


"You are only an unfortunate

kid, how is it that you could

truly deserve me?" He is

thousand of time

extraordinary than you. He is

the best contender for a

spouse in my heart" I'm

simply playing with you, will

be you not kidding? Yet again

she had figured she could at

absolutely no point ever see

him in the future, so She didnt

expect that her life would be

in strife. Once more,

whenever they meet, his eyes

were cold as he scowled at

her with exceptional

revulsion. "T was just playing

with you. Whenever I'm fed up

with playing, I'll normally

release you." But not long

later, this attractive and rich

man constrained her to wed

him. Around evening time, he embraced her firmly and

murmured in her ear, "I need

nothing, I just need you. I'm

more astute and more

extravagant than him and I

know how to adore you"

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chapter one
??RIVER OF LOVE?? ?EPISODE 1? In the lavish and rich clubhouse, gem lights are splendid and stunning, and people walk openly. Laura is half inclining toward the edge of the divider, wearing a straightforward plain dress, and peering down at the red wine in the glass, his eyes are stupefied. After 30 minutes, she put down her glass and meandered carelessly through the quality, head bowed vacantly towards the entryway. Since I strolled excessively quick, I didn't see somebody on my side, just dubiously heard a couple conscious "Mr. Brian". Laura was somewhat anxious. He believed that he could have heard wrong. Additionally, there are such countless great respectable men on the planet. How is it that they could be him? So he moved forward, just to chance upon a hard mass of tissue. Reflexively, he connected his hand and scoured his brow, then, at that point, said sorry. Right when he looked into, the entire individual was firm, and the lower part of his eyes was covered with red, and he was gazing at him with red eyes. He was as attractive and attractive as anyone might imagine. He was tall and straight, yet her face was freezing. It appeared to be that he was an outsider totally. Laura's legs were weighty as though loaded up with lead. She gazed at him without flickering. In spite of the fact that she was somewhat restless and needed to converse with him for a great deal of words, she actually kept down. Particularly when she saw his restless appearance, she raised her legs low and withdrew aside. Her heart was weighty. Brian face was cold. Her dull eyes resembled the ocean. She looked at her and left. Laura takes a gander at his recognizable and weird back, her body shudders wildly, and her heart is both cheerful and bothered. Her eyes followed him intently, and her strides followed him, until she saw him enter a crate, the entryway shut, and she was hindered by him. For some time, my psyche was loaded with the cheerful time four quite a while back. Tears resembled broken kites that couldn't be cleared off. She needed to race into the public latrine next to her, immediately came to the sink and lay on her head, turned on the tap, and poured water all over. Increasingly more confounded as of now, the overpowering aggravation at the lower part of my heart is as yet flooding out all things considered. I don't have the foggiest idea how long I washed it with cold water, yet I heard a weighty entryway shutting sound and metal wriggling sound. She awakened watchfully from her fantasy. Laura gazes toward the mirror and sees the figure of Brian. He is strolling towards her. She brought down her head in alarm, not thinking about taking a gander at him, and clutched the washstand with her fingers. "You were astonished." The voice of favorable luck sounded in her back, unspeakable harmony and confirmation. Laura furtively dried the tears under her eyes, serenely turned on the tap, cleaned her hands, professed not to hear, and got some distance from the opposite side. When he made a stride, he got his arm. She delicately looked at the knuckled fingers on her arm, unfit to split away, so she needed to turn down the volume and said, "let go." Notwithstanding, he out of nowhere squeezed her on the divider behind him, holding her back firmly with his hand, and holding her midriff immovably with his other hand, gazing at her briskly. His body pushed on her, so she was unable to move. The tip of his nose is loaded with his warm breath, recognizable and new. Her nerves were somewhat acrid and she took a gander at his attractive face feebly. His eyes are as yet dim and profound, however the previous clear and warm ones are no longer there. A couple of slender and cool bruised eyes are incredibly melancholy, and there is no delicate heart all over. His fingers solidly handle her midriff, with a smidgen of vengeance. Laura battles hard, arms against his chest, and needs to push him out of his reality totally. She