A tough choice

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Two weeks later. Quinn has undergone medical tests at Ivy's demand. Ivy wanted to provide that Quinn–who would carry her baby, was healthy and free from infectious diseases. At about the same time, Ivy and Sean have also undergone fertility tests. The results have just come out, and now all three are heading to the hospital to pick up a credential from the doctor. Quinn sat sweetly in the back while Sean and Ivy sat in the front seat. "Today, I just signed a contract with Hersaice. Starting this season, they will use me on all their exclusive products." Ivy began the conversation "That's great, honey. I'm glad to hear that." Sean didn't look excited. The man seemed to take his wife's words for bestowing. Sean's looks so unsavory. "Why don't you look happy, honey?" "I should be the one asking you. Why do you look so peaceful after hearing my mom's request?" "What do I have to worry about, Sean?" "Doctor Barbara says the success rate is 99%," Ivy snapped. Sean glanced at his wife, then let out a long sigh. Sean was tense now, and he was terrified that they had failed. Because something untoward could happen, they didn't know if Quinn- that innocent-faced and stupid-looking girl was healthy in her reproductive system. What if she wasn't? Where else could they find a potential surrogate mother? Meanwhile, Dorothy - Sean's mother, only gave them one chance. If they failed, they could not try again, but Ivy would have to get pregnant. "Yes, I know, but don't you think, what if something unexpected happens? What should we do then?" Sean still insisted. "Sean, I'm sure you and I are healthy-" "Then what about that girl?!" snapped Sean in an intimidatingly high tone. Quinn gasped at what came out of Sean's lips. She didn't expect that the man had doubted her all along. "Sir, you should not worry. I-I am very healthy. I rarely get sick, and my menstrual cycle is regular and good." Quinn stammeringly replied to their conversation. Trying to explain that she was truly worthy of being a surrogate mother. "Can you please shut your mouth up?" "Don't interrupt the conversation between my wife and me if you're not asked to open your mouth! Don't you understand what I said?!" Quinn shut her mouth instantly. She lowered her head to stare at the white sneakers she was wearing. "Why are you yelling at her?" asked Ivy in an annoyed tone. "Because she is impolite!" screeched Sean again, making the muscles in his neck tense up. Ivy looked back and saw Quinn. Ivy's hand was outstretched. "Are you okay?" Ivy asked. "I'm sorry about my husband. He's had a lot on his mind these past few days. But he's a good person, don't be scared. Everything will go smoothly. All you need to do is prepare yourself for the In Vitro process." Quinn nodded obediently. "I am sorry," Quinn said with a stiff smile. *** Not long after, the car they were driving pulled up in front of a hospital where the three had their check-ups. Ivy quickly got out of the car, then walked together with Quinn into the lobby. Meanwhile, Sean was still silent in the car with a full mind. Initially, he opposes his wife's idea, but he can't say no to Ivy because he loves his wife and doesn't want to lose her. If he disagreed with Ivy's idea, he had to be ready to divorce Ivy because she refused to have children. However, things seemed to get out of hand when she told her mother they would have a child using a surrogate. Dorothy, of course, refuses, but after a while, she agrees on one condition. They can only make one attempt at fertilization. If one fails, they should have a child naturally. And that also meant that Ivy must be prepared to lose her career and popularity. A nurse welcomes them. "I made an appointment with Doctor Barbara," Ivy said to the nurse with sparkling eyes. "Can you please state your name," the nurse asked. "Ivy Osbert." "Oh, Mrs. Osbert, please come with me." The nurse led Ivy and Quinn to a room at the end of the corridor. Doctor Barbara's room. It wasn't long before Sean followed the two women in front of him. Knock knock... "Please come in." Doctor Barbara said from inside her room. Quinn's body suddenly felt shivering, her hands soaked in sweat. There was a sense of nervousness that was now lodged in her mind. She was afraid that the results were not like what she expected. It would mean losing two hundred thousand dollars, implying that she would fail to become rich. "Good afternoon Mrs. Osbert. Please have a seat," Doctor Barbara asked the two women to sit down. "The examination results for you and your husband and this lady are out." "We're thrilled. How did it go?" Ivy asked excitedly. However, Doctor Barbara's demeanor seemed to change. She looked a little nervous. Barbara brought her lips together, and her mouth opened and closed again as if hesitant to start a conversation. "Mr. Osbert's sperm examination results are excellent, and there are no significant problems." "Then, what about Miss Russel's condition?" said Ivy. "Fine, she needs to take iron supplements. But the rest is fine." Ivy continued to smile happily. She looked at Quinn with eagerness. "Then, doctor, what about me?" Barbara held her breath. "But before that, I would like to ask, is Mr. Osbert coming with you?" Barbara asked. "He's outside. Wait a moment. I'll call him." Before Ivy could get up from there, Sean had already knocked on the door of Barbara's office and immediately entered there. "You came at the right time, Mr. Osbert. Please, have a seat." "Miss Russel, would you please get out of here first? Because I'd like to speak with Mr. and Mrs. Osbert," Barbara pleaded with Quinn. *** Now in the room were only Barbara, Sean, and Ivy. "I have a few things to tell you," Barbara began. "It's about Mrs. Osbert's reproductive condition." Barbara looked at the two people in turn. Her face looked agitated. "What is it?" asked Sean. "Mrs. Osbert has a condition called PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Mrs. Osbert's ovum is unable to develop fully due to hormonal imbalance. But, don't worry, it can still be treated with hormone therapy, but it usually takes about one to two months, depending on your body's response." After hearing the explanation given by Doctor Barbara, the couple looked at each other. "Does that mean I'm infertile, doc?" asked Ivy with a shocked face. "Yes, if you don't get treatment soon, it could be worse than this." "But, I can't promise. Because of this condition, the success rate is down to 40℅," Dr. Barbara explained. "Excuse me a moment, doc," Ivy pulled Sean's hand away. The man just stood there like a dazed man. He was shocked to hear the news and didn't know how to react. They arrive outside the doctor's office. "Sean, we have to do something," Ivy said seriously. Her eyes occasionally looked at the girl sitting on a bench a few meters away from where she was standing. "Ivy, you need to get proper treatment. I'll tell my mom about this so that she understands our situation. We don't have to rush to have a child. We can wait some time for you to be ready to develop." Sean knew his wife was disappointed, and he was trying to calm her down. "Sean, that's not the problem!" "Then what's the problem, Ivy?!" "The problem is that I don't want your mother to know I have this problem. I don't want her to insult and belittle me again. So, we have to use other methods. The most important thing is that we can have a child as soon as possible," Ivy said with emphasis on every word. "What do you mean, Ivy? I don't understand," Sean frowned. He really didn't get her words. "You should have s*x with that girl, get her pregnant, and our problems are over. The most important thing is that our marriage is safe, and we can have children as soon as possible." "What did you say? Are you out of your mind!" Sean screeched in frustration.
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