
My love from the star


Hera Parker, the rebel of the family. Popular lesbian of her school.

Save the Campus Nerd from a two strangers.

Asteria Hale, the president campus nerd.

Came from well known and influential family.

But remains simple despite of her status.

She wants to enjoy life to the fullest.

She wants to explore the world.

She wants to treasure everything with her life.

Two different people.

But has a strong connection with each other.

Love will change their perspective in life.

Change will make them stronger.

And memories will always stay in their hearts.

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Ch. 1 Beautiful Strangers
"How's your shoulder Ms. Parker?" The beautiful woman asked me as she gracefully walked towards my direction. We are currently at the hospital for my weekly check up for my shoulder injury due to a motorcycle accident a month ago when i joined the Perris Winter Racing League without the consent of my parents. As for all you know, I'm a huge fan of motorbike. It was cool as hell and if you ask me why I like this sport, I can't give you a definite answer. But all i know is it helps me to release my stress from school. "Mm.." I thought for awhile while moving my shoulder slowly. "It doesn't hurt so much like the last time.""Okay.." Ms. Megan Evans breathed out as she gently squeezed my arm. For some odd reason, it makes me close my eyes. "How about this.." But I'm totally enjoying her touch. Gosh, she smells like apples with the breeze of summer. "Hera?"I instantly opened my eyes and blood drained from my face. "Ah yes, it's good—" I have tried to sound relax as if i didn't enjoy her presence. If she is only about my age, i would date her. Too bad though. Ms. Evans is seven to eight years old than me—my parents especially mother will disagree. Well of course they knew I'm lesbian and I'm so goddamn lucky because they accepted me for what i truly am. "Stupid lesbian." I heard my sister Eos mumbled under her breath earning a glare from me.Eos is two years older and currently in second year college. Since our family owns plenty of restaurant around the city. Eos is encouraged to take up business course. Our parents are expecting so much from my sister than me because I'm not a genius like her which i would not mind at all. As long as i know how to do simple mathematics like sum, subtraction, division and multiplication. How to use past, present and future tense. I'm okay with it. Life is so simple and I don't want to make things complicated."That's very good." Ms. Evans said feeling satisfied. "It means no more swelling." She sat down her chair and smiled at me before looking at my mother. "Her shoulder is 95 percent healed." Mother took a sigh of relief. "Actually, I'm surprised how fast she recovered because a torn ligament needs three to four months to heal but with Hera's case it only took almost a month." It makes me feel proud of myself. "But..."Then my heart stopped when i heard the word but. "I would still advice you not to ride your bike for now Hera." Ms. Evans told me directly. "Wait, are you serious?" I asked my doctor in disbelief. Ms. Evans just nodded her head as a yes. "Oh gosh." I laughed in frustration. "No." "Don't worry Ms. Evans." It was mother who speak up with a stern look on her face. "I will make sure of that." I slouched in defeat. "It's for your own good Hera, don't you dare argue with me.I felt my father's hand tapped my tight. "Just follow your mother Hera." With that said, I didn't even bother to say anything and let them talk about my life. "Please come back here on the 12th." Ms. Even said while writing something in a piece of paper. "For your last check up." Mother is about to ask when there's a knock at the door. "I'm sorry." Ms. Evans apologized as we all turned our heads towards the door. "Please come in."My mouth parted ways when the door slightly opened and a beautiful blonde woman enter inside the room. I couldn't help but swallowed by the sight of her beauty. She is freaking beautiful. "Oh I'm sorry." The blonde apologize with a sweet smile. "I will come back—" "No it's fine." Ms. Evans assured. The beautiful blonde stood in her full height. "We have a meeting at 1pm and.." I noticed her blue eyes sparkled. "Your sister is outside, waiting for you."Ms. Evans smiled knowingly and nodded her head. "Okay, please tell Flare to wait a minute. Thank you Ms. Erin Cross." When the other doctor left, she brought her attention back to us. "Sorry about that.""Wow." Mother breathe out in admiration. "So many beautiful doctors here."Ms. Evans blushed. "Thank you Mrs. Parker." She shifted her attention to me. "Anyway Hera. Just continue to take your prescription medicine until next week." "I will Ms. Evans." I told her gratefully. "Thank you Ms. Evans." Father said