3.4 Gregory's Ex

1709 Words

"How's modeling? Do you have a preview?" Reign grunted, burying her face on her pillow upon hearing Dany's welcoming question to her as soon as she answered her call. It was their second call of the week, the first was when she landed in the UK and she had just finished her tiring work as a model, and they both didn't have time to talk to each other as they were both tired and so the making of this schedule, every Friday night. "Dany, please. Let's not talk about the current situation that I am in and making my life harder presently. I barely survive my first week." She exasperatedly said, frowning in the drowsiness of her work and the attempt of knowing each people especially the two main suspects on her list. However, those two were the most secretive ones, one was the most silent, an

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