Chapter 15: A handsome demon!

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"It’s you! " Jamie said, perplexed, as she looked at the well-dressed demon behind the desk. The demon looked up. He was a handsome dark blue demon, with a turquoise shimmer. He had two well-polished black horns on his head. His eyes were sea green. He was dressed smartly in a black dress tunic and leather pants. "Sorry, do I know you?" the demon asked, looking up confused. "Er, this is the winner of the contest. They beat the house champion!" Kagan said nervously. It was obvious who was the alpha demon in the room. “Seriously? Now, I am very interested! What is your name, demoness?” The male demon asked, looking directly at Jamie. Jamie felt Vanth fighting against the attraction to her mate. The alpha demon and the boss of Ragnarok was none other than Barbaous, the demon of fear. Jamie had already come into contact with this demon when he possessed her body when she touched the source. It took the three most powerful wizards in the land to get rid of him. It seemed like a lifetime ago now. For some reason, Vanth had never mated with Barbaous, saying he was an i***t.  "She says her name is Xic," Kagan said, breaking Jamie from her thoughts, "I was speaking to the demoness. You may leave us now!" Barbaous snapped. "Yes, master," Kagan said with a nod as he quickly exited the room. Once the door was shut, Barbaous stood up. He slowly walked over and inspected Jamie closely. "It is most impressive that you beat my Vicissim demon. Especially for someone so small! " Barbaous remarked. "There's really nothing to it once you figure out their weak spot," Jamie said casually. "He knows, he knows!" Vanth mind linked. "Indeed, you have such an unusual smell. Please tell me...Xic: Where do you originally come from?" Barbaous asked. "Stop playing with us, Barbaous. You know exactly who we are! " Jamie said. Barbaous stopped and smiled before saying, "Of course, I know the delectable scent of my beautiful mate anywhere. The mere smell of her is enough to bring me to my knees to worship her!"  "Oh, for Chaos's sake!" Jamie muttered. "But, the question is, what are you both doing here? Not that I am complaining, but it isn’t the safest place for you. " Barbaous said, pouring out two glasses of chaos wine. He handed a glass to Jamie, who initially rejected it. "Please, it is Vanth’s favourite and there is no way I would hurt my mate!" "The last time..." Jamie began to say. "Ah, the last time I was a fool. But who can blame me? I sensed my mate and I went after her. Wouldn’t you have done the same? In fact, I would bet my whole operation that is why you are here now! " Barbaous asked.  "It is fine, take it!" Vanth said, and Jamie smiled whilst taking the glass. She sipped it, and it tasted like apples. Another sip and it tastes of cloves. "Chaos wine changes its flavour with every sip. It makes it exciting! " Vanth explained. "This is lovely, and yes, I am here to rescue my mate, Eric. I was told a person here would help me contact the resistance in order to get into the prison. " Jamie said, taking another sip, which tasted of toffee. "And who told you that little tidbit of information?" Barbaous asked, his eyes narrowing. "The six sisters of sin, Vanth Nieces," Jamie said. "How unusual! The sisters are rarely that bold and should be treated with the utmost caution. " Barbaous cautioned. "Shouldn’t all demons? Jamie asked  "Now, now! I was under the impression that you had discovered that not all chaos creatures are the same. There are some good demons, just like there are evil humans. I thought being mated to a hybrid demon would have taught you that! " Barbaous said, scolding the Goddess. "He has a point!" Vanth said. Jamie sighed and said, "You are right, I apologise. It was uncalled for. So, can you help us? " “An apology from a Goddess of Light? That's something I never expected to happen! To answer your questions, yes, I can. However…." "What is it going to cost? I won a lot of your money recently if I recall. " Jamie said, inspecting her fingernails. They were now getting to the crux of the matter, the cost. To her surprise, Barbaous roared with laughter. The booming sound filled the room, making Jamie uneasy.  Barbaous must have seen this as he stopped and put his hand up to calm her. ”Forgive me, I have not laughed like that in a long time. The Empress's rule has been harsh, to say the least. But, to answer your question, I have more than enough money. The club has done incredibly well, and the profits have exceeded all expectations. Even if most of the profits go to the Resistance, I am still a wealthy demon".Barbaous said with a dashing smile. Jamie knew that this explanation or smile was not for her, but for Vanth. He was making it clear that he could provide for his mate and their future children. "Oh, please!" Vanth mindlinked. "Don’t pretend you are not impressed, Vanth! I know that you are! " Jamie mindlinked before saying, "OK, so what do you want?" “Time with my mate is the most precious thing in the world. If I take you to the resistance, Vanth must have dinner with me. " Barbaous said. "She can’t leave my body. She is casting the glamour spell that keeps us undetected." Jamie explained. "What if I took you to a place where your safety would be assured? Would it be agreeable then? " Barbaous asked. "Well?" Jamie asked Vanth through her mindlink. "If it is only dinner, I suppose so!" Vanth said, reluctantly. "I don't get it. You are obviously very attracted to him, and he is completely devoted to you. Why have you not mated? " Jamie asked. "It is complicated," Vanth muttered. "Well?" Barbaous asked. Jamie could tell that he was trying not to seem too keen for the answer, even though it was clear he was desperate for Vanth to agree. Jamie felt a pang of pity. She knew what it was like to be away from one‘s mate and how desperate it could make you. "She agrees!" Jamie said with a smile. Barbaous face broke into a wide smile as he said, excitedly, " Excellent, excellent! She won't regret it, I promise! "I am sure she won't!" Jamie said, unable to stop herself from smiling at his enthusiasm. She could also feel Vanth purring at the prospect. Something that Jamie had never heard before. "OK, well, let's get going. The wards in this room are powerful, but I will feel more relaxed when we are in the hideout. " Barbaous said as he began to cast a spell. Suddenly, there was a small blue circle, swirling before him. The circle became larger and larger until it was large enough to walk through. Barbaous turned and said, "Come my darling, let me take you to safety!" Jamie nodded and followed Barbaous through the portal. When Jamie got through, she gasped. She was in the middle of a luscious forest, surrounded by creatures that had come straight out of the dream of God’s mind.
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