2.19 Caught by a Wild Guess

1715 Words

"So, agent?" Warren looked at him in surprise, thinking that he was one of the traitors, he nudged his side a little hard, earning a grunt from the officer. He caught his hand and twisted ut to his back, now earning a louder scream. He pinned him to the nearest car's hood and threatened him with his hand suspended in the air, aiming at Pierce. "Woah, Woah! Chill, bro! I'm not here for a fight." He said, frowning so much because he twisted more his already twisted arm. "Why do you keep on pressing that I'm an agent?" Warren asked, in a hushed voice, worried that someone might hear what they were going to talk about. "Who are you?" "You know we can talk without me kissing this dusty car, right?" Pierce tried negotiating, only to fail again because Warren twisted his other arm too. "Okay,

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