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FLINDER Feeling much better with the power of the stars again giving her strength, Flinder was heading to her morning practice with Clarity. Brad had won every single training after they took away her powers, but now in full strength she desperately wanted to kick his ass. Her long blond hair was braided into a long French braid. She had put on mascara again and lip-gloss. Now she was feeling like herself again. She ignored the stares and the whispering and began sparring with Brad. He was laying on the ground within seconds. ‘Good to have you back, Flinder.’ Angel Betty said. Flinder put her hand out for Brad to take and pulled him up. ‘I haven't hurt you right?’ she asked him. ‘Only my pride.’ he said. ‘You had it coming though.’ Flinder smiled at him. She was happy she was back at full strength. She spent hours of praying to the stars in front of the Angel statue. She was just glad it worked. The name calling did stop, only Zina was still full on hating on her. After an hour of training, the other trainees praised her for her comeback and they left for breakfast. Clarity couldn't stop talking about all the things she had missed in the three days she slept. Clarity didn't say anything about her fever and Flinder was afraid to ask her. The memory erasing was still on Flinder's mind. What if they wiped hers as well? She didn't want to forget all thr things she knew. ‘So, have you thought about your birthday?’ Clarity asked, when they were back in their room. They had like five minutes left, before school started. ‘What are you wearing? Do you need a dress? Who are you going to invite?’ Flinder sighed. She wanted to spend her birthday with her family, but she knew it would never happen. ‘I have no idea. I’ve been busy with other things on my mind. What do you think I should do?’ Clarity was full on birthday mode. She made a list of people she knew and she made plans for Flinder to go dress fitting. Flinder just let her be. If Clarity wanted to plan her birthday, it would probably for the best. Flinder wasn't the best at planning, more of doing. Suddenly her eyes laid on a piece of paper on her small desk. She knew it wasn't hers. She opened it. Keep your mouth shut! Angels have a lot of secrets. They will do anything to those who find out the truth. Be safe. Flinder totally forgot about the note left under her door. This could be from the same person. And it confirmed her, she was only stripped of her powers because she told the Angels about Max. Maybe they did believe her, but they let everyone think she was crazy, so no one believed her. A sudden thought of sadness hit her. ‘Clare, can you please tell Angel Georgina I won't come to school today? I feel really tired right now.’ ‘Oh, of course.’ Clarity had to go to school anyways. She left the room with a smile. ‘See you at lunch.’ Flinder closed her eyes the second the door closed behind Clarity. She needed to see Max
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