Dodgeball (1)

1567 Words

After that practice session with Nami. We immediately went to the changing rooms to put on our PE uniforms. Hugging her for that long, I guess she got comfortable with me. Her hand also moved to hug me but that was it, Nami didn't say anything during our hug and after we separated. I need more practice sessions with her but I guess even if she knew things about me, she wouldn't tell it to anyone. When the PE class started, that military-like teacher separated the classes into two. Well, we're already separated since the start. Today we will play Dodgeball and it will be Class versus Class. The teacher made her own version of Dodgeball. Or just an improvised version of it. It will be played in twice the size of a normal dodgeball game. Each side will have 20 students playing and will b

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