

realistic earth

Deep in the sss rainforest there is a massive ancient predator stalking in the depths of the mighty sss river. A relic an ancient snake like no other. The monstrous Titanoboa. once thought to be extinct. Now this beast has showed itself after centuries of keeping itself hidden away in the depths of the sss. Just what made it decide to show itself and what can anyone do to stop its reign of c*****e? In the sss The TitanoBoa reigns supreme.

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Episode 1 The TitanoBoa
   -Come on! Let's go already! Chelsea yells out to her family while she kicks around in the SUV, -Come on! Hurry it up! She yells once again but this time louder and demanding.  Finally her mom, brother, dad and two uncles make there way outside and start to pile into the SUV.  -Geez! I'd like to make it to South America while I'm still young! What's the hold up? Aren't you excited to see the Mighty sss in person, stand on the banks of the world's largest and deadliest river? She yells out in excitement.  -As long as we don't run into any snakes, Her mother says, Such disgusting slimy nasty little things! She murmurs in disappointment. - MOM! Chelsea shouts out, How many times do I have to tell you snakes aren't slimy? Do you just enjoy sounding like a total retard? Your so embarrassing!, She says while rolling her eyes, Besides the snakes there a large enough to eat you for lunch!! -Hey young lady! Watch your mouth, how many times do I have to tell you to talk to your mom with respect! Her dad shouts out,  And I'd put a lid on that! Do you want to scare your mom to the point of us not going? Keep talking like that and the only sss you'll see will be on a episode of National Geographic.  -You know she hates snakes!, Ted her uncle shouts out. -Besides it ain't the snakes you have to worry about! It's the tarantulas that are big enough to eat birds that will really haunt your nightmares.  I just hope you don't walk right into one of there webs and get yourself stuck. They would feast on you for weeks!  Chelsea mom slaps her brother.  Chelsea interrupts the arguing two, -God! Don't y'all know anything? She shouts, Tarantulas don't even use webs, they hunt their food! There's no mistake the two of you are definitely related. OMG I'm so dead I'm going to the sss with complete i***t's!!!  -Hey little girl !Watch that mouth, her dad says while giving her that look.      Things settle down and the family make their way to the airport. They board the plane and before you know it, it's taking off into the sky. Finally Chelsea is on her way to The sss. It's been a life long dream of hers every since she was just a little girl, she has obsessed with the rainforest and the mighty river along with the amazing animals that are unique to the sss. Now as a young adult as a gift for her making it into college her parents treat her to a month long vacation right in the smack in the heart of the jungle.     The plane lands and the family set out to the Hotel. Luckily for Chelsea this particular Hotel is right on the outskirts of the sss rainforest. So she can start exploring before they set out tomorrow.  She runs through the rainforest like a kid in a candy store, -Wow! This is so amazing!, she says as she looks at all the different plant life and animals, Wow! If it's this cool right here, I mean this is just a tourist attraction, the actual rainforest will be mind blowing! she exclaims ecstatically. -Chelsea! Chelsea! Enough for tonight come on let's eat super! Her dad yells out, Come on young lady we have so much planning and preparing to do.  You will have all the time in the world to explore once we get into the forest tomorrow. So let's enjoy one last night of civilization, he tells her as she makes her way in...     -Wow, it's so hot and humid! Chelsea's mom cries out. It's nearly afternoon the family has been in the jungle for four days now.  -Come on! Come on! Were almost there! Chelsea yells as she runs on ahead.  -Hey!, her dad shouts out, Don't get to far ahead! This place has hidden dangers around every corner, He yells out. -But Dad, I can see it! She points ahead, There it is! She continues shouting.  And there it is the Mighty sss river. Chelsea runs along ahead to an opening, the river is massive and eerie looking. You can hear all kinds of animals along with the flow of the mighty river.  -Wow! she shouts, Look! Look! Out there in the middle, it's a caiman, a black caiman! Chelsea shouts while pointing. -Thankfully it's just a little one! Her dad answers back.  -You expect me to get in a canoe in that huge river full of, OF CROCODILES!!! Chelsea's mom yells out.  -MOM!  Suddenly the tour guide speaks out with is SA accent. -Ma'am those are not crocodiles, they are alligators and they are native only to this river. I can assure you it is safe! This is all part of the tour.  Chelsea runs over to the kayaks, -Crocodiles, canoes... This woman is not my mother! She is so embarrassing! Chelsea shouts out as she begins to push her kayak down into the water.      They begin paddling down the river. The tour guide ahead with Chelsea hot on his tail.  Suddenly he comes to a halt. He signals for everyone to stop and be still and quite. He points off into the distance.  Chelsea squints with her eyes trying to see. And there it is several hundred feet away. A huge anaconda. But how huge? Its impossible to tell only the back of it is out on land.  