
Trouble and I

coming of age
enimies to lovers
slow burn

“What are you doing?” I asked, alarmed of how close he's getting.

“What does it look like?”

“Like you're about to kiss me,” I state realizing that he's shirtless.

Seven stops what he’s doing before leaning down towards me, his face remaining emotionless.

“Is that what you want?” He asks with a tilt of his head.

My heart jumps at the thought alone but I maintain my composure, “In your dreams.”

Seven smirks at my response like he was waiting for it. Before I can say anything more, he leans closer, brushing his cheek against mine.

Placing his hand on my waist, he whispers in my ear, “We do much more than kiss though, are you sure you want to make my dream become a reality?”


Kara McCartney, an girl who has a past filled with crime, parties, and thrill. She puts all that aside when her father dies and leaves her a letter with simple, yet hard instructions.

She finds herself moving in with her mother, a mother she has not spoken to in ten years. Luckily her brother is there to ease the tension, if only her brother's best friend didn't want to know all of Kara's secrets.

She can do this right?

Read to find out if the girl with a temper and taser can stay good with Seven Myers around.

"Seven and Kara clash the moment they meet, I guess you can say there is "spark" between them"

Updates are Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's

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The Gray Family
“Thank you for riding with Delta airlines, please be sure to take all of your belongings, if you’re going to leave anything please make sure it’s something we’d like to have.” I exited the plane wanting to hurry out of the manmade deathtrap. Following in line with all the other passengers, I finally enter the crowded airport. I follow the line of people to the baggage claim hoping to get out of here fast but I’m doomed once I have to wait for my luggage to roll around. I continue to wait until I practically jump joy at the sight of my two duffle bags. Turning on my heel, I waste no time to look at the signs hanging from the ceiling as they’re my guide to the exit of this fortress. Pulling out my phone, I decided to call for a service ride to meet me there but I’m stopped by someone. “Excuse me miss, are you Kara McCartney?” A man with an expensive suit asked. Halting in my steps, I step back from the middle-aged man in front of me, confused and alarmed as to how he knew my name. I debated on saying no, seeing as that is my name and I don’t know who this guy is, instead I try a different approach, “Who’s asking?” I reply with a raise of my eyebrow. The odd man chuckled as the corner of his eyes crinkled from age, “Mr. Gray sent me, my name is Rico, I am your driver.” He smiles warmly. Taken back by his confession, I quickly realize what this meant. My eyes roll at the thought of them not even sparing an hour out of their busy day to pick me up. The thought angered me but I didn’t show it, I was fine with catching a ride but they couldn’t let me be. Instead, they sent a driver to fetch me as if I am merely a package. All while rage grew inside of me, I notice Rico assessing me, my face to be exact, but I couldn’t blame him. The busted lip and discoloring bruise under my eye is a real people stopper. “Miss, may I ask what happened to you?” He asked politely, never taking his eyes away from my injuries. My face contains no emotions, none of which he can detect anyway, “I’m clumsy.” I smile but it never reaches my eyes, I don’t think it can. Frown lines appear on his forehead as he silently nods before reaching for my bag in hand. Letting him take it, he turns around to an exit, “The car is this way, miss.” I follow Rico out of the airport and to a black BMW, typical for a family of the rich. Rico helps me climb into the car before getting into the driver seat and taking off. For ten minutes neither one of us says anything until I break our comfortable silence, “How long until we get there?” I finally ask. Rico glances at me through the rearview mirror as he gets on the freeway, “An hour, maybe less depending on traffic.” He replies. Sighing, I throw my head back against the headrest thinking of nothing but going back home to Australia. Living with my mother is my last option, after leaving Australia I lived with my uncle who stayed in Miami but things did not go so well there for me or him. I am pulled out of my thoughts when the car pulls up to a very large house. The house isn’t a mansion but it’s bigger than what I’m used to. I look out the window to the street of the house and I can only see money as I stare at the rich neighborhood. “This is it,” I say to myself trying to prepare for my stay here. Opening the door, I step onto the land of the rich and annoying, “Do you need help with your bag miss?” I suppress an eye roll and turn to Rico, “I don’t mean to sound rude but this whole service thing is weirding me out.” Rico laughs at my confession putting his arms up in surrender, “It’s fine, I understand but if that will be all I should get back to my duties.” He said getting back into the car. Nodding he hands be my bag and I take it, thanking him for his service. Rico bids me one last goodbye before driving off, leaving me alone to stare at the house in front of me. “Well, here goes nothing.” Walking up the path to the house, my heart hammered in my chest almost making think it’s going to