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Fiona “Which room am I getting?” I asked looking over to Travis as he pulled into a spot on the street. “Sabbie’s old room is probably the cleanest.” He told me and I nodded slowly. I kind of remembered that room. Despite being highly intoxicated and thinking Trav was with the barely 20 something girl. “Think she left some clothes behind?” I asked as I moved to walk beside him towards the compound. Walking in with him like this, barely any hostility was making me think back to just after high school. When he was allowed to bring me in. He would have his arm around me, holding me tight. His lips were never far away either. “Baby, you want something to eat?” I smiled and turned to him; his eyes were watching my every move and I knew what I wanted to eat. “Do you have snacks in your room?“ I asked looking around the place and he nodded slowly and gripped my hips so I would walk ahead of him. Some men gave him hoots as we walked off and up the stairs but as long as it was him; I didn’t mind them knowing what we were getting up to. “What do you need sugar?” He asked and I hummed as he pushed me against a door and I settled on holding him close. “Need? Or want?” I asked and he skimmed his hands up and down my waist to tickle and tease and I just leaned forward and laid my lips on his. “You. Always you.” I never thought of another. “You want we in between these legs?” He ran his hand against my jeans from the front and I nodded quick. “I want my mouth?” “Yes.” I whimper and he kept up his teasing against my crotch as I waited for more. “No teasing.” I begged and he smirked and kept it up. “Trav… please. No teasing. I need you. Don’t you want me? Want a taste and to feel my p***y wrapped around your c**k? Wanna be in my bare?” “Fiona-“ he groaned and pushed me against the door again, getting my legs up and around him before he opened the door. “You are so going to get it.” And boy did he give it to me. “What are you sighing about?” He asked innocently but I was honestly embarrassed about thinking about one of our best times here. I’m sure by now he’s had better. Probably when threesomes with the club sluts. “Just tired.” I told him after a few feet of walking. We got into the yard. Gash was working on his new bike, well… it was new to him. He tossed a head nod and looked less surprised and I just knew he and Ryder had talked and he would keep an eye out for me. “Too tired to party?” He asked with a sigh as he pushed open the door and I could see Slice and Zip in the ring with the music so loud everyone cheering one or them on was shouting. “Get me a beer and I’ll happily watch.” I told him over the music and he smirked as he nodded now. “Let’s get you in a room and settled before you get too drunk.” He told me and we headed for the stairs. We got to the room and I looked around. Things looked clean and when I walked over to a drawer I saw a long shirt I could wear to bed and nodded before taking it out. I heard the door close and I looked up at Travis and he just leaned on the door. “What?” I asked and he smirked. “Where do you want the candy?” He asked and I focused on the bay in his hand. “Just set it on the bed. I’ll probably eat some after a few fights.” I told him and he nodded before setting them down. “I’ll go talk to the prospects at the gate, let them know to look out for that guy if he was still following us and then be downstairs.” He told me and I nodded slowly and looked around. I could look for more comfy clothes that Sabbie might have left behind. “I’m good.” I nodded slowly when he seemed hesitant to leave. “I’ll just use the bathroom and meet you down there.” I told him and he nodded again before turning and opening the door. I heard his boots scuff the floor as he made his way back down the hall and to the stairs, I locked the door after him and headed to the bathroom. This was going to be hard. But at least there was a bar full of booze to get my through the night. I did my business, cleaned up my eye makeup and headed down. I smiled as I saw a prospect behind the bar and he got me a beer bottle and handed it over and I moved to the ring. I could see Rowdy and I moved to his side and he looked intrigued as I sat. “What?