
1325 Words

Upon arriving at their street, the first thing I noticed was the police car parked at an appropriate distance from their house. It was on the lookout in case someone would attempt to abduct Auntie Yayoi again. I silently gave a nod of approval as we continued on our steps. I saw a policeman at the wheels and when he noticed us passing by, he nodded. He’s someone I saw at the police station yesterday so we got an easy clear. Besides, a boy and a girl wouldn’t even look that suspicious, normally. When I pointed that out to Mina, she heaved a sigh of relief as her walking pace increased, almost running towards her house. That worry that I calmed down when we’re at the bus burst out once more. She had to see Auntie Yayoi safe and sound before she could rest her mind. Well, I guess I also w

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