
Beta Tyler

second chance

Emily Mitchell had always been a good girl. Always playing by the rules.

When her high school sweetheart and long time boyfriend dumps her for a new hottie, she is left with a broken heart and a bitter soul.

Her friends encourage her to go on, taking her to their annual camping trip during their fall break. But nothing is the same after that.

A constant dream haunts her at night. A handsome face she can't make out, why does she see it every night, and why can't she recall his features in the morning.

Just when she hits her 24th birthday and is ready to call it quits, her mother becomes desperate to see her smiling again. Setting her up with one blind date after another. Emily dreads the next weekend, to find the next so called bachelor who will sweep her off her feet.

Things turn ugly when she goes on a date with a guy who is nothing but self absorbed. She then meets the rough but hot new guy in town Tyler Slate, who may just be the one to sweep her off her feet as deja vu taunts with her mind each time she sees him. Though she tries to avoid him, but being stuck as his guide to see the town makes it difficult for her to avoid him.

He hides a big secret from her, and though he dreads to stay away from her, he finds hard to avoid being present in her life. Despite his fierce attraction of the mating bond for her, he tries one thing after another to drive himself away, before he looses his self control over the mating bond.

Can human, Emily Mitchell handle being mated to the one and only beta of the Primord's pack? Will she be able to handle finding he is in fact, a werewolf? Not just any werewolf, but a Primord. Part of the oldest and fiercest pack in all existence..

Will they embark in a romantic relationship of happily ever after? or will their differences drive them apart and set them into a spiral of hate towards each other? Will he be able to resist the call of the mating bond? Or will he set his pride aside and embrace his new mate?

