No Point to Blame

1249 Words

With Nami’s confession, the long withstanding reveal finally happened, albeit abruptly. And because of that, what I anticipated to happen also didn’t happen, thanks to Nami. Instead of bursting out in anger, she managed to dampen the initial effect by telling him not to make a scene. That sounded cruel, true. But in the end, Ogawa still listened to her. And most likely, he only listened because it’s her. Izumi-senpai and the others were still looking for him but I doubt they would find him. If I have to guess, that guy will be waiting for Nami. As for where… it’s most likely near their house. I was aware that this wouldn’t end easily like this and… I wouldn’t be able to accompany her to their door today. That’s why once we finished their club activity for today, I brought Nami with

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