Night Hiking

1098 Words
    "We barely know the woods. Are you sure night hiking is smart?" I asked. Erick stood there with a back pack on, smiling in excitment. "What if we get lost. Why aren't the others coming? Why am I being forced into this?"     "Come on, Evie. It will be fun. Brother and sister bonding time. Adrian is the one who suggested it." I glared at Adrian. He only smiled and held my hiking boots out to me.      "We've been here for three weeks and haven't explored the woods, or did you leave the house at some point to explore?" I asked.     "Yep. While the rest of you were painting your rooms, I got out to explore the woods. They're not that confusing. I have also tied ribbions around some trees so we know which way to go." Erick said proudly. I huffed and snatched the boots from Adrian. They are heavier than normal boots. Something I normaly wouldn't wear.     "Okay, I'm ready." I said. Erick nodded, handing me a light jacker. Rolling my eyes, I took the jacket and followed him out the door. The sun was still setting, but it was dark enough to start the hike. Erick handed me a flashlight as he led the way to the woods.     "There is also another reason as to why I asked you to come hiking with me. Before we left the school, I said there was something I wanted to talk to you about. Do you remember?" Erick asked. I nodded.     "You looked so nervous when you were talking about it. How far are we walking anyways?" I asked him.     "Three miles north. There's a clearing and I think it would be a perfect place if we ever wanted to go camping. I want you to conform that first though. You can also see the stars from there. It's really cool and i thought you would like some pictures for your room or something. It goes with your galaxy theme very well."     "That wil be cool." I said.     "Watch your step. It's a little steep right here." Erick helped me so wouldn't fall. "I think we may see some owls and other nightly creatures. Keep the spiders away from me and I will be good." He shuddered. I laughed, remembering the last time he ran into a spider. He screamed and took off running like a bat out of hell.     "Please stop laughing. It's embarrassing." Erick whined.     "Sorry, but it is a little funny. Anyways, what is it that you wanted to talk about? All I can get from this right now is that it invovles Adrian." I looked at him curiously.     "Right. Down to business it is." He chuckled. "I've been with Adrian for a while now. I know he wants to spend tthe rest of our lives together. I really want that too. I also already got a ring, but I have no clue on how to propose to him. Should I do fancy, formal, or simple?" He asked.     "I think simple." I responded. "I think a picnic would do. We have wine and whisky to celebrate once we get back. I still can't believe your uncle gave you all that alcohol. I can make a light picnic and we can all go to this clearing if I approve of it. You know Adrian will want all of us to be there. I have no doubt he will drag us all in on the wedding planning. When we get back to the house, I can make a big meal. A cook out perhaps. Steak on a grill."     "I knew you would know what to do." Erick exclaimed in relief. "When should we do it?"      "Three days from now. Gives me enough time to plan for the picnic and cook out. Don't tell the others. They need to be surprised as well. I will hold onto the ring that day if you wish." I said.     "Actually, the ring is in a box under your bed. I panicked when Adrian almost found it, so I hid it in your room.." Erick sheepishly said. I laughed. I guess that explains the running the other day and Adrian's confused shouts followed by laughter.     We walked in silence for a while. I listened to the osund of the night. In the distance, I could hear the wolves calling to each other. I could hear owls and other creatures that gave off a calm noise or call. I am pretty sure I heard a bat at some point.     "Well, here we are." We paused in our walking as we waved our flashlights around the clearing. Stepping further into the clearing. It was large enough and gave a good open space to see the sky. I smiled as I looked up at the stars. It was looking at a whole new world. I could stand here all night looking at the sky. It seemed to be filled with different colors as I watched it.     "This would be perfect palce to camp for sure." I said. "It's special in a way." I looked at Erick, who was smiling as he watched me. "What?"     "Sometimes, you remind me of a child who sees something she likes." He said as he walked to the center of the clearing. "You are a child by heart, but you know when to be serious. It's what makes you, well, you."     "It comes naturally." I murmured.     "Should we head back?" Erick asked.     "Probably. We don't want them to worry, do we?" I asked.      Walking back, I looked around me, studying the trees and some of the plants that I could make out. There was many different kinds of trees. The trees seemed taller at night than they did during the day. It made the forest more interestings. Some flowers we passed were open, so I assumed that they are night flowers.     "Is it just me or does the forest seem more magical at night than the day? It's almost like seeing it for the first time." Erick looked at me questioningly, waiting for an answer.     "I agree Erick. It really does seem that way." Almost like another world, I thought. "I'm sure it's just because it's our first nighht walking here though. Let's get home, I am getting rather tired." I told him. I didn't tell him about the glowing red eyes that may or may not have been there. I must be seeing things.
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