2.2 Uneventful Work

1704 Words

Warren was sulking, annoyed, dumbfounded, confused, and that's not even in half of how he truly felt. He was in the station, as usual, for about two weeks now, and not even a single time he felt he enjoyed being there. He was moping because of the type of work this Senior Merit, the leader of the team, had given him. "Here another one. You have to finish it today." Another pile of paper was thrown on his cubicle by one bald officer, his mouth hooked up in a smirk. "Are you glaring?" Warren instantly smiled, a fake one, of course, there's no way he would give him and the other officers with big tummies surrounding him, a genuine smile, only his gummy bears deserved that. "No, sir. I will definitely do this! I'm glad I could be of help to your lazy asses." He replied sweetly and sarcastic

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