Chapter 6

803 Words
I stood on a rocky mountain, just a few steps from the choppy ocean. The dark waves crashed against the bottom of the rocks, sending sprays of cold water over my feet. "What am I doing here?" I asked out loud while staring out at the sea. The moon was up, shining brightly around me, but there was something about the energy in the air that had me feeling unsafe. And then I realized why. In the distance I could see a figure flying just above the water, coming straight toward me. It was Minnaloushe, wearing a long white and whispy dress. My nails turned into claws involuntarily. Time seemed to stand still as she moved toward me. I didn't move either, I refused to back down. When she reached the rocks, she effortlessly lifted in the air, bringing her to a stop in front of me. Her feet touched the ground, a smile on her face, "Harley, lovely to see you again," Her voice dripped with danger as she circled me, "Look at you. Those marks you wear in shame." Her sharp nails skimmed the bare skin on my arm. "Well, they come from you. Nothing to parade proudly." She smiled as she came to a stop in front of me, "Harley, you must know by now?" "It doesn't matter, Minnaloushe. Nothing but stopping you matters." I somehow knew this was a dream, maybe because I wasn't trying to kill her. "Come with me? I want to show you something." I didn't move, "I'm not going anywhere with you." I swatted at her outstretched hand. But she didn't seem phased by my reaction at all. "I see things, Harley. I know how this all ends. And I promise you, it is not a happy ending for you." I reached out, pushing her over the edge of the cliff. "Sometimes, we should avoid acting out of anger." I turned, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from, but I couldn't see anyone. All I could decipher was that it was a loud, male voice that seemed to come from everywhere all at once. "She's tried to kill me." "And has acting in anger helped you defeat her?" I remained silent. "Seek guidance. Go to the camp of the sacred ones. There you will learn the lesson you need to defeat the witch." "Sacred ones? What are you talking about?" I gasped as I woke up in bed. I turned to see I was alone in the room. Jumping to my feet I raced through the house to find Riven and Jake. Luckily for me they were sitting together. "Who are the sacred ones?" Riven frowned, "In easy terms? Werewolf monks." Jake shook his head, "No, that depends who you ask. If you ask the vampires, they will tell you the sacred ones are ancient vampires who harness more power than any other creature that walks the earth." "So which type am I supposed to go and find?" Both of them looked at each other before turning to me in confusion. I sat down and explained the dream, realizing that they had no idea what I was talking about. "It must be the vampires." Jake decided. "No, maybe it is the spirits of the wolves speaking to her." Riven argued. I huffed and smacked my head on the table, "Can we focus here? How am I supposed to figure out who it is that I should go to?" "We should speak to Jesse." "Or I could go to both?" I suggested. Jake nodded, "I'll take you to the vampiures." "No. All three of us will go together." I knew Riven was still battling with our arrangement and I didn't want him to feel left out. I turned to him, but he was staring at the table with a frown on his face. He looked unhappy and I wondered if Jake had told him what the Shaman had said. I looked over at Jake and he too looked away when we made eye contact. "Why do I get the feeling that there's something going on?" "Minx, come on, there is a lot going on. You know that." I raised a brow, "That isn't what I mean and you know it." Jake looked over at Riven, who looked up at him with a strange look. Something was definitely going on. "Okay, spit it out." I demanded. Jake sighed, "Riv and I have been talking." I nodded, "Yeah, I figured that," I prompted. Riven leaned forward, "We, uh, think that maybe we should use me to get to Minnaloushe." "Over my dead body." I scoffed, :Are you being serious right now?" Jake gave Riven a pointed look, "I told you she wasn't going to go for it." "You're damn right I won't go for it."
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