is without a doubt excessively powerless for him. His fingernails were closed up, he took a gander at him tenaciously, profoundly quelled his sentiments at the lower part of his heart, and his voice was somewhat cold and raspy: "let me go." Brian never let out the slightest peep, yet checked out at her with far off eyes. Taking a gander at her recognizable face, her body quickly worried, and the fingers squeezed at her abdomen couldn't resist the urge to apply force. The first vacuous face was somewhat trembling, and the blue ligaments in her temple out of nowhere bounced up. A couple of cold eyes were loaded up with blood briefly. Only a couple of moments, the demeanor on the face is totally covered up, streak away, lips and feet shallow grin, the developments on the hands are wild. Laura can't bear the aggravation finally. She raises her leg and kicks it towards him when he doesn't focus. Best of luck yet still, straight stand there, let her kick, yet that sets of dim eyes more virus. "Best of luck you enough! We've separated! " Laura drove him away, and a fog streaked through his eyes. "Sufficiently not." The best of luck weighty retched two words, intended to gaze at her unidentified, the eyeground doesn't have a hint of feeling, the lovely eyes gaze at her, as though needs to see through her. Laura shut his eyes, his fingers were free and tight, and constrained back the haze under his eyes. He grinned at him with a beguiling grin like a blameless man: "since it's adequately not, then, at that point, you go on?" "I haven't seen you for quite a long time. I will peer down on you!" Finish saying, his eye ground conveys a dash of profound virus disdain, quickly pulled forward her body, and pulled her expecting to leave. Since the ground is excessively elusive, Laura's focal point of gravity is back once more, so she is pulled hard by this, and her delicate body falls back, straightforwardly crushing to the washing table on one side, and her back catchs the washing table, which is extremely agonizing. Her face is contorted and distorted, her eyebrows are firmly wound, and her breath is incredibly uncomfortable.Hearing this shout, the eyes of the favorable luck followed the past unwittingly. When the bruised eyes were dim, the fingers hanging in the sleeves were nearly squeezed into the tissue and skin, however he was unable to feel a hint of agony. Until he saw her face loosened up a great deal, he moved his eyes and looked forward with a virus look. Laura's face was pale. He pushed her hard as he did. His heart was sore. He nibbled his teeth, stood upright and constrained himself to snare his lips and grin at him. He remained there straight, exceptionally attractive and honorable, yet he was so savage to her. Overlook the annoyed with the lower part of my heart, and say impolitely: "would you say you are fulfilled? Over venting? Could I at any point go at this point? " Seeing that she could giggle like this, her eyes were cold and her heart was irate. She stepped forward a couple of steps, snatched her arm and held her against the washing table. Her dark red eyes were flooding, and she snarled at her with grinding teeth. Her voice was extremely dull: "contrasted and what you do, it's nowhere adequately near. You can have confidence. I simply play with you When I'm burnt out on playing, I'll release you. This sentence of favorable luck causes Laura to feel numb at the lower part of his heart. His face is pale and straightforward. He sees him bothered, and his palm is now wet. Simply pay attention to best of luck to proceed: "still recall the air terminal four a long time back, what you told me?" His voice was plainly so light, however when she heard this sentence, her heart was like being seriously pierced by large number of bull hair needles. To keep him from seeing anything, he needed to bring down his head and keep his teeth solidly on his lower lip without saying a word. "Take a gander at me, I maintain that you should tell me, what did you say four quite a while back?" Good karma out of nowhere connects with hold her jaw, compels her view to confront him, expressing word by word, voice superlatively disheartening. "I......" Laura's eyes were loaded with fog, his body was marginally shuddering, his voice was raspy, and he was unable to say a word. "It turns out you have laments." The best of luck endlessly giggles. The lower part of her eyes is dull. Seeing her look abandoned, she has no pity by any means. She invests more energy on her neck and says delicately however insidiously, "in the event that I don't say it, I won't leave today. Individuals all around the city will realize that He's is snaring me in the ladies' latrine!" "Ha ha..." Seduce, she tempt him? Obviously he beguiled her. For what reason is it her issue? Taking a gander at the sensitive yet profoundly