Meeting mother

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Liam I had been really busy these past couple of weeks. I had to be present here in London for this huge project and just because of one and only, my dear mother, I am stuck here rearranging every plan and every detail that were already final. I f*****g hate it when someone mess up or even try to mess up with my business. It is not only a business or a company to me, it is the only thing that I have been left with after my dad's death. It was like his baby. He was really proud of it. It is the only thing close to me other than my family that is my younger brother Ethan. This business is my everything, it is where I belong and I will not let anyone mess that up for me. I will destroy anything if it comes to work, even if that person is my own mother. The only family left after my father is Ethan. I love him from the bottom of my heart. Even though people call me ruthless and heartless, that I have no feelings and I work like a machine, which is true actually cause I am ruthless and I am heartless but I do love my brother with whatever emotions I have been left with. When we were younger, I would hate him cause I always thought that my mother loved him more than she has ever loved me. She paid more attention towards her business, her career and ambitions than her own children, she was indifferent to us, yet I could see that she was a bit careful with him and was slight patient with him than she ever was with me. I hated him because I thought he was getting the love which I deserved and the only person that ever loved me was my father. He was the only person who cared for me and loved me and he too left me. But after his death everything changed, I was changed. If I would've met myself back then, not even I would be able to recognize myself. I was totally lost and confused and alone. I had lost hope and faith in the world. I saw the people changing, I saw the real world. I saw the ruthless and awful side of people. I became one of them. It was either that or to loose everything my father had ever earned, to loose the company. If it wasn't for Ethan than I don't know where I would've been. Ethan is two years younger than me but he was the only one was there with me after that awful incident. No matter how hard I tried to get away from him and try to get rid of him, he was always there by my side. He knew what I was going through and he stood by me even when no one was there. He knew the pain and he was there. My cousin Alex and Ethan were the only people I had and because of whom I had been able to reach the place that I am at today and I will not let anyone take it away from me. A knock on the door distracted me from my thoughts. "Can I come in?" came the voice of Damon my manager. Come in , I said collecting my thoughts and coming back to the present. "Sir the changes you asked for are done and the papers are ready for signing" he said in his usual calm and professional tone. I want you to check for all the loops in the contract with Max and give the final copy of the papers by tonight. I have to be somewhere today. With a nod, he left my cabin. Finally, I decided to my mother after so long. I usually try to avoid her as much as possible, I cannot bear her for more than five minutes. It just gets too much for me. I cannot give into my emotions once again. **** I am standing here in front of my home or should I say the structure that is left of my home. I couldn't come back her after my dad that often and my mother was not that interested in his son's life. The huge structure that stood tall and mighty remembering the glorious memories of the days when there was laughter and joy in the house. But now it is nothing more than a mere structure. Gone are the days of joyous times and now there stood a deafening silence in its place. I went inside, everything the same as has left as before. It seems like it was yesterday that I left this house. It has been seven years since dad has left me and it has been less than seven times since his passing away that I have been here. My family or what I called family was not a great family but it was a family. Dad had always been busy with his businesses and used to travel a lot but whenever he could, he would take us out. He would prepare meals himself for us on special occasions and be there with us whenever needed. He was a good father. He loved me and Ethan more than anything. His relationship with my mother was.. I don't know maybe a bit strained. They were there together with us but not actually with each other. We all lived in this house together as a family but my parents carried on with their separate lives. If Dad was a good business man than my mother was even better. She is one of the top business person and one of my biggest competition. She comes from a wealthy business family whereas my Dad had started his own business. Despite all that he had faced in the early stages, he came out be a good business man and even better human being. I hate to come back here, it brings back a lot of memories and even a lot more pain just remembering them. The memories and the moments that has been spent here will always be sore subject to me. "Liam....."came the voice of my mother from behind me. I turned around to the same cold and indifferent brown eyes that had been the source of my pained soul. "Mother!" , I said with pain filled voice. "Mother, I need to talk to you" , I said with the same cold and indifferent tone, that I had practiced for years. "I know what you want to talk about and believe me I did not intend to get into your work", she said while motioning me to sit. You mean, that trying to sabotage one of my costliest project was you not intending to get in my business. We all know what do you think about Dad and his business, but....  I was saying when she stopped me mid sentence. "Enough with your assumptions Liam, you know I never stopped him for his way of working and I have never intentionally tried to disrespect you or your father" she said in a hard tone. Why did you do it ? I know you are involved in this. I have my sources that can prove you are in this, I asked. "Liam you know that man was a tool, he was trying to get me involved in this, knowing our history. We as a family, wherever may stand in our personal lives but you know I have held this empire fairly otherwise it wouldn't have been where it is now. I played his hand to get your attention and make you realise that you were trusting wrong persons." she said with the same professional tone as if in a meeting not talking to her own son. I know that person very well, I know what type of a leech he is. I am well aware of his tactics and was prepared for it. We were in this arrangement because it benefitted us both. With a smirk, I said, " Don't worry he is  regretting what he has done. I taught him a good lesson for even trying to think of double crossing me." "Well, I expect nothing less from you Liam, you've learnt from the best", she said in a much calmer and gentle tone. If that's why that's the reason for your involvement than I guess there's nothing more to talk about. I shall take your leave, I said while getting up to take my leave. "Liam...  wait.... " she said wanting to say something but refraining. What is it.... ? I asked somewhat angry and hurt. I was angry at myself because no matter how hard I try to control my emotions in front her, I just can't. She can see right through me and I know what she want to talk about and I don't want to deal with it. Liam don't you want to ask about me? How am I? You've come after so long. Wait...  I.... mean stay for some more time.... "And stay for what Mom, what happened had happened in the past and I don't want to recall anything." I almost said it in a yelling and frustrated manner. "Liam, you know that I want what is in your best interest. I know I never had been a good mother. I was not there for you. I know what is broken can't be mended easily but at least we can try to collect those broken pieces and move on from there", she said in a strained voice. I don't know, the past has hurt me a lot and I have moved on in my life and finally everything is going well and now you want to be a mother when you weren't there when you had the chance, I said almost loosing my patience. "I know it's late, I am aware of the decisions I took and the consequences of it. I am not asking you to forgive me right away but you can already try," she said. The damage done is too much and I don't want to go there back be the vulnerable and gullible boy that I used to be. It's too hard for me to forget what has ever happened and the way you've treated me my whole life as if I was not your son.. "Liam, please.... stop..." I have not even started mother, the scars may have healed but the wounds are too deep, I said recalling the past. I will take your leave, with that said I left without even turning back to even say a good bye. This is one of the reason I have been avoiding to come back here. My mother doesn't understand that she can't just ask for forgiveness and I will forgive her forgetting years of pain, because I don't think it's possible to forget anything that has ever happened. I need to get out of this town, with that thought I called Damon, he picked his cell on the second ring. "Damon, prepare all the documents with Max and arrange for the private plane for tonight", with that said I cut the call. Damn, I shouldn't have come here.
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