. Horthone,” I replied, but secretly, I felt a big relief that Mr. Arrogant wouldn’t be participating as the chief guest. “Of course, Ms. Forbes, but what can we do. He is a successful businessman after all. They have their own agendas which they can’t cancel. Anyway, Ms. Forbes, I hope this will be easier for you to handle since it will be just the manager,” she said with a smile. “Thank you for informing me, Mrs. Horthone. See you then.” I nodded at her excused myself out of her office. I sympathized with all the girls who were waiting to see their prince charming.  
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