Meeting Kana Again

1811 Words

To think that our group will be the little episode for this day. Haa. It's all because of this Sakuma. Well, that took the boredom out of everyone. When Sakuma couldn't retort to my words the whole class laughed at it. And that brightened the room. Lunch break soon arrived.  I went to the cafeteria and intended to pass the time there. There won't be another training session for the time being, anyway. Nami is with her group of friends, somewhere in this cafeteria. I looked for a corner to settle with but on one of the tables near me, I saw Kana. She's not with Kenji but with a bunch of her fellow 3rd-year girls. Her friends? Where's that Kenji guy? Did she finally resolve their issues? I took out my phone and sent a mail to her. These days we only greeted each other through mails

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