The girth is unimaginable.  Chelsea gulps, -Wow it's enormous! She notices the eyes of the snake just barely sticking out of the water. It must be an optical illusion, maybe from them being so far away and the sun beaming right into her eyes. This snake looks like its 30 plus feet long and its eyes are so far apart it looks as its head is several feet wide! It can't be though she knows anacondas she has always had a fascination with them.  They are the world's heaviest snake and though rumors say they have been known to reach 30ft or more there has never been any documented case of one reaching longer than 18 or 20 ft.  "But still this, this is one huge snake. And the color of it. From here it appears to be Blackish with a dull red blotch pattern. I've never heard of one this color. Maybe it's the glare", even though the sheer site of the snake sends a chill down her spine.      Suddenly she snaps back from being mesmerized. She can hear her mom yelling and freaking out about the snake that there no where even close too.  -Mom! Stop acting like a baby! What did you expect to see here?, Chelsea yells out.  She turns back around. The snake is gone. It left barely even a ripple on the water. It's like it was never even there. -Geez! She puts her arms together and begins to pout.  The tour guide pulls up beside her, -Don't worry miss, though I admit I've never seen one so big, anacondas are a pretty regular site on this expedition. Before it's done I will have you so close to one you will be able to touch it if you wanted, he tells Chelsea trying to cheer her up,  Besides, he said, we are just beginning and to have already seen such a creature is a great sign of things to come. So turn that frown upside down and let's begin this epic journey!!  -Oh man this bites! Chelsea pouts.      3 days out on the river and other than the occasional small black caimans and water snakes all we are seeing is fish and birds.  -Hey tour guide! I thought you said that anaconda we seen 3 days ago were common and that this would be an epic adventure! What gives?  -I'm sorry, he tells her you never can predict the forest its alive, so it's not like I can force things to be better, he tells her.  All of a sudden an eerie silence falls over the jungle. The tour guide immediately stops paddling his kayak and throws his hand up signaling for everyone to stop.  -Wow! it's super quite, Chelsea says as she looks around. Her dad responds,  -Why? Why, has it gotten so quite all of a sudden?  The tour guide replies, -I don't know... But I don't like it. Maybe the forest senses danger. Or perhaps it's our presence.  Chelsea sees movement in the water, something rolls almost like a wave and then it's gone. But there is no wind. The water has been still all day. -What was that an animal?  Something hits the boats. Something big because it hit all the boats almost at once, everyone reacted to it almost simultaneously.  -Wha... What was that? Chelsea's mom whispers.  Chelsea looks to the back towards where her mom and dad kayaks are. Her eyes widen as terror takes ahold of her. A few feet from behind her dad's kayak the water stirs and suddenly a giant caiman rises up out of the water. Its huge, its easily 15 feet or better. It hisses causing everyone to turn it's way and face the horror, Chelsea hadn't the courage to bring to everyone's attention. They all gasp and become petrified instantly and in the same instant the giant beast quietly submerges back into the depths of the cloudy green water.  In that same instant Chelsea notices the water in front of her roll again just like earlier, -What is it? Another Caiman? Have we invaded their territory? Is this a display of territorial aggression? Did this dimwitted tour guide row us right in the middle of some big apex males territory in the middle of mating season? If so we can back down and maybe it will allow us to retreat. If not, if it sees us as food then.      SPLOOSHH!! The enormous caiman erupts from the water several yards behind her dad's kayak. But this time its charging at full speed straight towards them.  -Oh No!!! Its coming to attack, its gonna ram the boats!     SPLASH!  The creature vanishes back into the water, but it looked like it was yanked in almost like it was caught by a vacuum. -Where, where did it go? When, how will it attack? Was it all just a territorial display? Are we safe? Chelsea's mind is thinking a million thoughts one hundred miles per hour.  Her thoughts come to an instant halt as something runs into the bottom of her boat. She looks at the terrified face of the tour guide realizing it also hit his boat.  The eerie silence falls over the jungle again and the water becomes motionless. Everyone is to afraid to speak or even move, the can only wait for the horrific beast to emerge again.      A scream fills the sky. Its Chelsea's mom.  As Chelsea turns towards her mom she falls into terror like never she never experienced before. Terror she didn't even know was possible.  Her eyes widen as her mouth falls open and it's like she can felt her heart drop out of her chest.  Right before her eyes the gator emerges from the water just yards away from her mom and dads kayaks. But, but there is something, something else. Something is coiled around the gator which is now upside down. That something is a huge snake.  "No no way! That's not possible! The caiman was knocking on 18 feet in length. It had to be 5 or 6 feet wide in girth. But this thing this snake is wider, much wider", She suddenly realizes by the blackish color and red blotch pattern, it's that snake she saw when they first got onto the river.  And this time there is no mistake this thing is humongous. Its terrifyingly big. It's a monstrosity of a beast. All of a sudden the snakes huge head slowly rises up out of the water. Its eyes are Golden with a black cat like slit in them. It has yellow markings by its eyes and its lips are red the pattern looks as if it has been stained by the blood of its countless victims. It's head is as wide as the kayak she's sitting in.  The snake opens its massive jaws and it begins to put its mouth around the head of the caiman and as it does the rest of its incredible body begins to float to the surface revealing just how incredibly big and long this snake really is. It doesn't look real. It can't be real. There's no way this is real. Even with several coils wrapped around a nearly 18 feet gator, there is so much more of this snake slowly surfacing out of the green depths of the sss. It's more than 20 no 30 feet. Unreal it's closer to 40 feet in length.  There's no way! The snakes huge body looks like it is taking up the entire width of the sss river. It breathes in and out slowly moving ever so slightly.  With that movement Chelsea begins to realize just how real this unreal snake is.      Chelsea's mother panics and attempts to grow her kayak in the other direction, she flails her paddles slapping the water.  The snake releases its jaws of death from the head of the caiman.  It turns towards the kayaks and flickers its bright red tongue while letting out a blood curdling hiss then slowly begins to submerge back into the depths of the sss.  As it does it slowly unwinds its massive coils from the dead caiman leaving the lifeless beast to float there upside atop the water. The water becomes still everything is silent.      "Where did it go? Is it coming back?". Everyone remains petrified, frozen in fear for what seems like hours.  The jungle slowly seems to reawaken, birds singing frogs croaking. The group of terrified kayakers slowly begin to move around and talk.  Chelsea finally speaks up, -Let's get the hell off of the water! Everyone nods there heads still seeming to afraid to engage in conversation.  The tour guide quietly speaks out,  -This way, follow me! We can get off the river up ahead. Then we can make our way to a check in station. Chelsea nods in agreement and softly says,  -That's a good plan! Yeah, I like that idea!  Finally off of the water the group begins there hike back into the forest leaving the river behind. Everyone has finally started to settle back down as they lightly conversate with one another. Chelsea finally summons up the courage to talk about what they just went through, -OMG, she says, can you believe that? That was the most terrifying experience I have ever been through! I will talk about that for the rest of my life.  Chelsea's mom snaps at her,  -No you won't! Not around me, you won't. I NEVER want to think about that again! Not ever! You knew snakes were out there that big and you dragged us all out here nearly getting everyone of us killed! Find a different hobby. Your a lady, so act like one!  -Come on honey, Chelsea's dad says to her mom, She likes what she likes and I highly doubt you see snakes like that all the time. Be grateful that was like a one in a million chance of a lifetime.  Chelsea's mom snaps back,  -Be grateful?! We almost got eaten by a God Damn crocodile. And I should be thankful?! Only to be nearly suffocated and devoured by some giant devil snake. I never want to come back here!! -Mom! Chelsea yells out, it's a caiman. Not a crocodile and that devil snake saved you life, all of our lives, so yeah be thankful!.  Mr. Tour guide have you ever seen a snake that big? she ask. What kind of snake was it anyway? I never seen any anaconda that color or that size.  The tour guide responds, -Me neither. That was the biggest snake I ever seen. And it just killed the biggest caiman I ever seen. We should have taken pictures. We would be rich and famous. I will definitely have to go back there.  -NO WAY! Chelsea's mom yells out, NO WAY AM I GOING BACK THERE! Screw you and your pictures just take me back to the hotel. I'm done with snakes and crocodiles the bugs, this heat. I'm sick of it all, I want to go home!  Suddenly one of Chelsea's uncles points out a tarantula crossing ahead on the path there walking down. -AAGHH! Chelsea's mom screams out as she begins to hit her brother.  -Hey, hey, he yells out! I didn't make the spider run out of the jungle like that! Next time I won't say anything even if I see it about to crawl onto you. Everyone laughs a heart well needed laugh.      Night falls just as they make it to the check in station. Out in the jungle something is on the move. Something has been following our group of tourist. Stalking them.  It moves around traversing from canopy to ground. It has their scent already, its hungry. It makes it's way through the jungle. It's on the prowl.      Morning comes and the gang heads out. With there surreal encounter behind them they once again indulge in laughter and fun while exploring the wilderness.  