Start of the Act (1)

2083 Words

Suddenly, my schedule after class became fully packed. I wouldn't have any time to visit that game club anymore. I guess I'll put off meeting Himeko's little sister for now. I have to go to the main character group's club first. Walk home with Kana. And after that, Yae will be waiting for me at the station. Starting next week, I'll remember to put the time in to relax. I'll really get exhausted if I keep filling up my schedule like this. Because of my choice to target the girls from my class, it got this hectic for me. Back in middle school, I got more time to relax since I didn't set my sight on any of my classmates. Even if most of them were dating someone. Now, I have to be mindful of Aya, Satsuki, Nami, Kanzaki, Mori and Harada. Ah. Let's add Shio as well. I couldn't ignore them

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