Chapter 7

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Kirk’s P.O.V   I was outside training, but I couldn’t get Casey off my mind and then I smelled her scent once more. I knew that she had come back home and I quickly turned to look in her direction, but I ended up getting kicked in the head. I fell to my knees, holding my nose as Darth walked over to me.    “Dude, are you okay? I told you to block me, not to let me kick you, what happened? No wait, let me guess, your mate is home. You need to focus and understand that training is important.” Darth said, making me shake my head. It was my own fault for not focusing on the person I was sparring with, but still it was my mate and I would always happily be distracted by her.   “Listen Darth, I know it's important. I’ve been a guard for over six years and I know how to fight and how to block. I’m just not into this right now.” I replied, smirking. I lifted my leg and swung at Darth, making him hit the ground hard. I had trained to be a guard my whole life and even graduated earlier than all the others. I knew what I was doing and I knew how to handle myself.   “You see, I know how to do a lot of things, including how to trick my friends into a false sense of security.” I said, smirking as I helped Darth get back to his feet.   “So, are we done for today? We’ve been out here training all day.” I asked and Darth nodded, shaking his head.   “Hey, you're the head trainer and you can make that choice all on your own.” Darth replied, making me roll my eyes.   “I’m going to take a shower and see if my mate wants dinner, that's if she even answers the door to me.” I said, feeling helpless. She was my mate and I wanted her, I needed her, but I wasn’t going to force her to accept me or our bond. I was going to win her heart over the old fashioned way and if that meant wooing her and dating her then so be it. The first thing I had to do was somehow get her to talk to me, even if it was just one word answers then at least it was a start and I could deal with that, but I didn’t like it when she was silent, it made me wonder if she was thinking about rejecting me or if she was hurting in some way.   Unknown’s P.O.V   I had watched my mate leaving this morning and it seems that she has finally got back from wherever it was that she went. From the looks of all the bags in her hands she had been shopping and it made me wonder if she was loaded. If she was then it means I can use her then throw her out like yesterday's trash, but then again she is my mate, so I could just keep her and have my fun with her. They do say that s*x with your mate is like no other and I want to experience that, if it is as good as they say then I will keep her, if its not then I’ll kick her to the curb.   Casey’s P.O.V   I was laying on my bed and the TV was on, but I wasn’t really watching it as my thoughts were on my mates. The one with the red eyes scares me and I had no idea what he was or even what his name was, but then again I didn’t want to find out either. Then there was Kirk, who was the captain of the guards and in training. When he works he is gone for days, weeks and even months, but he has said that since he has found his mate he won’t stay gone for that long. He said he will come back sooner since he found me, but I can’t let him do that because he needs to protect the pack. Sighing I got out of bed and went to my windows, opening them and letting the cool fresh air into the room. I saw my mate trip one of the trainers and I started to laugh, but stopped when I saw that he was heading back here. A part of me wanted him near me, while the other part of me was nervous and wanted to run. I hurried to brush my hair, wash my face and put a little light make-up on. When I was ready I couldn’t help wondering if he would come knocking on my door and my nervousness increased. My feelings were contradicting themselves, I was nervous about having another mate and letting him in, but at the same time I had just dolled myself up in the hopes of him coming here and seeing me. I was a mess of emotions and I had no idea which to follow, my head or my heart.   Kirk’s P.O.V   I was showered, dressed and I was currently walking to my mates bedroom. I felt really nervous, but I also had a sense of hope as well. I knocked on the door a few times and waited to see if she would answer, but when the door didn’t open I decided to just go and eat by myself. I hadn’t even managed to take a step away when the door suddenly opened and I turned back to see Casey standing there, looking just as beautiful as ever. She was wearing a sky blue sundress that just passed her knees and her hair was laying over her shoulders. The shoes she was wearing were flats and she looked amazing. I looked into her gorgeous hazel eyes and saw that she was blushing slightly. I smiled from ear to ear when I finally managed to find my voice again.   “Would you like to go to dinner with me?” I asked, hoping she would say yes
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