chilly face before her, Laura chuckled with torment. "Let's assume it!" Good karma takes a gander at her snide grin, the body is very restless blends with a little disquiet, drives away her suddenly, thunders at her. Laura staggered to the side of the washing table, and held the washing table with her fingers to abstain from tumbling down. She hacked a few times because of relaxing. She stood up and checked out at him with an incredibly snide tone: "you are only an unfortunate kid, where do you merit me?" "He is ten million times better compared to you. He is the youth darling who grew up with me. He is the best spouse in my heart." "Also, you? I'm simply playing. Is it safe to say that you are significant? " With these words, she attempted to stifle the shaking of her body, her head was weighty and created, her eyes were loaded with torment, despondency and depression, her fingers were firmly held, her knuckles were white, and her hands were squeezed by her nails. I don't be aware for quite a while, she at long last controlled the flooding of the lower part of her heart, raised her head, took a gander at him daintily, and said: "you are fulfilled at this point? Or then again would you say you are extraordinary to me? You Still like me? " Her eyebrows and eyes are clear, apparently unconcerned, yet truth be told she is tense. Paying attention to the three forceful words, there was a cloudy fury in Brian's eyebrows, his body was shaking wildly, and his breath was exceptionally hard. It appeared to be that the location of the air terminal four a long time back showed up before him A snare toward the edge of the lips, a deriding grin, a couple of clear eyes further, light drifting out a sentence: "do you merit it?" Do you coordinate? What a basic word, yet like a sharp knife has been pushed into her heart. Her body has not relaxed for quite a while. It's hard and tight. Also, the man with the blade is him, the scene she never needed to see "Ha ha..." Laura grins low, his eyes are foggy and his ears are humming. She can feel that he is still before her. She makes a move to escape from her tears and surges out. When she left the door, she observed a corner where there was nobody. She squatted in the corner with her head in her grasp, shuddering wildly all around her body. Middle school has been enamored with him for quite some time. Senior secondary school is near him as a graduated class. She has been abroad for quite a long time in school. She has endure exclusively by those little contemplations previously. She has spent her most delightful years. A decade resemble a day. Every one of her contemplations are spent on a similar man. Presently he has his own vocation and achievement. She is only a toy for him Already, perhaps not so much as a toy. "Simply relax, I'm playing with you. Whenever I'm fed up with playing, I'll release you." "Do you merit it?" Thinking about this, Laura's fingers out of nowhere fixed, and he gazed upward marginally. His red eyes held a miserable and void gaze at the dull night sky. At around 10 o'clock in the evening, Laura left the club. He was strolling out and about alone. The faint yellow streetlamp beamed on the night sky, which was exceptionally dim. His eyes couldn't see the front plainly. After ten minutes, I felt two stunning white lights before me. I halted without a moment's delay, raised my arm to hinder my eyes. Through the finger hole, I saw a vehicle coming gradually towards her. Since it was somewhat far away, she was unable to see what its identity was. Yet, the vehicle out of nowhere sped up its speed for reasons unknown and hit her straight. Consistently nearer, she at last saw what its identity was. It ended up being the recognizable face, and the legs couldn't make it. Taking a gander at his cold and fluffy eyes, the edge of his lips gradually raised a grin. Since he believed that her should bite the dust, come on, then, at that point, she would be free. In any case, tears actually streamed down the eyes. In spite of the fact that he realize that he loathed her, he needed to kill her. It was horrible. Before long, the vehicle was getting increasingly close to her, under three meters, two meters, one meter Laura shut her eyes and remained in a similar spot. "Zi - " there was an uproarious brake sound in his ear, and the wheels shrieked in light of the fact that the crisis brake slice the ground.Headache is going to break, half squinting the fluffy eyes, it appears to be that the recognizable figure returns before him. He is remaining in the air and grinning at her. Laura laughs and tumbles down weakly. His legs rub intensely on the ground, which is extremely excruciating. Her head was weighty and she appeared to hear a tearing low thunder right now of unconsciousness. Who is calling her?

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