Chelsea knocks her brother on the back of his head. He momentarily looks up from his phone and sticks out his tongue.  -Stop it! I'm trying to catch this Pokemon, he's tells her.  -Your so lame, she tells him as she shoves him again.      Their tour guide stayed behind, so he could tell the forest ranger that would make it to the check in station about there crazy incident.  Chelsea's mom hated the idea of it but he reassured them that as long as they stay on the tour trail he would catch up to them before nightfall.  So they continue on there way. -Finally, your late! The tour guide tells the female ranger walking in, I have the craziest story to tell you! But since your, so late, I don't have much time because I need to go catch up to my group of tourist.  He begins to tell the woman about the the giant caiman and the even more giant snake. She laughs it off and tells him that he is crazy. He tells her where they were at and tells her the snake didn't eat the caiman, so she might be able to go find it and see it for herself if it didn't go back and eat it. -Fine I will, she says. She heads off one way and he heads off the other.  The female ranger makes her way down to the river bank she gets into one of their kayaks and begins to grow out towards the spot the guide told her about.  She gets there there is nothing. -I can't believe I wasted my time like this, she says and begins rowing back.  She notices something under some low hanging tree branches. It's big. She paddles towards it. It's a caiman a really really big caiman.  She hesitates, but then realizes it's not moving. In fact it's just floating there. She gets in closer and realizes it's dead. It's longer then her Kayak and the kayak is 15 feet long. This is the one the guide told her about.  "Wow it really is big!" She inspects the him, 'Well if a snake really killed this thing I'm sure it didn't eat it because it was way to big for the greedy snake that attacked and killed it. Happens all the time big snakes bite off more then they can chew.  At least this one was smart enough to realize before it tried to eat this thing killing them both. Must have been a big snake, but not 40 foot monster". -ha! She laughs out loud and begins to paddle. "But man", she thinks to herself, "That is one huge caiman! Its probably a good thing it's dead cuz caiman are known man eaters and this thing is enormous!".      The guide races down the trail.  "Oh crap its gonna be dark soon... Crap! I'm gonna have to take a short cut through the jungle".  He decides the only way he can reach his tourist is by cutting through the thick dangerous jungle.  "I just have to be mindful of poisonous snakes watch where I put my feet and hands and I'll be fine. I've done this thousands of times". He reassures himself as he cuts through the jungle.  "Its beginning to get dark. Crap! I'm barely gonna make it in time" he thinks to himself, "That woman is gonna have a fit I'm definitely gonna get my head chewed off. But more importantly I need to get out this tall shrub before it gets to dark to see what I'm stepping on".  Suddenly he hears Chelsea's voice off I the distance up ahead, "Yes! I made it!".      All of a sudden he hears motion in the brush right beside him. "What was that? A monkey or pig maybe?", He ask himself, "I better just keep my distance and keep going forward".  Then it dawns on him. The jungle has gone silent. There's no movement or commotion.  He stops walking and begins to look around. He looks behind him there's nothing. "I'm wasting time!", So he slowly begins to walk forward, "There!", He reacts to another sound. Where did it come from? Again! Its above me! A monkey maybe?". He looks up and instantly becomes white as a ghost as the bright red tongue of the enormous snake flickers his way. The golden colored eyes are almost mesmerizing. Its tongue flicks back and forth as it huge mouth slowly begins to open revealing its dagger like backward facing rows of teeth. The guide is too petrified to move or even blink.  The giant snake slithers forward revealing itself from the canopy.  The guide snaps out of it, but as he goes to move the snake strikes with blinding speed grabbing him by the face while wrapping its coils around his body. Just before the snakes teeth sunk in the guide let out a feint scream that was drowned out as it echoed down into to throat of the snake.  The giant coils of the snake are holds him like a death grip and with each small breath he takes the snake tightens its grip until finally there is no room for his lungs to expand. It doesn't take long for the enormous muscles of the snake to squeeze the dying breath out of the poor tour guide and once it does it loosens its grip while working its jaws back and forth all from the head until it reaches his feet swallowing him whole.  The snake devours its prey and disappears back into the canopy of the rainforest like it was never even there.      -Where is that stupid Tour guide? Chelsea's mom yells out as she continues throwing her tantrum.  -Shh! Chelsea screams out, What was that? Did y'all hear that?  -Hear what? her dad questions.  -I... I don't know, but it sounded almost like... Almost like I heard somebody scream.  Everyone stops and listens. The forest is silent like it stopped too, to listen. And then just like the the sound of all the jungles night animals erupt filling the air.  -Stop being stupid Chelsea!, Chelsea's brother cries out, I know your just trying to scare everyone! -No, No I'm not! She exclaims.  -Hey, her dad shouts, Were stopping here. It's almost dark so its best if we go ahead and set up camp right here while there's still enough daylight to see.  He continues to tell them as he pulls off his back pack and gets out his tent. Everyone else follows it and begins to set up camp.      -What, what was that? Chelsea wakes up her brother, Hey! I just heard something out there something running, she tells her brother while shaking him to wake him up.  -Hey what's the big idea? he ask while pushing her away.  She quickly puts her finger to her lips to quite him.  -Listen, she whispers.  The running sound is gone, but what's was that sound? Her brother finally hears it too. They press their ears against the tent to listen.  -What is that? she whispers.  -I.. I don't know. It It sounds like something scary breathing, her brother cries.  "Breathing, breathing that's it! It is something breathing long deep quite breaths. What is that? And there's another sound too. Almost wet, like smacking or... What the hell is that?"  It's in the direction of her uncles tent.  She grabs one of her camp lights. Pulls it open and begins to move towards her tents entrance.  She quietly listens again. There it is again the sound of something breathing, something big. And the light she just turned on didn't seem to bother it.  Its coming from right there right by her uncles' tent.  She slowly unzips the tent. She first puts the light out and waves it around hoping the light will frighten off whatever it maybe. She exits out of the tent. She looks toward the sound and she is astounded to see the giant snake as it works its jaws down past the shoulders of one of her uncles.  She can't move, can't speak she can only watch with tears rolling down her face in horror as the snake continues to work it way down, devouring her uncle.      She hears something, so she slowly turns only to see her father in the same frozen almost lifeless state of fear and they watch the snake raise up its head as it completely swallows this full grown man. The snake opens its mouth in order to realign its separated jaw bone looking almost as if its yawning. It flickers its tongue then turns its attention towards Chelsea and her father. The two are still paralyzed with fear. The gigantic snake moves closer, Its tongue flickers back and forth tasting the air. It moves so close that now its tongue grazes Chelsea and her dad as it flickers while it seems to be sizing up the two. It continues to draw closer it's long heavy body now in the light up by Chelsea's camp light. It continues to move side to side slowly pushing her dead uncle down to its belly. Then it stops it raises its head up and lets out a hair raising hiss as its mouth slowly opens. It looks as if its readying itself to strike one of the two too frozen with fear to scream or move.      Just as it goes to attack Chelsea's little brother opens the the tent. He gasp and instantly freezes. It like the snake is so frightening its mesmerizing instantly seducing you paralyzing anyone who sees it in a state of total fear and shock. The snake turns towards her little brother flickers its tongue and then just turns around slowly disappearing back into the jungle.      Once they can no longer hear the massive snakes slithering they begin to cry as the dad runs and grabs ahold of his son and daughter. OMG! OMG! OMG! that monster just it just ate my uncle. OMG! is it hunting us? Why did it come up from the river.. Just then Chelsea's mom comes out of the tent. Hey what's all this racket in the middle of the night? Just what the hell is going on? Chelsea runs and grabs her mom. While she does her dad goes open her uncle's tent. No Chelsea's other uncle is gone too. Did the snake get them both? He's gone Chelsea tells her dad. That must have been what woke me up. I heard him running into the jungle. He must have freaked out and ran away.      Now came the task of Chelsea and her dad telling her mom that one of her brothers is missing running through the dangerous jungle at night and to tell her her other brother is dead eaten by a giant snake that seems to be hunting them. Its complete hysteria after they tell her. They try to think of the best way to get out of the jungle. Where the hell is the damn tour guide? At least he left a map they can head back to that check in station and call for help. They won't have to spend another night in this damn jungle. Chelsea's mom continues to freak out. What if it comes back! What if it comes back! She cries. It won't her dad finally says, it won't because it already ate. Right Chelsea? He ask. Chelsea responds um yeah yeah we should be ok. But thinking to herself she knows it's a big snake and eating small prey like us it will be like feeding that snake at the pet store. It always ate 5 or 6 rats when they didn't have a couple rabbits to feed it. The caiman was the rabbit, we have become the rats. She shrivels up inside realizing the snake would most likely be back. What can they do? It's best not to say anything. That would just make everyone freak out. Let's just get back to the station once we get there we can lock ourselves inside while we await help. Yeah that's it we're gonna be ok. In the meantime I'll just keep my eyes and ears open. We're gonna be ok.

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