You're Mine

1924 Words

"Nami, here." "Thank you, Ruu." "Un. Mori, here's yours." "Thank you." "Sakuma." "Thanks." "Where's Kazuo?" After handing them their drinks, Nami couldn't help but ask. Well, the other two were also wondering where Ogawa went. Should I say I stuffed him inside the incinerator? Ah. Well, I'm not one who likes to joke so I answered honestly. "Bathroom. He'll be back soon. We should go back to our place, the 2nd half is starting." That guy was probably mulling over my words. He got confused, alright. I wonder if he'll go back to being the dense harem protagonist that he is. In any case, I only need him to not make Nami uncomfortable. Sakuma and Mori stood up and went back to the watching stands. Mori was just excited, Nami told her the highlights that she missed during the 1st ha

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