What are you doing?

1284 Words

“Two tonkotsu and one miso ramen. Here’s your order.” said the server of the Ramen House as she began placing bowls of ramen in front of us. The aroma of the three bowls was enough for the growling teacher earlier to drool. Even though she’s adamant at hating our order of tonkotsu ramen, she couldn’t help but gulp her saliva upon seeing the large serving filled with meat and spices. However, she immediately reeled it in when she noticed our eyes looking at her eyeing our ramen. When the server left the room we were in, Orimura-sensei immediately shouted ‘Thanks for the meal!’, pulled her bowl of miso ramen and dug in while ignoring Eguchi-sensei and me who were still wondering when she would wipe away the drool at the side of her mouth. “Sanae, manners. We’re here with Onoda-kun.” Egu

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