to my doctor as we all got up. "We shall go."We left the room as my mother wouldn't stop reminding not to ride my motorbike anymore. Though it's very frustrating, annoying. I still chose not to say anything. To ignored my mother's rant, I put my earphones on and scrolled up and down my phone. I wasn't really aware of what is happening around me because I'm too focus in the music blasted inside my head. "Ouch!" I yelp when someone bumped into me while walking in the hallway. Heck. My mood is already down but whoever this stupid b***h will—but all words were vanished inside my mouth when i see person in front of me. "Oh gosh." The very beautiful woman with red hair and green eyes whispered softly. "I'm really sorry, i wasn't looking." Jesus, even her voice is so enticing with a very heavy English accent. "Are you okay?" I wasn't really paying attention of what she said but how those lips moves...It took me a little while to recover from a beautiful fantasy. "Ye-yeah." I blinked a few times. "I'm okay." Gosh, why im so lucky to see these beautiful woman in just an hour. "So don't worry, I'm still intact." A smile formed to her lips with my lame joke. "Are you sure?" "I'm very sure—" I was cut off by my mother. "Hera come on! You are going to be late to school." The red head beautiful woman smiled at me and squeezed my arm as she walked away. So, I followed my mother with a smile on my face. "Who is she?" I put my hands inside my pocket then shrugged my shoulders. "Mm no idea." My father stopped the car in front of us and we all get inside. As usual, we are busy in our own little world. My parents are talking about business and my sister is typing eagerly in her tablet. She is working in her thesis everywhere, when she gets a chance since the submission is just around the corner. "Hera." Father called my attention. I looked at him through the mirror. "We will drop you off on your school. Please, please, please behave and stop giving your teachers a hard time." "Right." My sister chuckled. "Listen to your father Hera." It was my mother. This time i couldn't help but roll my eyes in annoyance. "We don't need another lecture from the school principal." I leaned back and closed my eyes. "Yeah, yeah." And for the record, I wasn't giving my teachers a hard time. Beside, I entertain them in class which cost me to visit our school principal two times a week. "We are here." Father said as he fully stopped in front of my school. "Behave." Mother reminded me. I grabbed my bad and opened the door in silence. "I love you." Hearing her saying those words melts my frustration. Yes i know my family especially my mother is very strict to me. Sometimes i do not like it but then i know she is doing it for good. School. The most boring words that I don't want to hear. I know im one of those popular student in the campus but seriously status really doesn't matter to me. But since it's my last year in high school, i just want to enjoy every second of it because i know for a fact that i will miss this. The wind is so cold and it sent shivers down my spine. A smile formed in my lips totally enjoying the weather. Know what? I like winter over summer. I hate the heat because it gives me a headache, i hate the feeling of being sweaty like i came from a marathon. All eyes were on me as i marched down the hallway. This isn't new to me, I'm used to it since freshman year. Being lesbian is a huge thing here at school but boy no one dare to shame me because they knew better. "Hey." I was greeted of my friend Jen when i entered the classroom. "You are early." "Well, my parents drop me off after my check up." I told Jen as i sits down and puts my bag on top of the table. "So what's up?""Nothing much." Jen nodded. "How is your shoulder anyway?" I crossed my legs and released a heavy sighed. "Better. 95% heal according to Ms. Evans." "So are you in?" My eyebrows furrowed. "In? What?" "There is a motorcycle competition next week—I thought you knew." "Well, yes i know about the competition." I said while scratching my eyebrow. "But im afraid i won't be able to join since my doctor advised me not to ride until im fully recover." Jen laughed with a shake of her head. "It's for you Hera. Why not focus on your study?" She stopped for awhile as if she is contemplating of a better words to say. "Improve your grades—i mean you are rich, beautiful and all but you have to establish your own name and it will start in your study."I kind of agree with Jen about it. What if i have a family in the future and have a children. What would i tell them about my high school life? That i suck and bullshit everything? Gosh. I'm such a... bad image. My jaw clenched. "Right.." Having this kind of conversation with her isn't new to me. Jen is a type of person that would tell you what is wrong and what