Episode 8: Fame and Envy

1698 Words
After I saw the alert on my phone, I immediately checked to be sure of where it came from. It was from Crystal mind publishing company, and it's the half payment of the amount we negotiated. The rest will be fully paid into my account when the book has been finally published. I told my friends that, we would all have to go some shopping. And also need to change our apartment to a more comfortable and classic one. This made both Annabell and Diana, hug me tight, as tears strolled down their cheeks. Considering what we've gone through together, all this is a dream come true for us. After we all finished preparing for the shopping, we left for one of the best clothing stores in the neighbourhood, where cool and expensive clothes and shoes are being sold! After we did all our shopping in moderation and I did the payment with my credit card, I felt so good and very happy doing all this for me and my friends. We have gone through a lot together, so it is something I have always wished for and dreamt of. Instantly we left the shopping store, we headed straight to a nearby place, where we heard about some apartments that are ready to be leased out. When we got there, we didn't get to meet anyone, but a phone number was displayed on a placard that was pasted on the wall... I picked up the number and dialled it. I put a call through to the number, and it was an estate agent that picked up the call. After I told him about my intention to obtain the apartment, he told me, he will get to us very soon, so we can check around and do every necessary negotiation. We stayed around, chit-chatting, as we wait for him to arrive. And after about thirty minutes, he finally arrived. A tall young man, who should be around his thirties with an Italian accent approaches us. "Good day ladies, my name is Andrea!" He sounds excited, as he greets us warmly. "Good morning, Mr. Andrea... I am Khloe Williams" I introduced myself to him, and we all exchanged pleasantries with him. He opened the door of the apartment and immediately we stepped in, we all fell in love with the house. The living room is so spacious, and it has three other separate rooms, which means, each of us can have a room to ourselves. After checking everywhere thoroughly, we negotiated with Mr. Andrea and the negotiation went well with him. So we agreed to take the place. "The payment will be made when all the necessary documents are in place, which would be the next day!" I told him with a smile on my face, as we exchanged handshakes and we left there. We were all filled with joy and happiness, as we walked down the street, to a place where we can get a cab, to take us home. As we were walking down the street, three young ladies and a guy approaches us. "Good morning, please are you not Khloe Williams?" One of the three ladies pointed at me, as she keeps on smiling. "Yes, I am... Hope no problem?" I answered and asked in curiosity. "No, no problem... We saw your interview on the TV earlier this morning, and we so much liked the way you talk! We are also looking forward to the release of your book!" The guy among them said in excitement. "Please, can we get an autograph?" One of the ladies asked as she pleaded with an appealing tone. "Sure, no problem about that!" I answered with joy, as I signed on their clothes. I was also trying to hide my happiness towards this tremendous fast positive change. After the autograph, they left and I started screaming in joy, as my friends joined me to celebrate this success. We later got home and were very tired. As Annabell and Diana were about to depart to their rooms, I called them, to have a serious word with them. "Guys, I want to talk to you both, about quitting the job we have been doing," I said with a serious look while waiting for their reaction and opinion. "W-what! Why do you want us to quit our jobs?" Diana asked, with a confused and curious look, at the same time. "You guys were present to witness everything that happened today. The changes that have taken place since I signed the contract. Things are not the same anymore, and we can't be seen dancing for money, as we have been doing before... I represent a big publishing company now, and you both are part of my success! So please, let's stop for now, till we figure out what to do and I promise to take very good care of us!" I explained and tries to make them see the reasons with me for what I just said. "Okay, I do understand everything you have just said... But how do we cope?" Annabell agreed but asked how they will have to survive without working. "Don't worry about that, we will be fine and I still have some money left in my account, plus the rest that would be paid to me... We will figure out what to do with the money later on!" I said with a reassuring tone to my friends, as they both agreed on quitting their jobs till we figure out what to do, with the rest money! *At Crystal mind publishing company* Mitchell was seen looking very unhappy and wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, as she moved swiftly towards Mason's office. When she got to his office door, she didn't mind knocking on the door and barged into the office. "What's going on already? Why would her interview be aired on Italian entertainment TV? And for the fact that she's not even signed as a worker under the company?" Mitchell asked in rage, as she walks towards Mason and stopped in her tracks, before getting to his table. "It seems you are forgetting that I'm the boss here and I call the shots! I chose who goes on the TV or any other thing that needs to be done. Okay?" Mason said with a bossy tone and a scorned look towards her. "I'm sorry boss! I just thought it was not appropriate to let her be on TV so fast, because It took much longer for me to appear on TV, despite I was already a worker!" Mitchell immediately apologizes, as she states her distaste about Khloe being on TV, and all over the famous blogs, in a matter of weeks. "I make the decisions here, and I don't think I'm answerable to you about anything I do! Please, you can leave my office now, if that's all you have come here for!" Mason sounds angrier, as he asked her to leave his office. Michelle left Mason's office with much anger, as she didn't get the right response she would have wanted from him. And the way Mason asked her out of his office, was so rude! 'So, I will now be playing second fiddle to a newbie?' Michelle thought to herself inwardly, as she walks slowly towards her office. 'I know what to do, to put a stop to all this Mason's madness!' Mitchell kept on thinking to herself inwardly, as she finally arrived in her office, where she took out her phone and made a call to an unknown person. "Hello, I will send you a name, make a background check on the person for me, and get back to me as soon as possible!" Michelle said to the person she called, on the other end of the phone. *************************** The next morning, I woke up as my phone started ringing and when I tried checking who the caller is, it was an unknown caller ' Who is this again?' Khloe asked herself inwardly, as she picked up the call "Hello, good morning... Who I'm I on to?" Khloe asked modestly, to know who the unknown caller was "Good morning Miss Williams, I am Angelino Sarri from Independent TV... We wish to have you on our TV for an interview about the predicted success of your book that is to be launched by this month-end" Angelino Sarri who is one of the best article and also a critic journalist in Italy asked politely, with an appealing tone "Hmm... I can't really give you an answer on that now, but I will contact you back to let you know if I will accept your interview offer sir" Khloe said modestly, as she also tried not to act to be in much haste to hit the headlines "Okay, this is my number, you can reach me with it... Please, ma'am, I will appreciate it if you do consider our off and accept it" Angelino said calmly, as he ended the call. I was excited, but I know I can't give out any interview without Mason's consent or the company's approval, so I immediately put a call through to Mason to let him know about the new development "Good morning sir" Khloe greeted in an official tone "Good morning Miss Williams, how are you doing today?" Mason sounds very calm and a bit friendly "I'm doing fine sir... Sir, Angelino Sarri called me this morning and he requested an interview with me for the independent TV, but I told him I will get back to him. I thought it wise to let you know about the offer, before saying anything" Khloe explained to Mason, as she was looking forward to Mason telling her to go ahead with the interview, but to her greatest surprise, Mason told her to decline the offer "Decline the offer, you can't take any interview for now," Mason said in a gentleman's voice "But why can't I take it?" Khloe asked, as she got impatient and unhappy about Mason's reply and the only thing Mason said to her was "You will decline the offer because you are not ready!" Mason said as he ended the call...
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