Chapter Five - I never claimed to be perfect...

1300 Words
Ryker’s P.O.V I had been on a drink, drug, s*x and partying binge for the last five days. I always did this before I headed on tour. It relaxed me cause tour can be a stressful thing. Yes, I love being on stage but that doesn’t mean it isn’t stressful. We set off on tour in a few days which gave me time to recover. I was in front of all the tabloids with the usual headlines. The press loved putting my bad habits out to the world. They gotta get paid somehow right? I was used to it, been that way for years. I never let it get to me anymore. I had a meeting later this afternoon. I had not slept in three days, but I would need to wait until after the meeting before I sleep. If I nap before it? I will wake up feeling like utter s**t. It is best to go while I am still on a slight high. I would need to find a way to occupy myself until then. I looked through my phone, looking for one of my many booty calls. Yet, I found myself stopping at one of the first names in my phone book…Alena. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of weeks or spoke to her. Natalie was dealing with everything when it came to her. I decided to skip her name but by the time I got through them all, I found myself going back to her name. Maybe I should stick to sensible and boring for the next couple of hours. I decided to text her. Ryker: Hey, are you free? Wanna meet for coffee and food? I waited for ten minutes. I was about to give in then a text came through. Alena: Um…are you sure that text was for me? Ryker: Yes, Alena. It was for you. Lol. Alena: OK ha-ha. And yeah sure. I don’t have any plans. Where you wanna meet? Ryker: Sal’s diner? I am in the mood for burger, fries and soda? Alena: OK. See you there in an hour? Ryker: See you then. I decided a quick shower and a change of clothes before heading out to meet her. I pulled my baseball cap and shades on. For two reasons. One is to try avoiding the press. The second, to try to hide the fact that I was still high. I don’t know how much Alena’s knows about me, but I don’t want her picking up that I am high. I decided to walk there, the fresh air would do me good. It wasn’t too far from my apartment anyway. She was pulling up in her car as I approached. I headed over to where she was parking. “Hey,” I said as she started climbing out. “Hey,” she said softly. I gave her a quick once over, not trying to be too obvious. Natalie will have my balls in a jar if I go anywhere near Alena. “This was unexpected.” She said as we headed in. “I had some time to kill. I haven’t seen you in a couple of weeks. Plus, we are going on tour soon together, so thought would take the chance to try the hanging out thing again.” I shrugged. I was trying my best not to babble too much. Another side effect of the last five days. “OK.” She said as we found a booth. I took my shades off, sitting them on the table but kept my cap on. Alena looked at me, “Are you OK? You looked like you haven’t slept in days?” she said. “I haven’t, not really.” I shrugged. “Natalie phoned me yesterday to see if I had heard from you. She said it has been a few days since she heard from you, she was worried.” She said. “Yeah. I called her yesterday. If she could I am sure I would be grounded right now.” I laughed. “She is only looking out for you.” She said softly. “I know but she in part of the team, not my mother,” I said rolling my eyes. I had one mother who was the devil in disguise. I do not need someone else acting like my mother. I was done with this conversation. I called the waiter over. “Can I have double, bacon cheeseburger, curly fries, onion rings with a side of coleslaw to start with, please. Orange Fanta and black coffee to drink as well.” I said placing my order. I was hungry, had barely eaten the last few days. I was going to make up for it now though. “I will have the chicken salad wrap with fries, please. For drinking, I will have an apple juice please.” Alena said. The waiter headed off, leaving Alena and me alone. She was looking at me, a little too closely. “Are you on something?” she asked. “Yes, a seat,” I said, trying to laugh it off. “That is not what I meant. Your eyes are about popping out of your head. You can’t stay still, and you are babbling.” She said. “What if I am? It has nothing to do with you.” I said firmly. What I do in my spare time has nothing to do with her. She is only going to be my photographer. She isn’t part of my management team; her opinion doesn’t matter. “You need to be careful Ryker.” She sighed. “I am not an i***t. I know my limits and know where to get the stuff I want without any danger. We can’t all be perfect and good.” I snapped at her. I hated when people had opinions on things they know nothing about. “I never claimed to be perfect Ryker. Sorry for giving a damn.” She said shaking her head. “Give a damn? You don’t even know. You are my photographer, nothing else.” I said. She was ruining my high. She was making the comedown worse than what it needed to be. “You know what, I don’t need this. I am out of here.” She said grabbing her things and storming out. This was becoming a habit. Us arguing, her storming off. I sort of enjoyed it. Her? Not so much I wouldn’t think. This time though? I was not going after her. Instead, I got my food, taking hers too rather than it to go to waste. I would need to face her later at the meeting anyway. I don’t know what it is about her, she gets under my skin it would seem. I just hope with this tour, we can get over whatever it was. I ate everything that was placed in front of me before paying the bill and heading out. I slipped my shades back on, not in the mood for anyone to know it was me. I headed to the offices, show up early for a change. I knew Natalie would be waiting for me. Ready to give me a lecture for disappearing for a few days without a word. I felt like a child sometimes the way she scolded me. I was a grown-ass man and they all need to remember that. I have the right to make my own choices even if they are all the wrong choices.
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