Surprise Party

1977 Words
Amara Work has been so hectic and exhausting. I can't believe it's been two weeks already. I have been so much into work that it seems like I have been working for years. It is great and everything has been going really good. There are so many things that I had to learn and there are so many things that go into consideration while preparing for a project. This is a new project of Scott's Incorp that we all interns are working on. We have just started it and all the details and analysis of the research work is our responsibility. I am into Data Analysis and report generation. It's pretty amazing actually, how it all works. It seems like all is a part of well oiled machine. I have been so into work that I totally forgot about my birthday day after tomorrow. I have not planned much as I don't celebrate it that big. I just like having a small get together with my family and friends. Last year on my eighteenth birthday too I had planned a small vacation for all of us to relax and enjoy. It was not anything fancy but I loved every moment of it. Spending quality time with loved ones  is amazing. It gives a sense of belongingness and a sense of security. Of course Rose and Nathan argued about it, they wanted a huge party and drinks and people. They both are quite social, other than spending time with me they are very social and often go to parties and stuff. Many times they have forced me to go with them but I refrained from going much often. I went with them a few times but it didn't end well. I always felt awkward and out of place. I tried to be like them and enjoy it but I got into trouble and after that incident took place they both never forced me. They preferred me as I am and I love them for that. One thing that I totally love about our friendship is that we never force our choices and preferences on other. We love who we are and accept others as same. We are very close to each other yet we all have different personalities and perspective on things. I know that I prefer quite time and both of my friends totally understand me. *** Nathan Last time she tricked us into having her way with us but this time we will not tell her what we are planning for her birthday, I said while thinking of my genius plan to trick Amara into her surprise birthday party. "I know, I totally agree on this one. Even though we rarely agree on anything but this time I must say you have me on your side." said Rose smiling like she just tricked a trickster. Yes. I it genius, I know. This year her mom is off on some vacation and she can't take a break from her work, so she can't visit her dad. He won't be coming anytime soon cause of Angela's book launch. They will be busy for this month and next. This is the perfect time for party. I know she doesn't like parties and we are not arranging something huge just a few friends from college and work. She needs to socialize and meet people, have fun and besides we are here so there is nothing to worry about. "You don't have to worry Nathan, last time we were at a club and I was wasted, I didn't even know what happened until next day and thank God for you, that was there and handled everything." she said while remembering the incidence. I too was drunk, but not to that extent and I was just going to the restroom when I heard Amara's voice. She was on the floor crying when some dude who was totally drunk trying to force himself on her. I was seeing all red. I beat the hell out of him and I wasn't going to stop, it was then Amara who stopped me from doing something wrong and asked me to take her home. "Yes, I remember the next day when she told me everything, she was literally shaking and crying the whole time. I was blaming myself for everything because I promised to look after her and to go home on time but I totally lost track of the time and the drinks. But still, in her crying state she did not blame me on anything and started to console me because I totally blamed myself." she said. Everything is in the past and nothing of the sort will happen this time. We are arranging this party in my house and only a few friends are invited. This weekend my parents are visiting country and besides we have a huge pool. "Showoff... I know you have huge house with a pool and there are enough room for us to party. Besides tell me how are you planning to invite her?" she asked questioningly. I am not going, you are going to her and will bring her here. While I arrange everything here for her welcome. "And how do you suppose she will agree?" she asked. You will not tell her anything about the party or else she will back out. This will be a surprise until she reaches here. You have to tell her that we are arranging dinner for her in my house and a small party with us afterwards. If you go and tell her this, she won't suspect anything and will come here. "What if the plan backfire on us ? What if she doesn't like it? or what if she gets upset? or what if ... " she was  questioning our decision when I stopped her mid sentence. Rose, you are such a pessimist. She will understand us and she knows that we only have the best intentions. It is for her only, that she gets out a bit of her old ways and socialize a bit. " I know, she will love it because it is not going to be too huge just a few friends and drinks. I have personally looked into all the arrangements and the people that are invited. I will get her to come" she said. *** Amara I can't believe the day has finally come. Tomorrow is my birthday and tomorrow is the day I will confess my feelings to Nathan. I had a crush on him since a long time. I never had the courage to tell him because I was afraid if he didn't feel the same for me or if I loose our friendship. Our friendship means everything to me and I won't ever want to destroy even if it is for love. We always had a connection since the moment we met each other and we became friends. We grew up together, looking after each other and helping ourselves in tough times. At times he alone was there with me as a friend and as a family. I still remember the time when my parents decided to separate. It was really hard on me. They both were great parent to me and I was devastated at the news. Nathan was there with me the whole time. He used to take me on movie dates and long drives. I remember how hard he tried to cheer me up and when I broke down, he was the person on whose shoulder I cried. He was with me through one of my toughest period. Now, I know that whatever is the consequence, I have to tell him. If he doesn't take a step forward than I have to take it. I want us to be more than friends. I love him a lot and I hope he does to. I have to be brave and confess my feelings for him. I have waited for us to complete our education and then to settle in on our lives. I have started working and he is doing fine in his gyms and working on it to expand. I feel this is the right time to change our friendship into something even more beautiful. If he doesn't feet the same, then I will be heart broken yes but I will have to learn to move on. It will be hard but I owe it to him his happiness and I owe it to myself my happiness. I can't wait on him forever. He is my love but if he doesn't see me as anything else than a friend, then it is time for me to move on in my life and experience new things and meet new people because I do deserve love and appreciation. I deserve someone who would love me for being me. I have been preparing myself for tomorrow for a long time and I am sure tomorrow I will get my answers. Whatever it may be I will be ready for it. *** It's midnight and I have received a call from both my mom and dad. Though they are separated but still they have been with me on my birthdays. This is the first time they are not here with me. Mom is off on an island somewhere in the east with her new boyfriend and Dad had been busy with the book launch. My step mom is a writer and this is the first time that my dad is with her and they had been going places together. I am really happy for the both of them as even after going through so much in lives they had found each other and are so happy together. Just as I finished the call with my parents there was a knock on the door. Both of my roommates.. actually I have only one roommate, the other is her girlfriend who sometimes crash at our place... they were in my door with a cake in their hands. "Happy birthday dear" said Jenna while hugging me. "Happy birthday Amara" said Emily as she kissed me on the forehead and hugged me. Thank you so much, I said to the both of them as they came inside. I cut the cake while they were singing happy birthday and giving me best wishes. They two are real fun. I share this room with Jenna and Emily often comes to visit . I didn't knew in the beginning that they were dating. But when we started to get to know eachother Jenna started to open up to me. She has been a good friend since then. Emily and Jenna are the couple I really ship cause they just complete each other. They are so different yet so alike. I love them both. *** I came early from office as Rose has instructed me to. She wanted all three of us to go somewhere. Since I have started my job I couldn't spend time with them and they were complaining me about it. So we have decided to spend time together and just relax. I have decided to tell Nathan about my feelings when he drops me home today. I hope everything goes fine and he have the same feeling towards me as I have towards him. Just as I was lost in my thoughts, there was a knock on the door. And before I could open the door Rose was in by using the pair of extra keys that I gave her. "Happy birthday Amara" she said and hugged me tightly. You are looking breathtakingly beautiful, she said eyeing me up and down. Thank you, it is all because of you. This dress is amazing. It fits me like a glove. "I know, you are looking even more beautiful than I imagined. The colour really suits you." Come on let's go, Nathan is waiting, she said making my heart skip a beat at the mention of his name. I've never been this nervous before. I would definitely need a drink before I can talk to him. Yeah, let's go, I said taking charge of my emotions and feelings. It is going to be a long night.
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