“ I asked before taking a long swig. “How is it being back after 15 years?” He asked and I rolled my eyes. “Almost like I didn’t leave… but now you and Trav are the old men.” I laughed and he rolled his eyes. “Come on Madds, look at those two.” I pointed at Zip and Slice, they were barely 22 or 23. Young and new. I met them last time I was here sober, when I was driving Gash and my brother around. They were ok kids. “I take your brother on easily.” He told me and I rolled my eyes. “And Fi… it’s Rowdy.” He told me and I paused and realized I called him what I used to before he had a club name. What his sister and I used to call him. “Sorry.” I rubbed his shoulder and kept watching the punches, jabs, uppercuts, the dodging and pushing away. I was three beers in and two shots when Travis shower up. He just appeared and I looked around the place to see if he had been with anyone and of course there were whores around. Great. Now I needed more drinks. Tank “Gash-“ “Huh?” He looked over at me and I waved him in, he followed me to the office and sat with me. “What’s up?” “What’s wrong?” I asked him, there was enough going behind his back to ask Raid. I needed to hear what he needed from his mouth. “Nothing Prez.” He told me as he sat and took a load off. If my leg still hurt, his body still hurt. Didn’t matter our s**t was a couple months ago now. “Try again. Trigger is back in two days. You got issues with him coming back?“ I asked and he shook his head. “You want time with him in the ring first?” I asked and he sighed. “You know me Prez. There’s no need to fight out problems. And I know his kind of problems. I grew up around them.” His fingers traced his oldest scar near his left eye and up his scalp. “He didn’t mean harm, I got no issues.” “He’s clean, and going to need someone to watch him to make sure he stays clean. If we do a rotation you good with helping?” I asked and he nodded. “I’m still limited-“ “I know brother. Im not pushing you on him. Just asking what you’re comfortable with.” I told him and he nodded slowly. “Need anything else?” “Sarah says you don’t partake with the girls anymore, they cause you issues?“ I asked knowing the girl he usually liked was pouting in my office just last night about not getting any from him. “Hurts too much with my hip being f****d up-“ “You still getting help for it?” I asked not needing to know exactly what hurt him when he f****d. “PT didn’t help, it just needs to heal and scar over officially before I can keep going like nothing happened.” He told me and I nodded. “If Sarah comes to you again tell her what I’ve been telling her, find another c**k. She’s clingy these days.” He shook his head like he was annoyed and I wondered if that needed to be a discussion too. “Let me know if she gets too batshit crazy on you.” I told him and he nodded slowly. “Dismissed, have some fun tonight.” I told him and he smirked and then lost it as he fought to stand from the chair in pain. He was up fully before I could offer help and he walked out with a tinge of a limp and I hated he was still hurt over Triggers f**k up. I went back out to the fun and watched my guys. I hadn’t announced that Trigger would be back and I wouldn’t until tomorrow night. Anyone could have it out with him in the ring, once it was settled he would be welcomed back with open arms and we’d have enough time to deal with the other MC still pissed at us for Turf hopping. I saw Fiona, her head was back, arms up, dancing with herself and putting on a show. Some of the girls didn’t like her getting attention and when they invaded her space she decided to get up on the bar, that was enough for me, “Fi, get down.” I called at her and she either ignored me or didn’t hear me above the music. “Going to dance with us Tank?” I heard Sarah and turned to see her raising her shirt and do some sort of belly dance with her hips and smiling at me, “could be fun.” “Cut it out.” I told her and turned back to Fiona as she started to move her hips like she was Shakira or something. She got a good response from the guys and I glared before reached for her, she giggled as I caught her hips and brought her down in front of me. “What are you doing?” “Having a party. If they didn’t invade my space I wouldn’t have gotten up. Now… seems like we’re taking clothes off.” She smiled as she looked behind me and when I looked I saw Sarah and Malissa dancing against each other in their bras and their shirts had been tossed at some of the brothers. “Let’s get you to bed.” I told her knowing there was no way in hell I was letting her strip too. “Ooohhh hear that slut, he’s taking me to bed… not you.” She poked Sarah in the face hard before grabbing her hair and I watched somewhat entertained as she pulled her close, said something that had Sarah turn pale white and nod before she let her go and turned back to me with a sweet smile. “Let’s go.” I held her up as we left and I was glad she got drunk enough to pass out. I was tired and couldn’t keep up too much longer. I set her in the bed, got her a glass of water and two pills for her headache in the morning and headed out, making sure to lock the door behind me so even I didn’t chance going in there again. I headed down to my room. I did a few pushups, crunches and weight lifting in my room for an hour before heading to shower and shave so I didn’t do too much in the morning. Once I was out of the shower I heard someone knocking on my door and headed over. The f*****g sight made my blood boil when I opened it. “What the f**k?”
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