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MAX It felt weird to be back at school again. People ignored him though or they walked around him, like he had a disease. He didn't mind it. In the back of the classroom, he was sitting with Kole. They tolerated each other. He was his only "friend". ‘Good to have you back.’ said Kole. ‘I had to be creative with lonely boy, when you were gone. He couldn't think he could walk freely without you.’ ‘I'm glad to hear it Kole.’ Max said. Lonely boy was the guy they always bullied. Kole was started it a few years back and Max found it really funny to watch him cry. ‘What did you make him do?’ ‘I have pictures.’ Kole took his phone and showed him pictures of lonely boy with a dress on in the lady's dressing room. ‘That is amazing. I'm almost sad I wasn't there to see it.’ But Max found himself thinking about Katie. They didn't go to the same school. His dad's house was on the other side of town, so he went to another school instead. He missed her. They had spent so much time together lately. He wanted to be with her. But finishing high school was important too. Showing up to classes was the first step. All the teachers showed pity for him and they allowed him to retake some tests next week. 'Max, I heard your father's house is for sale now.’ a beautiful girl named Ana said to him. ‘If you want, you can stay at my place?’ Max remembered spending the nights at her place. She was delicious. ‘No thank you Ana. I'm staying at my girlfriend's house. It's where if been staying for a while now.’ ‘You have a girlfriend?’ she asked surprised. He couldn’t help, but laughed at her. ‘Yeah, I have. Her name is Katie.’ Max never had a girlfriend, but now with everything that happened, he and Katie grew even closer together. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. They even made plans for the future. After graduation they would both find work and try buying a house together. They will live together and maybe in a few years she would like to have his baby. Max was happy with Katie and nothing was going to stop that now. His father was arrested. He was at school again. Now only finishing school and they could start their new life. Kole didn't ask him about Katie and Ana left him alone. ‘Are you coming?’ asked Kole. He stood up and waited for Max to answer. ‘Where are we going?’ ‘We are going to lock lonely boy in his locker again.’ Kole said with a smile on his face. Max and Kole were looking for lonely boy, when suddenly a voice said to Max: ‘Do it Max. But not only lock him up. You want him to feel scared too. Make him pee his pants.’ Max looked around and saw a boy, around fifteen or sixteen years old, standing in the hallway. He knew right away he wasn't human; it was another damn Angel. Max made sure Kole wasn't around when he asked: ‘Did Flinder send you?’ The boy walked closer with his eyebrows up in shock. ‘Did you just talk back to me?’ ‘Yeah, I did.’ Max said. ‘What? How?’ ‘I don't know. I just did. Have you been talking to Flinder? Did she send you?’ ‘I have no idea who Flinder is. My name is Liam and I'm a Dark Angel. I think you are on the right path Max. The path of the dark.’
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