3. Caught

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CHAPTER THREE SEBASTIAN “So what happened? Did he fire you?” Lizzie questioned, scooping more ice cream from the jar. Binge-watching vampire diaries while I waited for Jaden to pick me was one of those few things I enjoyed doing with my best friend. She knew me inside and out, probably even more than I knew myself. Before I could come into terms with the fact that I was gay, she was there by me, fighting anyone who bullied me for it back in high school. I was not weak but I was certainly not the strongest person in the room.   “Actually no. He didn’t even say anything to me afterwards,” I frowned at the memory before my eyes widened,” Do you think he is thinking about it?”   “I’ve worked for him far too long to know that if he wanted to fire you, he’d have done it on the spot. Maybe he is just planning to give you extra works just to punish you. Trust me, you were not wrong in saying he is a f*****g b***h. More times than I remember, I’ve wanted to stab him to death but then I remember he writes my check,”   “I know,” I leaned back on the chair, glancing at the wall clock. It was almost ten and Jaden was not yet here. What the hell was going on with him? Usually, he’d be off work by eight and it was a goddamn two hours late.   “But I still think you should cut ties with Jaden,” Here we go again. Lizzie had not been a huge fun of Jaden since we started going out three years ago for some reason I could not exactly pinpoint.   “Come on Lizzie,” I grabbed the bowl full of freshly popped popcorn, putting some in my mouth.   “I’m serious. You two are always arguing even over the most trivial things,”   “That’s what normal couple do,” I pointed out in defense.   “See this is the harsh truth. Most people think just because you argue with someone that means your relationship is strong but that is wrong. Normal couple do disagree quite a few times but people confuse that with argument. You and Jaden on the other hand are always on each other’s necks. He doesn’t like you hanging out with other guys even the straight ones and if you ever get to go for dinner or lunch out, it either has to be with me or him. How many times has he picked a fight with you in front of me, accusing you of cheating on him just because some rando tried to flirt with you?”   “You of all people know just how much of jealous man Jaden is,” I pointed out.   “Jealous? He is toxic Seb. How could you be so blind to the obvious?” She put the now empty jar of ice cream on the table, turning fully around so she was looking directly at me.   “I’m not blind, okay? I love him Lizzie and you as my best friend should be happy for me,” I pleaded with her.   “Fine. Lets pretend that I’m actually team Jaden for a moment. When was the last time he remembered your birthday? How about your anniversary? Before I forget, how is it that every valentine’s day he always happened to be too busy to take you out or at least even spend time with you? When was last time he took you out on a date? As a matter of fact, where is he right now since he agreed to pick you up two hours ago?”   “Lizzie,” I trailed off to a stop. I had no idea how I was supposed to reply to that because maybe a part of me has always been heartbroken time and again over those things but I did not want to admit it aloud.   “I-I’m sorry. I’m probably projecting too much because of my broken heart,” she said, her voice now full of sadness.   “Of course not,” I said while dialing up Jaden’s number and he picked up on the second ring.   “Babe,” his deep voice answered.   “It’s been two hours Jaden. Where are you?”   “Oh, sorry. How about you spend the night at Lizzie’s? My boss took some of co-workers to this freaking high-class party and now since I’m the only one still a bit sober, I’ll have to be the designated driver. We’ll all probably spend the night at his place,” he answered. The familiar anger mixed with disappointment creeping inside my stomach walls.   “Oh, its okay. I’ll just see you tomorrow then,” I answered cutting off the call without waiting to hear his answer.   “I’m guessing its another sleepover at my place,” She said.   “Why do I put up with him, huh? He stood me up for freaking two hours only to go to some party? He doesn’t like me going out to parties or clubs because he thinks I might cheat on him and he does just that,” I snapped.   “This is why I keep telling you to cut ties with him. You are the guy who craves attention from your partner and he is the guy who doesn’t give attention but he’d rather kill anyone than let them near you,”   “I know,” I released a sigh of frustration but then stood up,” You want to go for a quick ride? I need to get my clothes for work tomorrow because I do not plan on staying in that house alone all night. Also I need some bit of unwinding too,”  I could wait till tomorrow morning to get my clothes like I usually do every time I have an unexpected sleepover at Lizzie’s but I didn’t feel like getting up early in the morning.   “I guess a little unwinding would be alright. I’ll just grab my coat, sneakers and car keys,” she answered.   Maybe I was being a little petty but what irked me was why he was thinking I’d cheat on him when I had never given him a single reason to doubt me. Jaden on the other hand had given me more than one reason to doubt him but I still stayed because loved him too much. Lizzie was right though. My relationship with Jaden was toxic and I had no idea why I always kept on defending him. The ride to my apartment was filled with silence, thoughts plunging every corner of my brain.   “Wait a minute. If Jaden isn’t home, then why are the lights on?” Lizzie pulled my thought back to the present as she pulled up at my street and sure enough, the lights were on.   “B-But that’s his car,’ I muttered in a small voice, noticing the 2020 Chevrolet spark LS parked in its usual sport outside the house.   “Okay. So clearly, he lied to you about his whereabouts and he is clearly home but why lie?” Lizzie questioned right what was running through my mind.   Dread filled my heart as I stepped out of the car, tiptoeing towards the house. The moment I reached the window, sounds that I could only decipher as moans of pleasure hit me. I froze in place, unable to move a step. My body was trembling with anger and pain.   “What are you-oh my God!” Lizzie whispered as she came up behind me.   Detaching my tie from my neck, I loosened the top buttons of my shirt.   “Hold this for me,” I pushed the tie into her hands as I reached for my house key.   Holding my breath, I inserted the key, twisting it slowly without letting even a squeak of noise in air, then pushed the door open. With Lizzie behind me, we walked into the house, the moans even louder now. They were coming right from the bedroom and the repulsive sight that met me had all my sane thoughts flying out of my brain.   “You f*****g bastard!” I screamed, yanking Jaden away from strange man.   In blinding fury, I rained one blow after another, kicking anywhere I could get my foot on. Rage was blinding, dictating every single thing I did and every word I was spitting out of my mouth.   “You cheating bastard! After everything I’ve done for you and you have the nerve to cheat on me, huh? You were always complaining that I would cheat on you but now I know you were just deflecting my attention so I wouldn’t realize what you are really up to. I should have known you wouldn’t stop at just flirting with other guys and signing up for tinder,”   If Lizzie hadn’t pulled me away from him on time, I would have killed that piece of s**t and not even feel an inkling of remorse about it.
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