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Found Her
She glances over to the counter,  walking slowly towards the barista. A tall, well fit man with dark jet black hair, hazel-green eyes, and a handsome smile that is perfectly paired with gorgeous deep dimples  walks up to the counter as well. They both grab their drinks the same time. Stealing a stare from each other for a few unregretful long second that her heart whispers 'make it last forever'. She can't help but blush at the sight of his beautiful smile, his deep dimples on his cheeks make difficult for her to decide whether to look into his hypnotizing eyes, or smile. "Morning m'lady!" He says cheerfully. She somehow finds herself lost for words, making him chuckle. "Well, you have a good day now." He raises his cup and salutes her, taking a small sip and walking away. She blinks a few times, unable to believe she has become mute for the first time in front of a man. She sighs, closing her eyes. Tilts her head back, exhaling deeply, as she puffs her cheeks. "Um, Emily, your coffee!" The young barista calls out to her making her come back from her trance. "Thanks Tim." She finally answers as she walks back to her seat.  Realizing he stands outside, speaking to two other great looking men, she feels her face heated with embarrassment and an uncontrollable whirl of butterflies in her stomach. Something inside, inexplicable, compelling her to run out and kiss him. She doesn't understand the feeling, it's as if a magnet was pulling her, though she fights it as she averts her eyes back to her screen, her fingers unwilling to move to her command and suddenly her whole body feels shaky. "What the hell is wrong with you Em? You don't even know this guy! Even if he is the most gorgeous specimen you've ever seen in your whole entire life, AND in the existence of all man kind, and this world." She grips her coffee and sips on it hoping the slurping of the cup will distract her from his presence. She slowly looks out again and sees him sitting inside the pretty convertible parked up in front of the coffee house. He can't help but look her way, smiling and winking an eye at her making her break into a hot blush on her face. She quickly looks away and towards her screen, slowly slouching her body down so her face is  covered by the computer screen. She closes her eyes, taking a deep sigh, puffing her cheeks. She's startled when she opens her eyes and sees Chloe in front of her; Jumping in suspense to the sudden appearance of her best friend and daughter of the owner of the coffee shop, she tilts her cup, spilling some of the ice blend on her left thigh. The chill of the ice making her goose bump as she feels the coldness penetrate through her jeans. "Oh, s**t! Chloe? what the hell!? You scared me!" She narrows her eyebrows looking at her for a second before looking down to clean her jeans with the napkins. Chloe chuckles sitting next to her, noticing the car is still parked outside and three great looking guys sitting inside it. Tyler on the driver's seat, followed by Liam, gamma of the pack; and Chester, the top guard and delta of their pack sits comfortably on the back seat. His hands resting on top of the seat as he tilts his head back to rest. "Ahhem! " Chloe clears her throat to grab Emily's attention. She looks back at her and gives her an apologetic smile. "Sorry, you were saying?" Chloe chuckles, nodding her head and biting her lower lip. She gestures towards the car seeing the three men talking and reviewing a few papers they hold in their hands. "Do you know those guys? They are seriously hot, aren't they?" "Um, no! I don't. Know. Any of them, aren't you suppose to be working already? That's why you made me rush out here from my office didn't you?" She steals another glance, and shivers as she feels him staring back at her. His gaze penetrating her, unwilling, an inexplicable attraction she cannot understand. She had never felt such attraction for any one before, not even for Carter, her ex boyfriend who she had dated back in high school, though they only lasted a few weeks together, he had been the closest thing Emily had known to feeling attraction towards the opposite s*x. "Well, it looks like he found you quite attractive. He can't seem to look away from you either. Why haven't you gone to say hi?" Chloe suggested. Emily chuckles looking away from the window, "Are you crazy? I don't even know him. Besides, he's so good looking, I'm sure he is already taken. It looks like he could be one of those tourists in town for our annual fall festival too. There's so many tourist in town, I'd probably never see him again." She sighs and turns to her laptop and fixes her glasses back on the curve of her nose. She closes her eyes and runs her fingers through her hair. Keeping her hands steady on her neck and tilting her head back. "Excuse me miss?" She's startled, jumping in place as a male voice calls out to her. "s**t! You scared me. Can I help you with something?" She squints her eyes and sighs. Liam chuckles and leans close to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. But, you see, we're in town for a few days, and I was wondering if you knew of someone that could show us around. My friends and I don't get out much, business tends to keep us pretty busy you know? So anyway, we are not very familiar with people around here. Care to be our guide for a few days?" Liam gives her a cheeky smile and Chloe can't help but laugh, covering her mouth to muffle her laughter. "I'm sorry, do I look like a personal guide to you? Because I'm not! and frankly, I'm far too busy to be a personal guide to three complete strangers who I don't even know, for all I know, you could be serial killers or-" She crosses her hands over her chest and wrinkles her nose. "Wow! hold on there Em! You are getting way over your head. Relax my child, it was just a suggestion and you could just say no. Nicely!" Chloe chuckles holding her arms out and asking Emily to relax. "Look, I can assure you that we are not serial killers, ok? But, we are here for only a few days in town for business. We just wanted to know what the big fuss was about and see if it was worth for us to close the deal with Reynolds and Mitchell Investments. So, if you're not interested then-" "How about we meet tonight, and I can show you guys around?" She smiles, tilting her head to the side. "Actually, how about we meet at the vineyard that's by the entrance to town? We're staying at their inn, and I'm sure my boss would love to go and get something good to eat. Care to show us a good place to eat for lunch?" He smiles and looks towards the car.  He notices Tyler is completely annoyed and in any second, if he doesn't come out, Tyler will drive away without him and he will either have to take an uber or walk back to their room. "Ok. I can do that! I will meet you guys there in a few hours." She smiles and looks at Chloe who bites on her lower lip and widens her eyes in surprise.  "Good. I will see you then. Or should I say, we will see you in a few hours." He takes out a card and hands it to her.  "Call us when you're near. We look forward to seeing the beauties your town has to offer." He clicks his tongue and winks at her, turning on his heel and exiting the coffee shop. He runs out to the car, Tyler stares at him and he shrugs his shoulders before entering the car. The car speeds off quickly, making her look confused. Did the other guys really want her as a guide? Or was this just a trick to get to know her? All she knew, was that she had to try her best and impress them so that if they really were here to do business with her parents, it would all go smoothly in the end. 

Dreame-Editor's pick


Possession ( Book One of the Accalia Series)


She means nothing to him


The Hunter’s Mate


The Alphas second chance mate


Rejecting my mate


Forgetting Axel


Alpha Academy (Completed)


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