
The Wizard and The Warrior

magical world

Centuries ago prophets predicted the rise of a great wizard and a formidable warrior who would save the people of their land. Now an invasion fleet is heading for Aria, is it time for the Wizard and the Warrior to arise and save them all?

Runaway bride Aliah wants to be more than someone’s wife. Fleeing his destiny, Seamus has no idea what he wants from his future. Thrown together by fate, the two journey to the nation’s capital; one to warn the king of an impending invasion, the other to do the unthinkable—train to be a wizard.

Their chance encounter takes them on a wild adventure where they must face their pasts and decide their future, all while helping Aria prepare to defend itself.

Aria’s future hangs in the balance, can two runaways tip the scales?

The Wizard and The Warrior Series One is created by Vivienne Lee Fraser, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author.

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Chapter 1: Beginnings
PROLOGUE "When the new power rises and the Wizard and Warrior meet, Old and new blood will combine to save one and all." The elderly man gazed into the fire, his eyes drawn to the ship he watched leaving Bannock Harbour. He continued to watch until it was well on its way out to sea, then rose slowly, rubbing his aching back. 'So it begins,' he thought to himself. 'And a good thing too, as there is none with the skill to follow me as High Seer. So none but I have the learning to pass on to the Wizard and Warrior that they will need to defeat their enemy. I just hope they make it here in good time.' He looked up as his apprentice opened the door. 'Eon, please advise the Council I need to be heard.' 'The signs were correct? It is time?' his apprentice asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement. 'Yes,' the Seer said with less enthusiasm. 'It is time. Come now, we have much to do and little time in which to do it.' ALIAH Aliah slowly counted to twenty before she slipped off the bed and tiptoed to the door, reluctantly passing the bread and cheese the boy had left on the wooden table in the middle of her cabin. Her grumbling stomach would have to wait. The ship rolled as she neared the door, throwing her off-balance and hip-first into the table. Biting back a yelp, she waited for another count of twenty to see if anyone heard the bang before trying the door handle. The cabin boy had been getting lazy and these last few days had not locked the door in between bringing her food and taking the empty plates away. Fortunately he had not changed his habits even though they were in port. Perhaps the excitement of being able to leave the ship after a six day at sea had prevented him from realising the opportunity he had presented to his captain's valuable cargo. Looking down the corridor the only hint of other people on board was the hustle and bustle of sailors working on deck. She quickly grabbed her cloak off the sea chest and put it on. Then, without a moment to lose, continued her silent exit from the cabin that had been her prison for the last four days. Hesitating for a moment at the end of the corridor, she peeked around the corner to see if there was anyone in the galley before darting quickly past the entrance. She halted again by some barrels near the foredeck stairs. Did she have a better chance of escape by heading up the stairs and hoping that everyone was too busy unloading cargo to notice her? Or was she best to try and stow away in the cargo hold and hope to be unloaded? No, too many sailors would be working there, she might be spotted. Best she take her chances in amongst the cargo on deck. Aliah crept up the stairs on hands and knees. At the top, she stuck her head above the opening to get an idea of her next move. Ducking quickly back into the shadows at the side, she held her breath as footsteps approached hoping no one had seen her. The footsteps passed and she slowly let out her breath. Taking another look, she confirmed there was a stack of barrels about ten paces away, which were about another ten paces from the gangplank. If she could make it to the barrels she might be able to blend in with the sailors carrying cargo to the dock. She looked down at her blue gown and dainty white shoes; well, maybe if she weren't dressed for attending a state dinner. Quickly, she crawled back down the stairs and moved aft towards the crew quarters. The ship boy was about her size. Surely she could find something to wear from his clothes. The sound of singing ahead halted her progress and she tried the door behind her. Fortunately it was open and she slipped silently inside just before the cook passed on his way back to the galley. Luck must really have been on Aliah's side as she had stumbled into the first mate's cabin and he must have come in earlier to lay out clean clothes for shore leave. Even more fortunately he was not a tall man. Aliah managed to change quickly, tucking in the rough shirt and rolling the trousers to fit. There were no socks to wear with the boots under the bed so she tore her petticoats and wrapped bandages around her feet. With her make-do footwear the boots were considerably more snug on her feet. She then tucked her plait of blonde hair down the back collar of the shirt to ensure it would not get in the way, or immediately alert anyone to the fact she was a girl. She grabbed his spare cap and jammed it onto her head. Finally she laid out her own clothing on the bed as a bit of a joke, chuckling to herself as she imagined the first mate actually wearing her dress. 'Ready?' Taking a deep breath she moved to leave, then stopped. There, behind the door, was her sword still in its scabbard with its blue jewelled hilt sticking out the top. She quickly grabbed one of her most prized possessions and tied its belt around her waist. Catching sight of her cloak she decided to take it with her, and swung it over her shoulders. Who knew what it might come in handy for? Just as she was ready to leave, the door of the cabin began to open. Ducking in behind it she cursed herself for leaving her dress in full view on the bed. Well, it was too late now. The first mate started to enter the room then stopped. He must have spotted the dress. 'Sound the alarm!' The door crashed closed as he ran out yelling for all to hear. From her position behind the door she could hear footsteps run down the hall and then the door opened again. Aliah was crushed against the wall as the first mate showed his bed to someone. 'She's only gone and blimmin stolen my clothes,' He complained to whoever he was showing her dress to. 'Well, you had best tell the captain,' the cook told him. 'Rather you than me.' He chuckled as he walked away. The door closed again and Aliah let her breath slowly out. What should she do now? They would surely be on the lookout for her. She had to try and get off the ship. She may not get another chance before they reached their final destination. Aliah made it back to the stairs with no further mishaps, and silently crawled back into position on the second to last tread listening to see what was now happening on deck. 'But, Captain, we should search for her now.' Near the opening the first mate was pleading with the captain. 'The men are busy loading and unloading cargo, Jenkins. That is where our real money is. We're not being paid enough for delivering her to make me change my mind on that. Besides, she can only get off the ship down a gangplank, and we can see it from here. There'll be plenty of time to stop her if she tries anything, and if she doesn't, then we can search for her when we're back at sea.' Turning away, the captain watched as his men winched another load of cargo up from the hold. 'And, Jenkins, get some men to move those.' He pointed to the barrels Aliah had been planning to use for cover. 'We need to have them gone to make room for what's below. I don't care if the fellow what paid for them is not ready to pick them up yet. I want to be off at the turn of the tide regardless,' The captain blustered. 'But, sir, if we unload them onto the docks they're bound to go missing. And the chap what bought them, he only paid us half up front. Can't see him paying up what's owed if he can't get his wine,' argued the first mate. 'Well... umm, send the boy, to guard them or, better still, to see if he can't find their owner hanging around the docks,' countered the captain. 'I've already sent him looking for that blasted girl, sir.' 'Of course you have. Can't wait 'til we be rid of her next stop. Well, you have your orders Jenkins, I've got to check in with the quartermaster. Only two candle-marks 'til the tide turns and I want to be off then. Cannot make any money waiting round here!' The captain strode off, but the first mate did not move away. He stood there mumbling about stolen clothes and grumping about not getting shore leave. Holding her breath she willed him to go about his business. In spite of her mental urgings he stood there for what seemed like an eternity muttering under his breath until, finally, he shouted, 'Hey, boy,' and his boots made a clipping sound on the deck as he walked away to do as the captain bid.

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