2.11 Harsh Reality of Injustice

1669 Words

Warren was again miserable for the second time around just within that hour, he was driving the car to no particular destination, and he had already cursed himself for not asking them where that store they were talking about was, There were so many stores around the corner that he already went passed by but there was no trace of a robbery, riot or something else there. He just knew it was Jeffrey Street from what he had heard the officer said but he didn't know where that was. So that left him with no other choice but to call the only person expert in times like this. "What do you want? I'm currently in the middle of a break, Velmont." Of course, no other than the geek, Dahlia Dawson. "Since when did you granted yourself a break, Dale?" He asked, chuckling, but when receiving a no react

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