burst. For years I’ve always imagined this day but now that it’s finally come I only want to leave, run as far away from it as possible. With the shake of my finger, I ring the doorbell and for what seems like a torturous eternity, the door finally opens and my poker face is immediately on. Standing in the doorway is a large man with brown hair and piercing green eyes. His eyes alone freeze me to my place, as I can only stare and gape at him. If he was not known as my mother’s husband, I would cower away from his pinning stare and run for the hills. “Kara, it’s very nice to finally meet you.” He smiled though he doesn’t look like the type to smile often. I couldn’t bring myself to smile not only because of my sore lip but because I know it’ll just be fake, “Yeah, it’s great to finally meet you too Nathan.” Lie. We both stand in the doorway silently while I try to come up with something to say but it seems my brain has completely shut down. While he, just like Rico, assess me. “Why don’t you come in.” He finally speaks after a few short moments. Nodding, he steps aside and welcomes me into his comfortable home. It feels as if I walked into barbie’s dream house as I silently gawk at the beautiful, no doubt expensive, things. Though it looks inviting and pretty, I’ll never call this place my home. My eyes drift over any and everything taking in what I’ve been imagining for years. I walk further in the house wanting to see more but my eyes freeze on a figure in the doorway of what seems to be the kitchen. The figure has long brown hair with chocolate brown eyes to match. Her brown skin glows with light I’ve never seen while her Latina curves match her no denying beauty. The figure is my mother, Marissa. Tears pool in her eyes as she walks closer to me and I can only stare with a mixture of emotions. After ten years, ten long years without calling, texting, no wishing a happy birthday or holiday. Nothing, last time I spoke to her was two years ago at a funeral but before that, I never heard a peep. I am pulled into a tight embrace which catches me off guard as I tense at the contact. I’m guessing she felt it too because she pulls away almost instantly. “Sorry, emotions got the best of me.” She smiles while wiping at her eyes. I remain silent, the figure in front of me is someone I don’t recognize. My memory of her is nothing but a blur, before this, I wouldn’t even be able to recognize her. I watch her frown as she reaches out to touch my face but I pull away with a grunt. She can’t care now if she never did before, I want her to treat me just like she’s been doing all these years. I can’t count how many times I’ve practiced on what I was going to say to her when I finally had to face her but now that I’m here, I have nothing to say. Two more figures emerged from the kitchen that has my heart pounding, my twin brother Cole who I’ve missed so much. With the biggest smile I haven’t had in a long time I run into his arms, dropping my bag to the floor. Jumping into his arms he catches me with ease and laughs as I squeeze him. “I’ve missed you too.” He whispers sadly but I pull away from him in shock. “You’ve been in the states for too long, you don’t sound like yourself at all.” I frown knowing he sounds like he was born here. Cole scratches his head, ”Yeah, I mean it has been eight years what did you expect?” I roll my eyes and look to the person standing next to him, a girl smaller than me smiles. If it wasn’t for her piercing green eyes, I would never be able to tell who she is, she is Nathan’s daughter. I watch her carefully as she shifts in the spot, obviously uncomfortable with my gaze, “You must be Mya.” I finally speak, extending my hand for her to shake which she reluctantly did. “Hi.” Her voice is soft and meek, nothing like her father’s commanding one. Nathan's presence screams power and wealth while Mya’s is soft and timid, opposite of each other. “Oh, your things, I forgot to call and tell you but they are running a little behind.” My mother spoke up suddenly from behind me. I turn to face her, “Thank you…mother.” My voice trembles at the word. She doesn’t deserve to have a title like that but at the end of the day, she is who she is. “You should settle in, we'll talk later,” Cole says breaking the tension between Marissa and I. Without another word Cole pulls me up the long stairs passing many doors until he stops at a white one. Opening it, I’m tackled to the ground by a heavy animal who I like to call Boots, my Doberman, who has been here for a week already. Nathan had shipped all my things here that I could not leave behind. He was nice enough to pay for the expensive I could not cover. “Awe did you miss me, boy, I missed you.” I cooed scratching behind his ear as I stand. Boots is not a little or small dog, he comes up close to the middle of my thigh is still growing, he is partially deaf and heavy as hell as well as one big softie. “I hope he didn’t cause you any trouble.” I turn to Cole wondering how well he behaved while I was away. Cole wave me off smiling down at Boots, “He’s been on his best behavior, I think it was us who gave him trouble, we were scared to even touch him at first.” He laughs before turning to the door. “I’ll leave it to you then.” He calls on his way out. Sitting down on the perfectly made bed, I frown at my reality, “Boots, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” 

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