Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Rio smiled; he can still remember when he and Vera talked about his real identity. He almost chokes on his laugh when she told her that he’s drooling over her boyfriend but actually he’s not! That time he was actually concerned on Vera’s boyfriend because he got a crazy girlfriend. “W-What if my brothers and sister knows about the real me and that they’re just being quiet?” Vera slap him but not hard. “Idiota! Of course I sensed that you are a bish when I saw you looking at my boyfriend! But for sure tita and tito and your siblings doesn’t have any idea about your color pink blood because remember? They’re not always watching you because they’re busy at work.” Rio looked at Anita; the old maid was always with him. Did Anita know?  But she never asks me about it, or maybe she was waiting for me to tell my story? “What are you thinking, Rio dear? Did something is bothering you?” Anita asked. “I-I’m okay, Anita, I am just full. Thank you for bringing me food. I will thank mom later for cooking for me, this made my day.” He said and smiled. When Anita stood, she takes the tray with the plates and glass. The old maid looked at him, “Try to go outside, Rio dear, I noticed a lot of changes happened to you when you started your high school life.” I changed a lot, Anita, a lot. And I’m sorry I can’t tell my secrets. “I will go out with Vera later, Anita. Thank you for the food.” He said. When he was left alone in his room, he takes out his phone and looked at his gallery. There are no photos of him, only photos of sunrise, sunset, mountains and nature, and in a secret note that has a password he kept some thoughts that he wanted to say but kept it because he’s afraid they might judge him for being him. He wrote a letter for himself that he will look up to when he get old. “Waking up with a heavy feeling I went to school, when I entered our classroom, minutes later, I saw Timothy wearing his new Gucci shirt; he told everyone that his mom gifted him a shirt for the first time. He was so happy.  I was looking so long at him, while he was there with my other classmates smiling. I saw a genuine smile of a person, my heart suddenly beats faster and my hands were shaking while looking at Timothy. I thought something weird was happening to me.  I ignored it and just focus on my notes.”                                                                                                             9:05 am July, 20, 2001 “Hello, this is Rio again, the weird feeling I felt while looking at Timothy continued! I saw him at the field while he’s there playing football with our classmates, He was so happy and his smile made my heart beats faster, oh no no, why am I saying this?”                                                                                                             1:13 pm July 21, 2001 “Who am I going to ask what is happening to me? Should I ask mom? But what if she thinks that I am gay because of my question? This is so hard. I know that I am a straight man, I know what I like and I like girls. This is not good. Not good, Rio.”                                                                                                             8:00 pm July 23, 2001 “2 months of no notes, I am doomed. I like Timothy, I like the man, and I like a man! I am dead! For sure dad will kill me if he finds out about this, he will reject me.”                                                                                                             3:23 pm Sept. 26, 2001 “Okay, I am going crazy, I forgot to do my assignments because I was busy teaching Timothy some mathematic lessons, because everyone knows that I am good at everything they told Timothy that I can tutor him. He asked me for help and who am I to reject him?! But oh no, man, temptation! Here I am now at the office of our teacher saying sorry because I forgot to do my assignments. Great! Just great!”                                                                                                             11:00 am, Oct. 9 2001   Rio smiled reading the notes. He almost laughs hard reading the other notes. That’s when he remembers about his first crush named Timothy. Timothy is not rich like them, he’s just an average kind of man, and actually he had a crush on him when he saw his genuine smile, his smile caught his attention. Vera didn’t know about it because when he told Vera that he’s gay they’re at second year high school and Timothy transferred to other school. When he told Vera everything and the truth that he likes men she was like, “Oh Rio, what’s wrong with being gay? You are still beautiful even if you are! Don’t down yourself, be proud.” And that’s when he realised that he can trust Vera and that he can say everything that he feels. “Where is that bish right now? An hour passed and she’s still not here.”            He can still remember what happened at school and how he almost got caught. Vera always tells him to calm down and act normal, if he’s afraid of his father, his bish cousin Vera is afraid too. She knows how strict his father and his brothers. She knows how cold their family and they doesn’t want to put the family’s reputation in shame. “But what If Tito Fredericko accepts you? Duh, bish! Tito looks strict but I think he will accept you because you are his daughter now! And for Tita Rinalia, I’m sure she can’t afford to lose her youngest same with mamita and papito. Don’t be sad, Frederio.” When he heard Vera called him Frederio he glared at the woman. He placed his phone on the table and looked outside the window and there he saw his bish cousin named Vera Grasya. Wearing a short shorts and a spaghetti top Vera was walking like a victoria’s secret model. When his cousin raise her head and saw him looking at her. Vera throws him a flying kiss and entered their mansion. Crazy as ever, Vera Grasya!        
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