she sees in you. She doesn't like sugarcoating and i honestly didn't like her sometimes. "But im not smart.." I thought deeply. "Like you and my sister." "Hera.." Jen sighed softly. "Oh trust me, you are smart and talented but.." A small smile appeared in her face. "Just a little irresponsible."I couldn't help but smile. "I won't argue with that." "Seriously though..." Jen stared but then the bell rang."I know.." I whispered lowly. "But im trying. Also, i want to move out here as soon as possible and explore everything, even the world." My friend gives me a knowingly smile. "Your lesbian world." I dramatically clutched on my chest with a smirk. "I'm touché." Our teacher came in and my struggle is about to begin. "How I really wish that i can barrow the magic pocket of Doraemon so i can travel without you guys knowing."I'm at the parking lot with my friends where we usually hang out to talk about nonsense and useless issues. Right now, they are talking about their past relationship, ex-girlfriend and boyfriend. Speaking of past relationship, my ex-girlfriend Mia is next to me. I used to love her, i gave everything to that woman but Mia chose to cheated on me. "So are you guys ready for the party later tonight?" The captain of basketball Peter asked. "Oh yeah. I'm excited." Paula squealed and clung to Peter like a litch. "So you and i have some kinky time."My face scrunched in disgust. "Why not at the back of the car? In the restroom? Locker room?" "Why do you care?" Paula snarled at me. But i didn't move a little. "Keep your f*****g private information to yourself." Mia and Jen are quiet. Actually no one dares to interfere. "We are not interested about your s*x escapades.""You are just jealous." The b***h rolled eyes at me. "Stop using your fingers Hera and find a guy instead." Instead of getting annoyed, I laughed so hard. "Seriously? I don't need any guy to pleasure me." My jaw tightened. "Especially that i have a very talented fingers that can pleasure every girls more than a man can do." Paula's mouth slightly open and glaring daggers on me. "Paula.." Peter hissed under his breath. "Can you stop?" He turned to me. "I'm sorry—" "Why are you sorry i***t!?" Paula confronted her boy toy. "I didn't—" "I said shut the f**k up!" Peter said with warning stares. Paula sees the danger then chose not to say anything. I quickly dropped it and breath out. "Oh... Look who is here." Peter whispered while grinning. We all followed his gaze and sees the girl silently walking across the parking lot with plenty of books in her arms. "The nerd." She has a dirty blonde hair flows down her waist. Behind her black rimmed eye glasses hang on her nose bridge is pair of beautiful hazel eyes. She always wear a sweater, jeans and rubber shoes despite of being the only child of the rich family in our town. She is Asteria. Yes I know that her name is weird actually fits to her. I don't know Asteria personally. I mean yes i know her name because she's the president of student council. Asteria Hale is incredibly smart and yet she remained simple, very reserved, a loner, never talk to other people aside from her best friend Gigi from the glee club. Okay. I talk so much about her. This is Jen's fault. She used to tell me about Asteria because Jen is the vice president. Asteria accidentally dropped her books and papers scattered on the ground. No one stop to help her. "Hey Ms. President." Paula shout at her. Asteria pretends not to hear. "You need a help?" "Let her be." Jen whispered to Paula. Paulo smirk. "What is your problem Jen?" I closed my fist and slowly breathes out. "Jen.." My friends look at me in anticipation. "Go and help her." Mia's face turned into emptiness. Jen quickly run away as i have a staring competition with Paula. "I should be the one who needs to ask you that, what is your freaking problem? She didn't do anything wrong with you and you don't have any f*****g right to insult her or anybody because you want." "So what now Hera? Are you her lesbian knight and shining armor?" Paula questioned me. "I honestly don't care about her as much as i don't care about you. You are being stupid and annoying brat." I told Paula hard and clear so she would understand my point. I felt someone grabs my arm. It's Mia. "Stop it girls." She turned to me with all the curiosity in the world. "Why did you care about other people now? Especially with that nerd." "You heard me right? I said. I don't care about her. I just want to shut Paula for being immature and annoying person today." I replied. Mia just stared hard on my face. I know she don't believe me. But why do I care? She is a cheater. "Who are you to question my action?" Yeah. I like myself better when i didn't care to anybody else. Why can't i do that now.

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