Chapter 14: Battling Uzzun

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Vicissim. A nasty species of demon, especially if you agitate them, as Jamie had just done. The Vicissim was unusual in the fact that they were able to collect the energy from their attackers' blows and use it to grow their bodies. The stronger the attacks, the stronger the demon becomes. Which is exactly what had happened, and Jamie was now looking at a huge monster breathing down on her. His green eyes were staring at her like she was prey. "Well at least we solved the mystery of why no one wanted to fight the mighty Uzzun!" Jamie mindlinked. "Oh, well that is alright then! Every cloud has a silver lining. Here was me thinking of a way to defeat the colossus in front of us. You know the one who wants to splatter our brains around the arena!" Vanth said sarcastically. "Good point!" Jamie replied, not taking her eyes off Uzzun for a minute. "Oh, has our little demoness finally discovered the true power of Uzzun! The poor lamb, she is about to be slaughtered!" Kagan shouted as the arena went wild. "I am going to rip his throat out!" Vanth growled. Jamie wasn't listening, she was desperattely searching her memories for something that could help. She then remembered a lesson from two years ago, when she was training in the elemental guard. "I hate demonology! It is pointless, all the demons are trapped behind the starlight barrier!" David sighed. David, Rose, and Jamie were all sat on the grass, eating lunch after an intense three hour session in demonology. "Because, dummy, demons can slip through. We could one day have to face them!" Rose said as she stroked Fluff, absentmindedly.  "But, Vicissims? They are extremely rare! I swear Dion is just doing this to torture us." David said dramatically. "All you have to remember is that they have a weak spot, which when you hit it, reverses the process. They become smaller! " Rose said. "Dork!" David retorted. "I prefer the term smarter than you!" Rose said as she stuck out her tongue. "No, Rose is right. You have to find their weak spot and it is normally their nose!" Jamie said. "Great, I am friends with two dorks!" David groaned. "Huh! Well, you won't be moaning when the information saves your life." Rose said. "I doubt it!" David scoffed. The memory faded as the large demon brought down an enormous fist. Jamie did a couple of backflips,  to dodge the attack just in time. "Oh! My dear Demons, it looks like the sacrificial lamb might have some fight in her! " Kagan roared, making the crowd even more excited. "Tricky, tricky!"  Uzzun grumped as he proceeded with an onslaught of fist attacks. "I need to get to his nose! It is his weak spot!" Jamie urgently mindlinked. She thanked the gods that Commander Nina Firestone had trained Jamie hard.  "You think it is his weak spot!" Vanth said. "Not helping!" Jamie said as she kept moving, dodging the fists. If Uzzun landed even one, she knew it would be game over. "Well, you can't keep this up! He is not getting tired!" Vanth pointed out, unhelpfully. "I know! I know!" Jamie said. She weighed up her options. She could not use her weapon of power, Soulshard, as it wasn't allowed. Using her elemental power was out of the question. It would act like a beacon to the Empress’ guard.  No, she would have to do this the old fashion way, which was the hard way. "Oi, d**k for brains! Is that the best you can do? "Jamie shouted.  “What in the chaos are you doing? " Vanth shouted alarmed, as Uzzun grunted angrily and increased the speed of his attacks. "I bet your mother was a w***e and your father was a pit demon!" Jamie shouted. "Bad, bad! Kill you!" Uzzun growled as his attacks became harder. His fist kept pounding the ground, furiously. "What is this? The little lamb has lost her mind and is vexing our champion. Is she trying to hesitain her own death?" Kagan boomed. "Are you?" Vanth asked incredulously. "Obviously not! Look!" Jamie said shrewdly and Vanth did.  "Ah, I get it, you are a clever one, aren't you? Eric would be proud!" Vanth said in a voice full of admiration. "You can not fight, what you can not see!" Jamie said. The pounding of the fists had meant the sand on the ring floor had been flicked up into a dust cloud. It was now difficult to see anything for both Jamie and Uzzun.  But, after spending a long time blind, Jamie had learned to fight without her sight.  "Were is you? Where is the lamb?" Uzzun roared in frustration, desperately trying to scan the sand cloud. Unbeknownst to Uzzun, Jamie had gone around the back of him. He was making so much noise that it was easy to pinpoint his exact location. Jamie used a little of her wild magic to elongate her nails into sharp claws. Then with all her might, Jamie leapt onto Uzzun’s back and stabbed her claws in. Uzzun roared with pain and flayed his arms, madly trying to get the source of the pain off. Jamie gritted her teeth as she quickly climbed up the giant's back, using her claws as an anchor. "Quick! Quick!" Vanth shouted. She knew they were in a vulnerable position. If Uzzun decided to fall on his back, they would be in trouble. Jamie got to Uzzun’s neck and head. She put her legs around his neck and punched his nose with all her might.  Uzzun was too shocked to react, as Jamie continued to punch him on the nose.  Much to Jamie's satisfaction, Uzzun started to shrink like a deflated pig bladder. Uzzun tried to get her off, but Jamie hung on like a limpit to a rock.  Uzzun continued to decrease in size until he was back to his original size.  "No, no!" Uzzun said, as Jamie now towered over him. "Yes, yes!" Jamie said as she gave one final smack to his nose and the small red body fell unconscious. "I...I don't believe it! The little lamb has overcome the house champion!" Kagan said, astonished, as Jamie was teleported out of the ring and on to a podium. "Ladies and gentleman, in an astonishing turn of events, we now have a new house champion...Xic!" The whole cave went wild as ticker tape was released from the ceiling. Kagan waited till the crowd settle a little before saying, "As promised, Xic will receive a million Chaos crowns and will have the honour of meeting the owner! " "I want to do that now!" Jamie demanded sweetly. "Certainly!" Kagan said with a fake smile, as he tried to fondle her arse. Jamie felt her being teleported to a corridor with a grand looking door at the end of it. Kagan suddenly pinned her against the wall and licked his lips. "We could always have some fun beforehand. You are..extraordinary.....and we could be good together."  Jamie felt Kagan’s hands move up her thigh and towards her womanhood. Before Kagan realised what was happening, Jamie got out of his hold and twisted his arm painfully behind his back. "Touch me again and I will cut off your bollocks and shove them so far up your arse that you will have to use a toothbrush to clean them! Do you understand me, you festering sack of puss?" Jamie hissed.  Kagan did not answer and Jamie twisted his arm more. "Ahhh, yes, yes! There must have been a misunderstanding, I apologise! " He sputtered. "Good! Now, take me to the owner!" Jamie commanded and Kagan nodded. They walked down the corridor and opened the big doors. Jamie gasped when she saw who was sitting behind the desk. "You? No, it can't be!" "Oh, for chaosing sake!" Vanth mind linked .
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