Chapter 6

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Casey’s P.O.V   The next day I woke up early and hurried to shower, dry off and get dressed. I skipped breakfast and met Lita and Amy outside, hoping that I wouldn’t run into Kirk. I know it was a really shitty thing to do, but until I knew exactly what I wanted to do I didn’t want the mate bond clouding my judgement.   “Come on, let's get out of here before he wakes up.” I said, but then lita smirked as she looked up.    “I think it's a little too late for that. He’s awake and is looking down out the window at you.” Lita replied, making me sigh.   “Shit.” I whispered more to myself than Amy or Lita. I hurried to get into the car, not looking back at the pack house and pretending that I didn’t know he was watching me. Lita shrugged and got in the car, but then I saw Amy look up at the pack house and mouth sorry to him, which made me feel really bad. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but now that he saw me it must have really hurt him. Amy got into the car and I quickly and guiltily started the car, speeding off the territory and toward the mall.   Kirk’s P.O.V   I was trying to wake up early so that I could surprise Casey, but something told me to look out the window when I got up. At first I didn’t see anything, there wasn’t even anyone outside, but just as I was about to look away I saw Lita and Amy, then Casey suddenly appeared. Lita saw me and said something to Casey, but then she just got in the car followed by Lita and Amy mouthed sorry to me. They all drove off and I was left standing there looking out of the window.   “Well s**t, all I was going to do was cook her breakfast and maybe get to know her a little before I went to my training. It seems to me that I’m going to have to get up pretty early to surprise her. I bet I won’t see her all day long now.” I said to myself, feeling slightly hurt and disheartened. How was I going to get to know her when she was avoiding seeing me? I wasn’t sure I wanted a mate at first, but knowing it was Casey made me want her.  She was a beautiful, kind, caring and wonderful woman. She had been through a lot and I wanted to make everything better for her, but how could I do that if she wouldn’t give me the chance to?   Unknown’s P.O.V   After the night I saw my mate, she ran off and I haven’t seen her since, but I knew she was in the Black Bear pack and I knew she was safe living there. There was only one way for me to get her and that was going to be to draw my little mate out, so I can claim her, but I know there is no way in hell that I’ll be able to get in there without being seen. I’ll figure something out because I need her and I want her. I ran off to one of the rogue packs I sometimes go to when I need something and this time I needed a shower. I spoke to the leader of the pack and asked to use the shower and he agreed, but as I was walking to one of their rooms I saw a pretty rogue she-wolf. I winked at her and grabbed her hand, taking her in the shower with me. I really needed to let off some steam and trust me the steam was rising high in the shower. When we were done I told her I would come back to see her soon, but I think she already knew that I wouldn’t. She kissed me and then walked off back to her own home. Well, at least it's another notch on my bedpost. I thanked the leader for the use of a shower and then left the rogue pack. I knew exactly where I was going and who I wanted to see, but even though I had just f****d another woman, I still wanted my mate and I was going to have her.   Casey’s P.O.V   Lita, Amy and I had just finished up watching a movie and were on our way back to the car. I was thinking non stop about Kirk and what I had done to him, but all it did was make me feel really guilty, which I deserved to feel. We loaded our shopping bags into the car, ate lunch and were now finally heading back home.   “Casey, what are you going to do when you get back home? You can’t keep avoiding him, you're going to run into him sooner or later.” Amy asked, making me sigh.   “I honestly don’t know. I could hide out in my room, but then I’ll just get hungry and have to leave to get something to eat.” I replied, but Lita huffed at me. I knew she was upset with how I was acting because she was still looking for her mate.   “If you don’t want him and you're just going to keep avoiding him, then why don’t you just reject him?” Lita asked, making me sigh. It was a valid question, but it was one I didn’t have an answer for.    “I don’t want to reject him, but I’m not sure if I’m ready for another mate either. I know I can’t hide forever and I might as well face it, but you never know he might still be training when we get back and I’ll have enough time to relax and think things over before he knocks on my door.” I replied, hoping she would agree and then Amy laughed.   “Yeah, but you know these males, when it comes to their mates they won’t give up, even when you want to take your time. They are after you twenty four seven.” Amy said, but I shook my head. I don’t think that Kirk is like that, I think he will give me the time I need. Lita and Amy both agreed to let me do this my way, even though Lita still didn’t agree with how I was doing things. We drove up the drive to the pack house and parked out front, then took our shopping bags from the trunk of the car.   “See y’all later, I’m going to rest up some.” I said and they nodded as we all went to our rooms. I walked up the stairs without seeing Kirk, but when I got to my door I saw a note pinned to it.    Hey Casey, I saw you left early this morning and I was going to cook you breakfast before my training, but you left fast. Maybe we could have dinner then, if you're up for it. Kirk.   I pulled the note off my door and put it in my pocket, before opening the door to my room and walking in. I closed the door behind me and put my bags on the floor next to my bed, then sat down. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I heard the knock on my door, so before that happened I decided to take a shower. I went to the bathroom, showered, dried off and then went back into the bedroom, getting dressed and sitting down on my bed to watch TV.
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