
Crypton Academy : The Magical Stones

special ability

Antoria was a world of humans who capable of using magic from Gods and Goddesses.

Ezekiel was forced to enter this world because of a strange event that happened to him in the mortal world.

Upon Ezekiel's arrival in Antoria, he saw and witnessed different events that startled him.

What would happen to Ezekiel in Antoria?

What was the reason why he was brought in Antoria?

Would he have been able to live if the world he had grown up with was different from Antoria?

What if he will discover a secret in Antoria?

What will be his decision?

Let's take a tour and discover the world of Antoria and find out the secrets behind it.

And let's meet the Gods and Goddesses of the Philippines!

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Chapter 1 : The Light
"What we are going to do now, dear? " a mourning woman asked his husband while watching their eight-year-old son playing with their dog in their yard with a nurse. Their son has a heart problem. According to his doctor, it is incurable. Even though they were rich and full of resources for living, their money was useless because it was not the answer to saving the life of their son. "I don't know, dear, I don't know," the husband answered his wife with no hope. "Let's hope that our son will live longer with us, dear. I don't know what to do if our son leaves us tomorrow, in a week or months," the mother said in a sad tone with teary eyes. Their child's illness was uncertain when it will be attacked. If he is energetic now, there was a time when he struggled with pain. When that happened, they immediately rushed him to the nearest hospital for treatment. They just watched their child playing with their dog. They do not know what they will do to save their child. At night, the family went into their room to rest. Their son was in the middle of his parent's, and they both hugged him. "Goodnight, daddy! Goodnight, mommy!" the son said with a smile at his parents. "Goodnight, too, baby. I love you," his parents answered him. They kissed their child on his forehead and then closed their eyes. In the middle of the night, the lady was suddenly alarmed when she saw her son catching his breath. She immediately woke his husband with concern. The husband opened his eyes, and when he saw his child in that condition, he immediately took his son. The lady followed his husband, who had been in tears for the sake of their child. They immediately put their son in their car. They do not want to waste just a second because their child's life was in danger. The man quickly ran over the vehicle. Because the night was so deep, there were only a few cars they could meet, so they were speeding along. They were in the middle of the road when the sky suddenly changed. The night becomes covered with intense light. The car stopped. The couple got outside to see what was happening. They look at the glowing light. They were startled by what they saw and panicked when they realized that the light was heading toward them. They immediately went into the car to escape the light but could not run it when they feel that the light hit the car. The car stopped, and the engine died. The couple lost their sight because of the light and did not know what to do. For a moment, they saw a circle of light in front of them. The couple was caught up because of the strong light. They covered their eyes for a few seconds, and when they took their hands off their eyes, the light was gone. They were amazed at what happened but suddenly shocked when they saw their child struggling to breathe, and something was happening so bad! They had just turned off the light they saw. When they started the car, and the engine is on, they took their child to the hospital immediately. When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor took care of their son. Because of the child's condition, they immediately placed him in a private room to assess the child's situation. The woman was in tears while the man restlessly walked out of the room. They were thinking about their son. They were afraid of what will happen to him, but they believed that the Lord is with them. It was about an hour when the doctor came out of the room. They confronted the doctor and asked about the condition of their child. The doctor removed his mask and answered them. "Your child's condition is normal. His breathing and heart rate are normal. But we still need to observe him, and we will do some tests tomorrow to be sure." They breathe a sigh of relief as they heard the good news. They thanked God for saving their child. The next day, the Doctors did different tests on the child. Their son woke up, and he wondered why he was in the hospital. His parents explained everything, and he understood it. "I'm fine, mom, dad. I don't feel any pain anymore. Let's go home, mom and dad," the boy told his parents. "We need to stay here until the result of your tests arrives to be sure. When you are strong again, we will go home, baby," his mother said. The family stayed in the hospital for several days, and when the results of their child's tests came out, they were amazed at what the doctor said. " We do not know how it happened. We have repeated all the tests to make sure, but the hole in your child's heart was suddenly gone, and his heart is now normal. That was a miracle because the last time we test your child, there was no treatment to survive him, but now, it is just like a bubble that suddenly disappears!" The couple was shocked by the findings of the doctor. They look at each other. They could not believe what they heard from the doctor. Although they wondered how that happened, they were very grateful for the excellent news. Because of the good results and findings of the