
Her Mafia Journey: Becoming the Queen

kickass heroine
female lead

Sequel to Her Biker Journey: Conquering a Man’s World. To understand what’s going on in this book you must read that one first.

Crisa and Storm have been through a lot, but it has only brought them closer to each other. They have gotten married, built a family together, and now it’s time for Crisa to take over for her uncle. Raising twins with two teenagers is difficult on it's own, but trying to dominate in a field where men don't respect woman as leaders makes it even harder. Getting her respect and keeping everyone in line is going to be difficult. Men don’t respect women that try to come into the mafia and they really don’t want to respect a female leading the mafia. With guidance from her uncle and Storm by her side can she become the mafia queen? Will she be able to keep her family safe?

It's going to be a long road and there will be obstacles to overcome. Between outright attacks on their home and attempts to kidnap their children. Will Crisa's and Storm's relationship last? Or will they get tired of fighting for each other? While they fight through all of the obstacles the family will continue to grow and become stronger.

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Chapter One: Crisa
The twins were born three days ago and we were being released from the hospital. Storm was still missing and nobody heard anything, but Jorge had told Thane he had a lead on where he might be. Thane was carrying the twins while Tony carried our bags and a nurse pushed my wheelchair. I wanted to walk, but hospital protocol was to leave in a wheelchair. Chris was waiting in the car ready to take us home where everyone would be waiting to meet the twins. When we got home Thane and Tony grabbed the twins while Chris helped me out of the car. I know that everyone wanted to meet the twins, but I just wanted to be alone with the twins, Stormy, and Blake. I was thankful when we walked in to find the house quiet. I knew that Zanthus and Xander were staying in the house with me, but they weren’t anywhere to be seen. I was grateful to have the night to get settled in with the kids before dealing with the craziness of everyone meeting them. Looking around the living room I noticed that they set up two bassinets and a fully stocked changing table. That would definitely make it easier to spend time with the entire family. After Thane and Tony set the twins down they said their goodbyes and the twins started crying. I took them out of their car seats and started to feed them while Stormy picked out a movie. After feeding, burping, and changing the twins they were sleeping again so I placed them in the bassinets and set about making snacks for the movie. We spent the day eating junk food and watching movies. Stormy and Blake also learned how to change the twins, how to feed them when I’m not available, and how to burp them. It was quite comical watching Blake freak out because he was spit up on, but it didn’t take away from the fact that Storm wasn’t here enjoying the night with us. After dinner Stormy and Blake helped me put the twins to bed in my room before they went to bed themselves. I laid down watching the twins sleep while thinking about where Storm could be. Part of me knew that I needed to sleep while the twins slept, but I was having a hard time falling asleep. After a rough night I finally gave up on sleep and got ready for the day while the twins were still asleep. When I walked into the kitchen with the twins I found Thane in a hushed conversation with Xander and Zanthus. As soon as they noticed me they went quiet like they were trying to hide something. I handed the twins to Blake and Stormy before telling them to go to my room. When they were out of the room I said, “I know that you are hiding something so spill it and don’t think about sugar coating it.” They looked at each other as if deciding who was going to speak before Thane said, “Jorge found out where Storm is and they are working on a plan to get him back. They still don’t know who is behind it, but expect to have him back by tonight.” I was worried about Storm, but I was also mad at him for going to a meeting alone without telling anyone about the meeting. Before walking away to get the kids I said, “he’s back before he kids go to bed or I’m going to take over.” They all nodded in understanding and I left the kitchen in search of the kids.

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