Chapter 17

354 Words
TYSON I followed the officers down the dark, winding roads and slammed on the breaks the moment I saw a small house and a vehicle in the woods. I got out and grabbed the gun out of my holster and turned on my flashlight, noticing a large trail of blood and one of the German Shepards ran towards the woods, barking at a deep hole covered by trees and logs. "Guys, we got two bodies over here!" I ran to the hole and saw the bodies. Only none of them were Serenity. "ROSEY!" Shepard picked up the heaps of logs and knelt next to Rosey's body. I knew by the looks of it that she was dead and I did not recognize the younger female next to her. "Get her identified, I'm going to go this way." "We'll come, sir." Nodding, three of the officers followed me in the opposite direction. It felt like we ran miles until I found her. "Oh my god." Her body was placed near the back of the house and I picked her up, carrying her to the EMTs. "We need to get her to the hospital." "You never make it on time, do you?" I looked up and saw Vito standing with his arms crossed, a smirk on his face and another man next to him who I didn't recognize. Two officers tackled him to the ground and had him in handcuffs. "I should've known." "There's no saving her. We made sure she bled out before you found her." "You killed my best friend!" He laughed. "She died like a little bitch." As I went to approach him, Shepard grabbed me. "They'll take care of him. We need to get the girls in the coroner's vehicle." "No, Serenity is alive. I know she is!" Shepard shook his head. "She didn't make it, man." "Please. We need to take her to the hospital. So I can know for sure." Shepard nodded and motioned for the EMTs to grab her body and I followed the ambulance to the hospital. All I could hope for is that she pushed it through.
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