doctor, their son was released from the hospital. You can see the excitement and joy of their son because of his miraculous recovery in his condition. His parents were pleased about the miracles that happened because now, they see their son smiling with no burdens inside him. They always thanked God for saving and healing their son. The light that hit them in the middle of the night they considered a blessing. They thought it was a miracle to cure their child because they believe that the light was God. The years passed, and the family's condition improved. The couple continued working for their child. The father owned a large company inherited from his parents, while the mother was an exemplary teacher. Their son has been well and has been a school achiever. When he finished elementary school, he earned the highest honors. Now in Grade 9, he is still in the lead. He attended a private school with high facilities and a good curriculum. But, even though he was at the forefront of academics, no one wanted to approach him. Why? Because some say, he is a monster. The whole school knew about the miracle that occurred when he fought for his life, but instead of being amazed, they thought it was the doing of a monster, so he resisted the call of death. "Runaway! The monster is here!" he heard from a woman. The young man bowed his head in slow motion. Aside from saying he is a monster, his face was also noticeable, as if he had all the horror. He had a lot of facial acne, color as if exposed to the sun, and his eyelashes were primarily covered with thick eyebrows. Who wants to talk to him, right? He had just walked to his class and ignored the words of the people around him. When he came to the door of their room, he took a deep breath and slowly opened it. The whole room was quiet as if no people were sitting in their chairs. Because of the silence, he did not hesitate to enter the room, but as he entered, he immediately felt something spilled from above., sticky green liquid. Loud laughter echoed from the students inside. The boy looked up and saw a bucket of green sticky liquid. He looked at his classmates and saw them holding their stomachs while laughing loudly. Embarrassed because of what happened that he suffered, he turned and dashed out of their building. He didn't even notice the persons he was passing laughing; he just ignored them because he wanted to get out of the building he was in. When he got out, he immediately left their school and called his driver to pick him up. While he was waiting, people were passing him by. There was laughter from the people, but there was also mercy to some. Because they lived close to the school he attended, in less than twenty minutes, an elegant car stopped in front of him. A 40’s man came out, wearing a white uniform. He immediately opened the door and entered it. When he arrived at their house, he met his mother, who was leaving the house. "What happened to you, son? It seems like your classmates are doing it every day, ah!" his concerned mother asked him. "I'm fine, mom, don't worry," he answered his mother, bowing his head because he doesn't want to see his mother's eyes. Her mother had just flown in and accompanied her son to bathe. As he dressed, her mother talked to him. "I can't say that it will ever happen again, son! I will be with you now, and we will pay them for all those who do it! Let's get them out of school!" his mother sighed. "No, mom. I'm fine. You're just going to interrupt yourself." "Why don't you fight back, son? Show them that they shouldn't do it to you! Why don't you introduce the real you? Why do you not want to show your true self?" "Mom, even though I fight, I have nothing to do. Just leave them because there will be a day when they will repent. Let me introduce who I am? They don't need to be; even though they will all know it, they might use it to make me even worse. " he answered his mother. Her mother had just flown in, and she approached her son. She sighed and brushed hir hair. "Well, if you can't handle it anymore, son, I will always be here to protect you. What is the point of having your grandpa build a school if they do it for you?" said his mother. The man just kept quiet at what his mother said. Yes, they were the owners of the school he works for. No one knows that he is the owner's son because everyone knows he is just a scholar there. The reason he didn't tell his true self was that he was afraid of getting emotionally hurt. He was scared of making friends because of what happened to him when he was in Elementary. When everyone learned that he was rich, many students came to him and made friends. He knew then that he would be happy because he had so many friends, but that was a mistake, they just used him as their project creator, and commander, and most of all, he was the financier for their projects and their outing. So from then on, he chose to be alone rather than have friends who would exploit him. They left the house together. They have a separate car even if they have only one destination. His mother was the principal of that school, but as he said earlier, no one knew him. As he tucked into their building, he went straight to his room, and it was just after the first class. He met their teacher and apologized for why he could not come in. His teacher understood him and said he would only be given notes and activities. When he entered their room, he immediately went to his chair and bowed his head. "Is it good to get rid of that green sticky water?" a woman asked him. He raised his head, and three women stood in front of him. "Did you wash your face? Why does it seem like nothing is changed? You're still ugly!" The three women laughed at what one of them said.

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