The 3rd Attempt

1660 Words

"N-nothing happened." Mori answered without looking at me. She was still slightly trembling. "I see. That's the problem. Nothing is happening. I'm shooting my foot for saying this but, we're still in high school, don't lose hope, Mori." Of course, I still want her to myself but through encouraging her like this, it will be converted to my points for her. Sooner or later, it will build up enough that she will give up on Ogawa by herself. "What if after high school he still only sees me as a childhood friend?" If he didn't break, that's more than possible. But people can change. Even me has changed within a short span of time. I could use this chance to reel this girl in and claim her for myself but I can't seem to find the motivation to do that. "Then you have to rethink your circums

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