Chapter Four - It is nothing personal...

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Alena’s P.O.V “Guys, I am really sorry I am going to have to leave,” Natalie said just as our food was served. “Everything OK?” I asked “Work things. I sometimes forget I have other people cause this one takes up all my time.” She laughed nodding to Ryker. “And you love every second of it.” He said smirking. “I wouldn’t say every second. You two stay enjoy the food. Ryker is paying.” She laughed. She is leaving alone with Ryker. I don’t know what I think about that. And Ryker never looked too happy with the idea either. Though, I guess right now is a better time than any to get used to being around each other. “Ryker, you behave and be nice. Alena, I will call you later show you our schedule for the tour.” She said before heading off. An awkwardness silence fell between us. Oh God, I am terrible with awkward social interactions. Ryker leant back in his chair, arms over crossed over his chest and stared at me. That made me worse. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I don’t like before staring at me especially when they were not saying anything. I could really do with a drink right now but the only thing I had was soda water. I was getting seriously uncomfortable. “Can you please stop staring at me? You are making me uncomfortable.” I said fidgeting in my seat. A smug look covered his face when I said that. He leant over, resting his elbows on the table. “Uncomfortable? I haven’t done or said anything,” he laughed. “Except staring at me, not saying a word. It is sort of creepy.” I said, “Is there something you wanna ask? If so, go ahead.” I added Surely, he isn’t only staring at me for the sake of it. He must be wanting to know something right? “Why don’t you have a boyfriend? You seem the type that would want to be settling at this age.” He said, “What are you, twenty-three?” he added, I nodded. What does he mean by that? The type that would want to be settling. Do I give off that sort of vibe? Of course, one day I want a husband and children, just not right now. “Meaning?” I asked. “You seem the good girl type. That wants to make love, not f**k. The one that wants a relationship, doesn’t do one night stands or flings.” He said. He was right in some ways. I am not one for one-night stands and flings. I prefer a connection with someone before I have s*x. What is wrong with that? “And what is wrong with that? We don’t all wanna screw anything we can.” I said shrugging. “Never said there was anything wrong with it.” He said, “Just sounds very boring.” He added. “That is your opinion,” I said. I honestly wanted this conversation to end right here and now. I don’t like talking about these things especially with people I don’t know. I think it is more private, between the two people who are getting involved. “It is. I have fun staying single. Can do what and who I want without anyone stopping me.” He said. “And those are your choices.” I said, “I need a drink. Do you want a drink?” I added. He chuckled, nodding his head and grabbing the waitress attention to come over. It never took her long, when she saw who he was. “W…wh... what can I get you?” she stuttered out, her face turning red. I am guessing she waa s fan then. Either that or one of the millions of women that wants to sleep with him. I have never understood why people can get this way with famous people. Then again, I am not one of those obsessive types when it comes to the rich and famous. “A Scotch on the rocks for me please gorgeous.” He said winking at her, “Alena?” he asked without looking at me. “Long Island Iced tea for me please.” I said I may as well not be here right now. She was too busy getting all turned on and giddy around Ryker. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. I hope I never became that way. I know it isn’t her fault. He is a handsome looking guy. Society likes to make everyone believe that the rich and famous are the best thing since slice bread. “And your phone number too,” he said smirking at her. I swear the poor girl looked like she either gonna pass out or jump him right here and now. She took a pen and notepad from her pocket, writing it down and handing it to him. “I get off at seven.” She said, “Your drinks will be right with you.” She added before heading off. Ryker was looking proud of himself as he turned back to me. He smirked, slipping the number into his pocket. “Too easy,” he said smugly. “Yeah especially since after you screw her, she will get sent on her way. I hope she knows that.” I said. “Everyone knows that.” He shrugged like he never cared. I don’t know how someone can be so unattached from real life. Does he realise with him doing this, he is probably breaking all these girls’ heart? Actually, have a feeling he does. He just couldn’t give a damn. That has nothing to do with me. I don’t know his story. Don’t know how he is the way he is. I never said anything after that. I don’t know what to say to him. I was thankful when our drinks came. I have never needed a drink so much in my life. He made me nervous, I won’t deny that. I will have to get used to him. I am gonna be spending a lot of time with him. “I know you are secretly judging me, Alena.” He said taking a sip of his drink. “What and who you do, is none of my business Ryker. I don’t know your story; I have no right to judge. Just like you don’t know mine.” I said. “No, you don’t,” he said bluntly. I think after I finish this drink it is time for me to leave. I drank it quickly, gathering my things. “Where are you going?” he asked confused “Home.” I said. I took some money out of my purse, placing it on the table. That would pay for my half of things. I am not going to make him pay. I know Natalie said he would, but I never wanted that. I got a feeling he never really wanted me around at this particular moment. “Why?” he asked “Cause, you don’t wanna be here with me. Call it a gut feeling. I don’t know what I have done to you, but you should really get used to having me around.” I said walking away. He has been off me since the moment we met. Why? I have no clue. I have done nothing to him. I was not going to stay somewhere I wasn’t wanted. Yes, both her and I would need to use to one and other. Until the tour starts, I don’t need to see him unless I really need to. I tried hailing down a cab, with no luck. “Alena, wait up. Why would you think that?” I hear, Ryker, appearing next to me. “Because you have been off with me since the first moment we met.” I said. “It is nothing personal Alena. I don’t let anyone in. I don’t truly trust anyone.” He said honestly. “I am not asking you too Ryker. All I ask is you stop acting like me around is one of the worst things in the world.” I said. I am maybe over exaggerating, but it was the first thing that came to my head. “Sorry. I will try OK?” He smiled. “Thank you,” I smiled back. “At least let me give you a run home?” he said, “I can have a car here in five minutes.” He added. I was going to refuse the offer, then decided would get me home quicker. I nodded, Ryker soon making a call and right enough a car was soon pulling up. “Ladies first,” he said opening the door for me. I slipped in first, he followed. At least this time he never sat right next to me. I gave him my address and he told the driver. A silence filling the car the who journey. “Thank you. See you soon.” I said “Yeah, see you around.” He said with a small smile. I climbed out, heading into my apartment. I hope he meant when he said he was going to try. I don’t wanna work in an environment like that where I am not even wanted. It would make leaving not worth it. We have a few weeks until the tour, hopefully, that is enough time.
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